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The problem with mmo's in general...


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I've been playing mmo's for a few years now and one problem that I continue to see rear its ugly head is that there seems to be a significant percent of any given mmo's population that expects to play it like a single player game.


But the very definition of an mmo is: a massively multiplayer online game, there is no I in mmo...


Now this game is unique to me in that there actually is a bit of a single player option through your class story. If you want to play this game like a single player game that's as close as you can get. If you expected more single player content I'm sorry to tell you that I think you're playing the wrong game.


For the rest of us I'd like to share with you my personal etiquette guide when it comes to mmo gaming.


1.) New Players- We all come from different walks of life and we're all different people. Some of us are vets to this genre and some of us are brand new. Calling someone an idiot because they don't know the difference between cc and aoe isn't going to lead to better group cohesion. If someones a bad player don't expect them to get better by telling them they're a bad player. Make suggestions and be as helpful as you can. Sometimes we forget that there's a real person behind that seven foot tall red-skinned sith.


2.) Wipes- Don't quit a group because of a wipe. Don't lash out at your group mates because of a wipe. It's pathetic and you're only demonstrating a lack of patience and character. If it gets to the point where you think you can't handle it, respectfully ask to leave, and then go do something that calms you down.


3.) Loot- We all want it, we're all disappointed when we don't get it. Don't throw a fit because you missed out on a drop, it's not all about you, or me, its about everyone. Every dog gets his day as they say. Conversely, if you're rolling need on things that you really don't need (and by need I mean something that you can equip and use) then stop. There are other people who can use that gear alot better than you can. If you're short on cash there are guides on this forum that can help you, hell you could even ask the people in game, thats what general chat is for.


4.) Questing- This one really irks me for some reason. First of all if you see someone fighting a group of enemies next to a quest node that you need, don't think that its you're golden opportunity to run in and make a quick steal. This is beyond rude. If you don't feel like grouping with them, or they decline your invite, go find another node. If you're on the recieving end of this, ask them to join your group. If they refuse, go work on something else, just don't sink to their poor behavior, that only perpetuates the problem.


Secondly, if you're on a quest with someone and you happen to finish before them, don't say "thx for grp bi" and leave. Help them finish. Chances are you would hate to be on the receiving end of this, and even though you may feel that there are better uses of your time, like I said earlier this is an mmo, its as much a social experience as it is a gaming one.


Thats about all I'm willing to write in one go. These are just basic guidelines that I feel if everyone could follow would lead to a much better community. If you're like me and truly like to think of these types of games as an experience to be shared you may consider giving back to your fellow players. I usually try to do at least one low level instance every week to help others. This (unlike the above principles) shouldn't be expected. When kindness is expected it's not really kindness at all.


Thank you all

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I think it can all be boiled down to entitlement. People feel that the world and the game revolves around them. They throw a tantrum when they're faced with the fact that it is not.


Someone else gets loot, you see QQ threads. Some quest is too hard, you see QQ threads. Someone else has better gear, you see QQ threads. Someone died in PvP, you see QQ threads. The group wipes, you see QQ threads. Someone has a question, you see QQ threads. Things aren't done according to the player's arbitrary timeline, you see QQ threads. People who are better than me have no life, people who are worse are noobs.

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That's exactly what I mean. I'm not saying everyone is like this, and I know that expecting everyone to be polite and well-mannered is unrealistic, but all the same the player base needs to realize that just because we as individuals don't always get what we want, we can't just fly off the handle.


I think it may even be a bit of a societal problem actually. We're so used to speed, efficiency and expedience that whenever something slow us down we get mad at it. The lesson here is patience.

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1.) New Players- We all come from different walks of life and we're all different people. Some of us are vets to this genre and some of us are brand new. Calling someone an idiot because they don't know the difference between cc and aoe isn't going to lead to better group cohesion. If someones a bad player don't expect them to get better by telling them they're a bad player. Make suggestions and be as helpful as you can. Sometimes we forget that there's a real person behind that seven foot tall red-skinned sith.



I think this one especially... Because we were all there at some point...

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4.) Questing- This one really irks me for some reason. First of all if you see someone fighting a group of enemies next to a quest node that you need, don't think that its you're golden opportunity to run in and make a quick steal. This is beyond rude. If you don't feel like grouping with them, or they decline your invite, go find another node. If you're on the recieving end of this, ask them to join your group. If they refuse, go work on something else, just don't sink to their poor behavior, that only perpetuates the problem.

Oh, man... I hate that.


When I went to that factory full of rak'ghouls (chemical factory I guess?), some Jedi Shadow followed me around in stealth the entire time and stole just about every node I went after while I was fighting for it. I had no choice to do anything other than let him get them or give up on the quest I had walked to. I eventually waited until after a brutal fight, ran off with almost no health left, started a fight against some elites and just about the time he came out of stealth, I died along with Corso Riggs... And then the Shadow ended up getting stuck fighting them as he clicked on the node right as I died. He ended up being killed. He deserved it.


I hate people who steal nodes like that.

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I like to play these small group MMOs as an alternative.. I like having the freedom to log in and solo stuff for 15 minutes or duo a quest with a friend. I've played several MMOs and most are grind fests or require a large organized group to do anything. Spending an hour sitting on a titan with a 600 ship alpha fleet waiting for a bridge just to shoot at a station for a few hours at 3 fps isn't fun.
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I like to play these small group MMOs as an alternative.. I like having the freedom to log in and solo stuff for 15 minutes or duo a quest with a friend. I've played several MMOs and most are grind fests or require a large organized group to do anything. Spending an hour sitting on a titan with a 600 ship alpha fleet waiting for a bridge just to shoot at a station for a few hours at 3 fps isn't fun.


Man I completely agree with you... It's nice to sit back and enjoy your own story without having to wait 30 minutes for your group to get organized so you can finish this single dungeon/flash point.


But I do hope they add in some competitive "end game" content.

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I think some players play MMO's for the epeen factor of having better gear/titles/mounts than other players and then showing them off in town and feeling special. Other than that one minor aspect they treat MMOs like a single player game and then b**** nonstop about lack of content on the forums.
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Just a few thoughts from a person who has mostly solo'd his way thru just about every MMO for the last 13 years. FWIW, I've probably had this conversation with you group or go away people about 100 times, all with the same outcome, that being the usual Internet board outcome of no one learning anything or changing their minds from their hard coded opinions.


First off, there are things about MMOs you simply don't find anywhere else. They are unique in their size and depth, no single player game can ever come close. I like the no-save play style, having to commit and do or die. The sandbox/open ended play is also very appealing. MMOs are my preferred type of game.


Why do I solo a multi-user game? There are several reasons. First, my play time is generally very fractured. I have an active life outside the game and am frequently interrupted. Real life come first. I like being able to just find a quiet spot, get up from my computer and take care of whatever it is I need to do.


Given that, I try to live by the golden rule. One reason I don't like to group is that way too many people are have little to no consideration for their group mates. I've grouped with way too many people who will leave the rest of us standing while they spend 20 minutes doing who knows what. So, I never do that to my group mates if I can avoid it.


There is a reason why MMOs are designed to accomodate the casual player, because most of the subscribers are casual players. Get used to it, it's not going to change any time soon.

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4.) Questing- This one really irks me for some reason. First of all if you see someone fighting a group of enemies next to a quest node that you need, don't think that its you're golden opportunity to run in and make a quick steal. This is beyond rude. If you don't feel like grouping with them, or they decline your invite, go find another node. If you're on the recieving end of this, ask them to join your group. If they refuse, go work on something else, just don't sink to their poor behavior, that only perpetuates the problem.


I hate that so much. It makes me wish I could reach out and punch that player in the face really, really hard. It's actually one of the reasons I don't play MMOs very often. I can only tolerate other players rudeness in small doses.


I also hate it when players send me a group invite without whispering me first. It's very jarring to be fighting some mobs when suddenly a box just pops up on the screen blocking my view. Makes me curse silently every time.

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Given that, I try to live by the golden rule. One reason I don't like to group is that way too many people are have little to no consideration for their group mates. I've grouped with way too many people who will leave the rest of us standing while they spend 20 minutes doing who knows what. So, I never do that to my group mates if I can avoid it.


This is what I was trying to say. Of course there is a single player option to mmo's and especially in this one. What I was trying to establish is that people need to be more considerate of their fellow players when they are in a group or doing group content, and in general too.


One of the reasons why you solo is to avoid poor group mates, I've done the same thing several times as well. But we shouldn't be afraid to group with someone because we may think they'll end up lacking in character or manners. In a perfect world we wouldn't have to, in a better world we may encounter this issue less often.

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