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Compromise between hatred and love of SWTOR


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So I actually like this game, but no it's not perfect far from. I've browsed these forums a lot and there does seem to be a disconnect in the community between the I hate this game people and the I love this game people. I would hope that there would be more people that can see over that fence but alas it's rarely the case. I am a gamer who has played MMOs for over 10 years and RPGs for as long as I can remember. When playing games like Bethesda's Oblivion I would repeatedly think to myself I wish I could play this as an MMO but Bethesda and most developers who focus on RPGs have said they just don't want to do it, it's too hard to create that kind of game and allow what the MMO players want. While playing games like WoW, AOC and the like I kept wishing I gave a crap about my character, the NPCs, WHY I was killing a boss besides for pretty showoffable pixels.


Bioware is trying to combine the two genres into a proper MMO-RPG, (You may note above I did not classify the MMOs as RPGs because the RP aspect was so severely lacking) I think that Bioware should be commended for trying even if they aren't doing everything perfectly as of yet or maybe ever. I never played FF because I was never a huge fan of their games but as far as I am aware that is the only other game to try to really blend the two.


I would love to see a lot of the things that people on these forums are pointing out like combat logs (Oh please give me a combat log) threat meters, more/better flashpoints and more satisfying PvP but I do not feel it's fair to condemn the game so early for not having some of these things (combat log should have been out at launch imo) it takes time for a company to see what is working and what is not working; or what is needed to be added to a game.


So while I'm sure I'll be flamed the people who hate the game because of the lack of satifying endgame right now play to whatever enjoyment you can get and cancel your sub. If you want to try the game again when Bioware has responded to some of the requests of the community maybe you will come into a game that is more to your liking. If you are one of the people who is angry because there is too much time wasted in cut-scenes and RP then this game will probably never be for you, but at least you know that now.


It is not possible to make everyone happy. I for one am happy that someone has finally put in effort to give the gaming community a proper MMORPG and that I can progress a character I actually care about while being able to enjoy (mostly haha) the mmo community that is doing the same.


We all want a game that we enjoy and look forward to playing, I am sorry that there are so many that do not enjoy it but there are plenty of us that do as well because we have faith that Bioware will fix the issues that are being brought to them.


Patience is a virtue.


The end of rant.

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I think everyone has the same opinion, the game has vital flaws..


Just some people are ready to accept them and be patient for the game to progress and others just cant be arsed and want to go back to wow.


Im waiting for the game to progress, although my concerns are increasing about the game, since there are a lot of people loosing patience with the game meaning that there will be a declining player-base which is never good.

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People just let the extremes get the better of them. I think if the "I love this game" people were honest they wouldn't mind seeing some improvements made, but they would feel like they're giving ground in "the epic struggle against the haters".


I think the "haters" would split into two groups. Those who actually like another game better and just go play it, and those that feel this game is still the best value out there but could use some improvements.


The real sad thing is that plenty of us really like what they've got going here but would like to see improvements, but since every topic is addressed as though it were a line in the sand instead of discussing a tweak to a great game that could make it even better we spend too much time bickering.

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Actually I think his point is that regardless we all need to wait a bit to see what the game becomes before we just go fully one way or the other.


There is only ONE problem. People are all out of "wait" because it was successfully drained from their essence over the course of many years of too much gaming. They're burnt out and thus argue for self-similarity across the board so they don't have to "wait" for anything to grow and develops any more. ‘Give it to them now; and give it to them perfect or, they will rage.'

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There is a very logical compromise: go play another game if unsatisfied. None of us have legal contracts binding us to this/or any game.


Why be unhappy? Life is short...adapt.


Actually I have a 1 year agreement with WoW >.<

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There is only ONE problem. People are all out of "wait" because it was successfully drained from their essence over the course of many years of too much gaming. They're burnt out and thus argue for self-similarity across the board so they don't have to "wait" for anything to grow and develops any more. ‘Give it to them now; and give it to them perfect or, they will rage.'


Sadly this is true, some of us aren't but it's not a great market to launch a game in. Those of us that aren't impatient babies can just hope it doesn't destroy the game.

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Actually I think his point is that regardless we all need to wait a bit to see what the game becomes before we just go fully one way or the other.


"People just let the extremes get the better of them. I think if the "I love this game" people were honest they wouldn't mind seeing some improvements made, but they would feel like they're giving ground in "the epic struggle against the haters".


I think the "haters" would split into two groups. Those who actually like another game better and just go play it, and those that feel this game is still the best value out there but could use some improvements.


The real sad thing is that plenty of us really like what they've got going here but would like to see improvements, but since every topic is addressed as though it were a line in the sand instead of discussing a tweak to a great game that could make it even better we spend too much time bickering."



and yes give them time putting a real RPG aspect into a satisfying MMO cannot be easy.

Edited by Naamu
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