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How about that customer service?


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Anyone else finding it nice that they close out your tickets without a reply other than the automated one?


Ever since December 15th I have been suffering from a broken General chat, I have filed 3 tickets on it and each one was closed within moments of opening it without a reply. I have filed a 4th that is still open. I assume that one too will be closed without a reply when I get home from work this evening.


Out of the 7 tickets I have filed 4 were for a broken chat without resolve. 3 were for bugged out quests. 1 Ticket was replied to with "Known Issue" and closed ticket. The other two bug tickets were closed without reply.

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Customer Service?


I was unaware this game had customer service. I had an issue with my account and filed a ticket. I was sent a reply about 5 hours later that they couldn't handle my issue through these channels and I would have to call them by phone, they listed a number.


I called the number only to be told that due to high call volumes they can't take my call, please try back later. TRY BACK LATER? Really? This is the best you have. Even UO back in 1997 had a call center that would handle your call. Sure you might be on hold for an hour and half and I was prepared to wait that long, but you don't even have that. Sad, sad, sad.


So I tried back later for 2 days, and got the same old message. So I submitted another ticket, got the same response, submitted another one, got the same response. Finally after submitting 21 tickets they fixed my account 2 days later.


Ya its pretty bad.

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CS is non existent, the Ilum dailies quest for BH's has been broken for alot of people when you finish your class quest and goto talk to the droid for first strike it just sits there and the droid never talks back to you. In short you cant do Ilum dailies.


People have been msging about this since dec 24thish time to today and still I have yet to find a response about it :(

Edited by -Xzal-
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I called the phone number and actually got a live person within just a few minutes. Unfortunately, the woman in India I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about. She suggested I send an email, so I did. That was last week. Still nothing but the automated reply.


Luckily I found a solution to my problem elsewhere.



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Ahhh good old UO, now they did have great customer service. Heck even the player base there was off the carts!




What? BH missions borked? Is this SWTOR or SWG2? ((I only say that as BH in SWG had broken missions from launch that were never fixed even after thousands of protests and complaints and reports and forum postings it was just never looked into or even cared for... let's hope BW begins to CARE sooner rather than later.))


Yes it's still 'launch' so bugs are expected, but the total lack of customer service is something that should never EVER be over looked. At all!

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Yes it's still 'launch' so bugs are expected, but the total lack of customer service is something that should never EVER be over looked. At all!


As a support manager I'd be rather amazed if people were not fired for neglecting their support responsibilities. I don't know their SOP or policies but I'd wager they are still obligated to respond to customers.


You never tell a customer, sorry I can't help you. You always find them a answer. Cannot, can't, and sorry should never be said.


In my area, it's sink or swim. Can't or don't want to do your job then pack your trash and move on.

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I'm the face for one company in a corporation that is the vast of the city I live in. If I told my customers scratch that neglected my customers the way BioWare/EA's customer service reps are doing now. I'd lose my job, along with my entire staff. This is the fastest way to ruin a companies reputation.
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They did not help me when the game lost me 5000 credits. I posted them to an alt and they were lost in the mail.


I received an automated reply via email, saying that they can only refund deleted items three times in a 6 months period or something very close to that. This was NOT deleted, it was lost in the mail. I did not spell the characters name wrong I was explictedly careful and stated the exact time of transaction to them in my ticket. Ticket feature is really almost like a fake option, there to give the player the illusion that they are getting customer service for their subscription. Or am I wrong?


They did not read my ticket, cause it was an automated reply and was not even on topic about my problem.


They don't provide server forums. In the EU the maintenance window is right though the day. I mean customer service here seems to be a hoax.

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A "we got your bug report" reply is not necessarily wrong. It is usually sent when they have no immediate resolution to offer.


I had a guildie who couldn't talk in gchat at all on any character he made for several days, then it magically resolved itself. We don't know why. o.o I am sure there is some sort of cache folder clearing method available with this game that you could try, praps on the tech support forums? Or the bug forum, if there is one. General chat isn't really the appropriate forum to seek help.


Things being lost in the mail was a known issue. I think it unrealistic to expect them to compensate people for it. Sorry. =/

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That's the issue I have, only one character though. No GChat at all. Works just fine on my alt's but not my main. All settings are the same, still no General Chat. Makes finding a group for Flashpoints or Heroics pointless. I'm finding I have to skip them all together.
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That's the issue I have, only one character though. No GChat at all. Works just fine on my alt's but not my main. All settings are the same, still no General Chat. Makes finding a group for Flashpoints or Heroics pointless. I'm finding I have to skip them all together.


I wish forum search was working. >:[ Because I am nice (and a cs rep by nature and career) I will try to locate a solution for you. xD

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Also read somewhere that making a new character and having it invited to the guild fixed it for the broken character.


Come to think of it, my guildie's issue may have been resolved after we invited a new alt of his to the guild. Try that first! :D

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They did not help me when the game lost me 5000 credits. I posted them to an alt and they were lost in the mail.


I received an automated reply via email, saying that they can only refund deleted items three times in a 6 months period or something very close to that. This was NOT deleted, it was lost in the mail. I did not spell the characters name wrong I was explictedly careful and stated the exact time of transaction to them in my ticket. Ticket feature is really almost like a fake option, there to give the player the illusion that they are getting customer service for their subscription. Or am I wrong?


They did not read my ticket, cause it was an automated reply and was not even on topic about my problem.


They don't provide server forums. In the EU the maintenance window is right though the day. I mean customer service here seems to be a hoax.


You lost 5k credits by sending it to an alt but never recieved it? I lost a 100k credits to an alt with some purple gear to my alt and I never recieved the mail. And yes I spelled it correctly and it has been more than 60 mins ago. It's been days ago but BW knows this is an issue. They closed my tickets with the auto droid massage that forwarded to the right 'department'. If there is no sollution then don't close tickets! It will not suprise me if I will ever see the credits and items back. This is not a customer support. BW fails hard here!

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