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Soloing with companion other than Doc?


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I've been using Doc exclusively since I got him, and have not had problems with any fights, I don't remember dying to anything other than sheer carelessness from then until now (level 41).


Just for a change of pace I thought I'd try Kira. I hadn't used her in a long time so I spent a ton of credits bringing all her equipment up to level, and then took her out.


5 minutes in I was trying to whiz by a group of trash mobs on my speeder and drew aggro. With Doc, no problem, it takes a couple of seconds to stand up but then it's the usual slaughterfest. But this time, with Kira, she was dead before I had fully realized she was even in danger, and I followed shortly thereafter.


Okay, fine, probably just need to make some adjustments to play style. But while I didn't die in the next hour, I was constantly getting whittled down to less than 25% health, and even on easy fights needed to rest afterwards to regain health. I didn't make it to a boss fight, but I can't imagine that it would have gone well.


Basically, I felt 3 or 4 times weaker with Kira (better outfitted than Doc) than I do with Doc.


Is this experience common, or am I doing something really wrong? If it is common, is there any other companion at any level between now and 50 that works as well as Doc?

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I've fought with Kira exclusively since I got her. I'm L48 now and just finished the Voss character quest line.


I end up with less than 50% health in a LOT of what would otherwise be "trivial" fights. BUT I continue to win. So that's good enough.


Yes, Doc is a stronger choice...but PvE is simple enough that it doesn't really matter.

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I've used Kira mostly as well. Set her up like a shadow tank and trade aggro through fights (force camo). With Zen burn healing up we both end with 75% or higher health on average. I'm almost level 45.


I only use Doc occasionally. Between his heals and my crit heals I leave fights at 98% or better. It's not even a challenge at that point. I can sip coffee with one hand and button mash with the other and still win.

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I use Kira exclusively. When using Doc, it just seems like it takes to long to kill things. I may end up the fight with more hp left but the fights just seem to drag out. With Kira and I banging away, we just blow through encounters.
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I haven't got Doc yet, but from everything I read he seems to essentially sap the challenge out of encounters because he just heals the crap out of you so fast. Can you solo with other companions? Probably, but I don't think any will run as smoothly with a super healer covering you.
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I've used Kira mostly as well. Set her up like a shadow tank and trade aggro through fights (force camo).


Could you elaborate? I didn't play in beta so all I really know anything about is Sentinel, so I'm not certain what you mean when you say you set her up as a shadow tank. I'm guessing you're referring to some gear selection choices?

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Could you elaborate? I didn't play in beta so all I really know anything about is Sentinel, so I'm not certain what you mean when you say you set her up as a shadow tank. I'm guessing you're referring to some gear selection choices?



Yeah, don't skimp on endurance when you're gearing her up. I've got Kira in a mix of orange/blue and a piece or two of purple gear, and she has as many HP as I do... and I have her equipped with defense and absorb stats. It works very well for me.


Basically, if you're putting out the kind of damage that this class is capable of (I'm watchman spec) you will pull aggro off of anyone. I pull off our well geared tanks. So send Kira in, wait a second or two so she can build threat, then jump in. This will often let you interrupt an NPCs channeled abilitiy as well. Then hack away, and when you pull aggro off Kira, force camo and let her pull back. Or just start popping defensive CDs and ride it out. And remember... don't push all your defensives at once, it doesn't do you much good. Hit rebuke and let it run out, then hit saber ward, etc. Chain them together.

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I've been using Doc exclusively since I got him, and have not had problems with any fights, I don't remember dying to anything other than sheer carelessness from then until now (level 41).


Just for a change of pace I thought I'd try Kira. I hadn't used her in a long time so I spent a ton of credits bringing all her equipment up to level, and then took her out.


5 minutes in I was trying to whiz by a group of trash mobs on my speeder and drew aggro. With Doc, no problem, it takes a couple of seconds to stand up but then it's the usual slaughterfest. But this time, with Kira, she was dead before I had fully realized she was even in danger, and I followed shortly thereafter.


Okay, fine, probably just need to make some adjustments to play style. But while I didn't die in the next hour, I was constantly getting whittled down to less than 25% health, and even on easy fights needed to rest afterwards to regain health. I didn't make it to a boss fight, but I can't imagine that it would have gone well.


Basically, I felt 3 or 4 times weaker with Kira (better outfitted than Doc) than I do with Doc.


Is this experience common, or am I doing something really wrong? If it is common, is there any other companion at any level between now and 50 that works as well as Doc?

Im just little higher level then you and had similar encounters but I learned a few things. I usually use kira still, unless im solo'ing heroic missions or champions then I will use Doc. I notice with Kira, she does good damage and it seems if she gets to jump in before you she will take threat and can die so fast. However if you go in first and take threat, I've had great success using her. She kills stuff so fast and you can easily mitigate the damage with proper cool-downs. But Doc does offer some nice options of having zero downtime, albeit a little slower killing things. It all averages out in the end, still you should be flying through pulls no problem.

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Is this experience common, or am I doing something really wrong? If it is common, is there any other companion at any level between now and 50 that works as well as Doc?


You're not the only one experiencing this, i rarely use Kira in battles, this is because i find Doc to be more usefull as he is able to heal me during and after battle, which makes me able to continue questing and never need to rest. If i use Kira i usually end on 25% health and need to rest for 10 sec before continuing, not to mention the times that i die using her.


I am quite sure that I am using Kira the wrong way, and also i have not upgraded her equipment as much as myself (Doc is still using his lvl 30 gear at the momment, I am 41 now).


If anyone knows how to change the way Kira is played/used in battle please enlighten us/me! How do you set the abillities she should use ect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose the question I have is, if I would rather not use Doc and say, go with Kira, am I better off being a Defense Guardian over any of the other Guardian/Sentinel spec options?


Edit: of course, I now see this is in the Sentinel forum (I search for threads through google), but I suppose it's still a viable question considering the thread.

Edited by kalonthar
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I suppose the question I have is, if I would rather not use Doc and say, go with Kira, am I better off being a Defense Guardian over any of the other Guardian/Sentinel spec options?


Edit: of course, I now see this is in the Sentinel forum (I search for threads through google), but I suppose it's still a viable question considering the thread.


If you're choosing to go with Kira, then yes, she's more suited to go with a tougher spec than most Sentinels - that doesn't mean you can't complete the story as a Sentinel running with her though.


There are lots of folks that chose to run with their Padawan exclusively and been able to take down the challenges ahead. With the exception of Doc, it seems like it's very important for all of your companions to stay geared...and even Doc is always going to benefit you both if you throw him a few bones.


If you gear Kira for Endurance/Willpower and keep her items up to date, the two of you kill things really quickly, and the game is still playable. Probably not as easy/fast as running with Doc for all the resting you're doing, but usually your DPS + Kira's is high enough to burn down most mobs.


I find I have to use cooldowns more often with Kira as well, which is why I prefer Doc. I like to have them up for tougher boss mobs and world pvp if need be.

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I've found that the experience varies by level. There were some levels shortly after I got Doc where I found it almost impossible to use Kira, and as I leveled beyond that when on occassion I would trot her her out, it was much much more difficult than with Doc. But starting mid to late 40s, and now doing dailies at 50, it's acutally faster for me with Kira than with Doc, both on trash groups and on elite bosses.
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