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Does anyone else enjoy Space Combat?


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I really do like space combat a lot- it's simple, and fun. Not to mention if you do all the daily missions you get a lot of XP, plus commendations which I assume are used to gear up your ship. It reminds me a lot of Rogue Squadron, in some ways.


As one of the previous posters mentioned, I would like to see some cooperative aspect in the future where there are heroic missions and such that require a group. Space PvP would be cool but idk how that would really work.

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I love the space combat, and the potential it has for larger scale PVP is undeniable. Picture it, guild capital ships and guild based fighters racing towards one another? The implementation for something of that grand a scale would probably take a while to configure, but...the eyes turn to stars just thinking of it. In the meantime, I will do "that spinning" thing and fight for the greater glory that is the Empire.
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At first I hated it. Then I realized that I hadn't upgraded my ship parts. Just using the ones available from the vendor made it much more fun. Now I start my day with 2-3 of my characters doing Space Combat for fun, xp and money.
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I do at least the first 3 space combat missions on my two characters each day. I really enjoy them. The change of pace is great and I really like the mechanics of those battles. Escort, bring down certain fighters, destroy specific stuff on a space station. I tried the next one, but it seemed to just be a dodge boulders one, and that really didn't appeal to me. But, even with that said, I like space combat and the credits and XP you can get from them also.


Anyone else enjoy space combat?




I love the space combat. Wish there were more missions though but I really do enjoy it.

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I love it!


I hit level 23 last night, went to my starship to see if I had any new Space Missions, but there was none. I was sad.


I hit level 24 last night, went to my starship to see if I had any new Space Missions, but there was none. I was sad.




It is a great mini-game and a nice break from the normal grind. Not to mention, it's good XP!

Keep more coming Bioware, it's a nice touch!

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I realize I may be in a minority but I really enjoy the current version of space combat and heavily prefer it to a flight sim. Its a mini-game and a fun one for me. It'd be nice if they did more with it in the future, took the game off of the rails etc but it is something I've enjoyed quite a bit already.
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Hate it. If I wanted to play a railshooter I would boot up my N64 and play starfox. However I did not get this game for its space combat.


You do realize that the main focus of this game isn't Space Combat, right? It's a mini-game. Sorry to hear you don't enjoy it, but haters gonna hate, right?

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You do realize that the main focus of this game isn't Space Combat, right? It's a mini-game. Sorry to hear you don't enjoy it, but haters gonna hate, right?


which is why I said I didn't buy the game for the space combat. I love this game....just not the space combat. If they take it off the rails in the future, I'll play it, but for now I won't and thats fine.

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I'm clearly in the minority, but the space combat (while it has potential) is a step in sooo many wrong directions.


A shooter on rails? Please, it's not even in the least bit challenging or interesting. It can be sort of fun as an arcade machine, but not to represent what space combat is in the Star Wars Universe. If we mix this with something from the X-Wing or Tie-Fighter games so that we have to do something moderately more intereseting than deciding wether or not to press the left or the right mouse button that would be great :)


Gah. I sound whiny. Dinner is comming and then I'll be in a better mood.


What would make this great would be



  • Free flight. Let us pilot the ship and controll it completely.
  • Let us manage ship recources. Let us choose whether to put the energy into guns, engines, or shields.
  • Much less arcady. Let us target enemies, fly after them, attack them, make it more dogfighty.
  • Keep the capships large and intimidating and let us target their different components (expand on what's in there now)
  • Let other people man the turrets of our ships. Let them have the on-rails experience and I'll be happy to line you up for those strafing runs.
  • PvP and PvE naturally.
  • Let us customize exterior and interiror of the ship
  • Expand crafting components for the ships -- make it more like a second character. Let some people craft weapons, others armour, others mods. In fact. Let everyone choose a second crafting skill as long as it is for ships :).


Now. The game can still have the camera from behind if desired. Especially for people manning turrets this can maybe make things more interesting.


I love space combat. It's an inherent part of the Star Wars Universe. I'm just soooo affraid that this on rails shooter is what they will expand on in stead of putting something solid and interesting in there.

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I have said it throughout near 6 months of beta testing...


I would rather have an outstanding side scrolling shooter like we have than a subpar open space sim like SWG had...if I want outstanding space combat I would play EvE, a game built around it because THAT is what you need to do space combat correctly.


TOR is Outstanding shooter + great ground game = great game.


SWG was Poor space combat + average ground game = average game.


Eve was perfect space combat with no ground game = great space game.


Wanting Eve space combat with TORs ground game is asking for way too much outside of a massive expansion and Bioware bringing in people that know how to program a space sim like from Egosoft (makers of the X series)

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I have said it throughout near 6 months of beta testing...


I would rather have an outstanding side scrolling shooter like we have than a subpar open space sim like SWG had...if I want outstanding space combat I would play EvE, a game built around it because THAT is what you need to do space combat correctly.


TOR is Outstanding shooter + great ground game = great game.


SWG was Poor space combat + average ground game = average game.


Eve was perfect space combat with no ground game = great space game.


Wanting Eve space combat with TORs ground game is asking for way too much outside of a massive expansion and Bioware bringing in people that know how to program a space sim like from Egosoft (makers of the X series)


Naturally we would want something great, but what we have no is a very poor shooter. Shooter on rails is poor by definition (my very subjective opinion of course). We will most likely never agree on this, but this has sooo much potential. It can still be action packed, it can still be great, but a spaceship on rails is just wrong and not very enjoyable (again, my very subjective opinion).

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