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Starting to be a bit concerned, is this game TOO casual?


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Yes SWTOR is WAAAY too casual. There are no decisions to be made with regards to character development in either gameplay terms or story terms. Combat for me pretty much = 1 combo for standard mob, 1 combo for grouped silvers, and 1 combo for elites with maybe a variation if I start to lose. Its WAY to simplistic to hold my sub past the first month and im finding it difficult to keep playing now in the face of so many great games out there.


Cool story brah, tell me again. This time don't leave anything out.


On a more serious note, I hope you enjoy going back to WoW then. You won't be missed here, and nothing of value will be lost, don't let the door hit you on the butt etc etc. You get the point.


everything seems to be a bit " too casual "..

Assuming you are rank 50valor, because let's be honest you will say you are anyway. Are you finding the PvP to be a bit too casual also?

Edited by Tenetke
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Good god Taral V isn't even a raid and it's needlessly hard. My group was almost 10 levels higher than they should be and we still wipe constantly.


Im sorry to be harsh but how bad at a game can you be? me and my 2 freinds were 5 levels above it and 3 manned it... the instance is a joke :S

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I read elsewhere all hardmode raid bosses where already down after 2 weeks.


I wonder, why do you think that because one or two Ops groups have managed to do this, they are somehow easy and the game is devalued because of it?


I see the same thing on the MMO-champ forums regarding hard modes in WoW. Bunches of players who have never even come close to a hard mode complaining that there is now nothing to do just because some elite guild cleared them all 2 weeks after a content patch.


It boggles my mind.

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Cool story brah, tell me again. This time don't leave anything out.


On a more serious note, I hope you enjoy going back to WoW then. You won't be missed here, and nothing of value will be lost, don't let the door hit you on the butt etc etc. You get the point.


Really ? Thats your argument?


I didn't play WOW mate, and I'll go where I please, didn't realize you owned these forums.

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Death penalties and difficulty aren't the same thing. EQ wasn't really that difficult, but dying hurt... a LOT.


There are tough fights in SWTOR, but dying doesn't really mean anything.


There really weren't many difficult fights in EQ (you could always bring more people along), but dying was punishing.


If there had been fights in EQ where you were forced to only take a group of four people, the fight was on the order of difficulty you see in SWTOR heroic 4 quests, and you lost half a level of xp when you died... You'd lose your mind.


I don't mind an xp death penalty if I have a resonable chance of avoiding death by playing smart (ala EQ) and I don't mind battles that are overwhelmingly difficult if dying is negligible... but let's not mix the two, or confuse one with the other.


By failure I didn't mean simply dying. Failing to create a good group, failing to gear properly, failing to use the right tactics...etc made those older games much much more difficult.

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It seems that all ToR has to offer, AGAIN, is a loot chase MMO. What is it about loot anyway?

Its like we're all Barbie-dress up fanatics.

I'm disappointed that I don't have anything else to look forward to in this game. Hit 50 and scrounge groups for what? A new belt with +2 better stats and some shiney new graphic.


Is this the best talented minds in the gaming industry can come up with? Talent? I don't think so..copy-cat? Yep, all the way through.


Getting tired of the same old same old with MMO's. Once the "Oooo, its Star Wars" fades off, what's left? Aliens instead of elves...mumbling short aliens instead of dwarves, and the never ending, "I just need one more piece of gear"......OCD play-style...


Why even buy the game? God thats like me buying a sports game that I dont even like.

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Im sorry to be harsh but how bad at a game can you be? me and my 2 freinds were 5 levels above it and 3 manned it... the instance is a joke :S


Wait is this sarcasm? I'm kind of bad at picking it up on here.


If it is, you have an excellent point. If it isnt..........someone send a memo to god that hell has frozen over.

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Im sorry to be harsh but how bad at a game can you be? me and my 2 freinds were 5 levels above it and 3 manned it... the instance is a joke :S


Were we playing the same flashpoint here? The bonus boss and the final boss are needlessly difficult. We had a working system for the final boss (drag him upstairs to the top platform, thus grouping the adds together for AoE.) but our healer was very underlevelled compared to the rest of us and we suffered for it.

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And WoW raids are cleared as soon as they're released.


WoW is too casual as well according to your logic.


It is. Hence why i came here hoping for a " little more " then the casual antics going on over there at blizz HQ.


Im a star wars fan first and foremost, but being a gamer for over 2 decades, easy games just dont interest me anymore, the only fun i can derive from gaming is when theres challenges that i like to overcome with all my gaming knowledge ive accumilated over 25 years worth of playing computer games..

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Really ? Thats your argument?


I didn't play WOW mate, and I'll go where I please, didn't realize you owned these forums.


Hmmm, why would a person stay if they were so unhappy and unfulfilled. OH, getting paid will do that to a person I suppose. Maybe you are a masochist? Neither of those, well I suppose that just leaves being a fanboy if another game and wanting to spread stuff here. I don't know, whats your reason?

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All my gear is min/maxed to my lvl with the best mods i can craft and buy.My companions are all in orange gear with min/maxed with power and crit.


I still havnt found anything to give me an actual challenge yet, even in flashpoints where u get that one guy that just doesnt have a clue, you can always make up for his mistakes and still win without breaking a sweat.Dont get me wrong, the ease of gameplay is quite a change from hectic button mashing, im really liking it..but...


This game IS NOT hard. If they nerf the content then im afraid they are only signing their own death warrant. This games casual/easy enough as it is.


Yeah...so...most players still complain about getting 48,000 credits together by level 25 to get their speeder. I highly doubt the way you are geared is anything close to common, which does make things harder for people.

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It happened the day the HC players e-peen started to shrink.


Catering to a part of the playerbase that makes up a very low % of the population is a bad business model.


Just look at WoW's implementation of the Raid Finder. It's far more economical to develop content that ALL of the playerbaser can use, than content that the top 5% will destroy in 3 weeks.

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O.k. just so you know the OP is going to have no idea what you are talking about. CHances are they haven't done a single heroic except for maybe the starter one on their home world.


Second yeah I don't think many people get that doing most of the heroics at the appropriate level is far harder than a flashpoint of the same level. I like the heroics, they can be really hard.'


*warning, incoming "but I've done them all herp derp, and they were easy. Now let me youtube it so I can give you details lol". Just calling it ahead of time.




*HOLY #$%^ who called it right on the next post. I'm going to go bet the lottery next.


If your a horribly gamer, then its all on you. I did everyhting at the appropriate level, it wasnt hard......

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Hmmm, why would a person stay if they were so unhappy and unfulfilled. OH, getting paid will do that to a person I suppose. Maybe you are a masochist? Neither of those, well I suppose that just leaves being a fanboy if another game and wanting to spread stuff here. I don't know, whats your reason?


At least I don't feel forced by some uncontrollable urge to defend some other blokes IP? I paid for this game, I have been playing it in the hope that it delivers what I was told it would, I am as entitled to my opinion on this game as you are.


I think you are a little insecure buddy, BIOWARE doesn't need you to defend it. I was agreeing with the OP as is my right. What are YOU trying to achieve by being so hostile to opinions counter your own?


At the end of the day if everyone was a Yes Man like you, nothing would ever improve and we would all be still playing pacman claiming it was the "best game evarrrrrr!"

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Cool story brah, tell me again. This time don't leave anything out.


On a more serious note, I hope you enjoy going back to WoW then. You won't be missed here, and nothing of value will be lost, don't let the door hit you on the butt etc etc. You get the point.



Assuming you are rank 50valor, because let's be honest you will say you are anyway. Are you finding the PvP to be a bit too casual also?


Pvp is ****, i never pvp in mmos, i just dont like the 20 on 20 bs crap. Duels ill have, they are fair, but warzones, you can keep them...


My pvp comes in the form of modern warfare , where actual skill is needed ...

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It might be too casual for some. Players who play non-stop and play their character well can chew though this content faster because it's not designed to be redundant.


Basically, if you're looking for a grind I wouldn't recommend this game to you, because I haven't found it yet. If you're looking for challenging content (both in class story and in group content) you can enjoy and then move on to the next challenge this game may be the best you've played in a long time.


I've loved having major character progression points that, when I do them roughly at level, I have to use all my survival cooldowns and have my rotation down. There's enough stuff available that you can outlevel it if you aren't capable of doing them at level and you can always bring in friends, but I like the feel of having to squeeze the most out of my character.


I did a 4 person quest on Taris with a group at level (the Locust one) and most of the larger groups required us to use CC to prevent our tank from being bursted down in the first few seconds by their full auto like ability. We marked up groups and discussed what happened when we wiped on a low level group quest.


Overall, this game is perfect for me because I want to be challenged and have a great MMO experience, but don't like wasting 80% of my time doing things I've already done.

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And WoW raids are cleared as soon as they're released.


WoW is too casual as well according to your logic.


Yes WoW is reasonably casual. My favourite MMO was Everquest and origional Ultima Online. A wipe in EQ in a raid could mean hours of corpse recovery, with all your hard earned gear laying on a corpse you cant reach! It felt exciting it felt dangerous. So yes WoW is and always was a casual MMO.



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Casual is pretty much better.


Take your favorite things and put the world casual in front of it.


Yeah... I'm thinking the same thing you are.


Yeah baby!!!! You're thinking what I'm thinking... Casual Dining. Right? That's what you were thinking right?

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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


It's becoming an actual problem. Maybe people level 40+ are mostly expert MMO players who flatten the content easily.


Unless you have some sort of unknown magic attacks or are substantially over-leveled, certain single-player content will roll you harder than any single-player RPG content in recent memory.


The game's going to get nerfed in a few months, I assume, at which point you could probably complain about casual-friendly gaming.


Oh please tell me this is a joke. Heroic 4's on tatooine and Alderaan are 2 mannable(with 2 companions), and you don't even need to be properly specc'd to heal or tank the mobs.

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When Blizzard made WoW. They absolute mandate was the game was designed for the casual player. Including the 10 minute casual player.


The fact that your posting about this game being to Casual compared to games like WoW. Only says that your a WoW hardcore; which is already a casual game. You want something NOT designed for casual. Go play Vanguard or the original Ever Quest. Then go play WoW. you will find everything has the easy switch on.


As for ToR. It's pretty standard difficulty mostly. The Heroic areas and World bosses are great though. If you do them at the right levels rather than overpowering them.

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There's a difference between those who are bored and those who want to relax. Bored people tend to want a challenge.


Some mobs and other parts of the game might need some rebalancing, however, this game is pretty easy. There's more casual players then hardcores, and SWTOR was meant attract a very big playerbase.


Again, yea, compared to any other MMO - this game is pretty casual. There's many that agree and want the game to be relaxing. And it is.


I'm just curious why some casual players are getting offended when others claim this game is casual. Is SWTOR still too hard for some people? lol

Edited by Steeln
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