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Everything posted by Nitekiller

  1. Even though today's patch did not address this issue, corrosive grenade is now working.
  2. On my Operative, when I use corrosive grenade, no damage at all takes place. Anybody have any idea what is wrong?
  3. I am level 71 and have started the flashpoint Maelstrom Prison through the GF under the solo tab. However, the mobs are all level 36 and I am not being leveled down. Any ideas how to fix this?
  4. How do you purchase this character perk? There is no HK-51 character perk in the cartel shop.
  5. I understand now. However, the description is VERY poorly written. Thanks for the clear up though
  6. Let me try and make this more clear (forget that I purchased anything). 1) I log into my alt 2) I click the legacy tab 3) on the left hand side under global unlocks I click "other" 4) I scroll down to the HK-51 tab 5) It says UNLOCKED, available to all characters when unlocked. My question is, where is my HK-51 ? There does not seem to be any tab to summon him etc.
  7. After you click the setup the key option, it does NOT give you a code to enter. It ask for a code from a PHYSICAL key. How do we get the mobile security key to work ?
  8. Just to be clear, are you saying I have to do all of the HK-51 quests for each and every character I have? Whats the point of this unlock then? Just to unlock the quests? That does not make sense.
  9. I just paid 900 cc for the account wide unlock and I can't find or summon the HK-51 companion. It is unlocked in my legacy tab and on my main toon I already have done the missions and I have him as a companion. Its just that on all my alts I can't summon for find him. Please help.
  10. I am level 30 and when I accept the Alderaan bounty mission at my fleet it says level 30 as it should. However, the bounty is located in the middle of the level 40 area of Alderaan ! The Devs really need to fix this as this is such a big waste of time. I had to drop the mission because there is no way to fight past plus 10 level mobs
  11. When does he switch from guest to a regular companion? That is the question. Right now for me he is listed as a guest and I cannot do crew skills with him.
  12. The game does not make it clear how high your crafting skill needs to be to craft higher level gear. I am at 62/400 right now. Does your trainer automatically tell you to come to him when your high enough?
  13. So I have begun crafting (I am a level 35 JK) and I am able to craft up to a purple advanced Hilt 2. My question is how do you craft Hilts 3 or 4 or 5 etc.? I keep doing the gathering missions but nothing seems to be changing. Any ideas?
  14. I am already on Balmorra in chapter 2. I still don't have doc but he introduced himself in a cutscene and took off. I am assuming he will join me shortly?
  15. What level do you get doc? right now I am level 34.
  16. My lvl 14 Vanguard trooper has a manufactured deflector shield in his off-hand. How exactly does this work? Do I have to do something specific to activate it? Is this a passive power? The game gives no specific info on this off-hand power.
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