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Know your enemy: Crowd Control Abilities & Ability Mirrors


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Just so you know some of the abilities you've listed as stuns won't work on players.


Unless something's changed from when I played the beta.


We already covered that bit of info in notes section :)

List does not filter out standard & weak difficulty only CC's. That means not all of the CC's will work for PvP, given that enemy players are considered strong in difficulty. Check ability tooltips to see which ones work.


Though we'll be adding a field there to mark if it'll work for enemy players.

Edited by raistlinthewiz
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We already covered that bit of info in notes section :)



Though we'll be adding a field there to mark if it'll work for enemy players.


That would be best, first glance it looks like a lot of CC abilities would work on player that don't, it's in the notes section but really who reads that ;)

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Great list!


So for me it seems like that the Scoundrel and The Trooper (cant remember advanced class name) are the CC in a party ?


They where the only ones with a 60s mez.


All of the rest if pointless stuns (good for pvp, useless for PVE imo).

Most stuns doesn't even last longer than global cool down and re target making the cast utterly useless.

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So for me it seems like that the Scoundrel and The Trooper (cant remember advanced class name) are the CC in a party ?


They where the only ones with a 60s mez.

disclaimer: gathered from the net. no first hand information so some might be wrong.


Shadow / Assassin = Mind Maze, Mind Trap. 60 sec mez from stealth that only work on targets not in combat and not droids (think wow-rogue sap). instant cast. only potential tank class that got a 60 sec mez.

Sage / Sorcer = Force Lift, Whirlwind. 60 sec mez. 2 sec cast. work on all. instant if you got the right talent? all three medic ac have a mez.

Sentinel / Marauder = Disable Droid. 60 sec mez that only work on droids. 1.5 sec cast. only pure dps that have a 60 sec mez.

Scoundrel / Operative = Tranquilizer, Sleep Dart. 60 sec mez that does not work on droids. have to be used from stealth. instant cast. all three medic ac have a mez but this one does not work on all and not while target is in combat (again, think wow-rogue sap).

Commando / Mercenary = Conussive Round. 60 sec mez that work on all. 2 sec cast. all three medic ac have a mez.


or to turn it around. only ac that doesnt have 60 sec mez are vanguard, gunslinger and guardian (and their sith counterparts).



id say sage and commando have most potent pve cc in swtor...? then again, a stealth party of scoundrel healer, shadow tank plus some random scoundrel/shadow dps can initiate combat by cc 4 non droid targets (and use "vanish" to reset if needed).


(and 60 sec mez only last for a few seconds in pvp... 8?)

Edited by Xenon-se
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