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What exactly is new or innovative about this game?


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To me it seems like a WoW clone in a shiny Star Wars suit. It does nothing new or innovative for either the MMO or RPG market and feels rushed and incomplete, no doubt because the direct earthly equivalent of the Sith Empire, EA, wanted it for Xmas release. Honestly, I don't see what this game brings to the MMO table.


Its even missing key features that most think are staples in MMO's these days, such as; PvP, Mods, combat log, social interaction, I'm sure you could list your own grievances. But I guess that's fine because its OK to leave out all these things because the massive IP star wars will bring in a lot of people not used to playing MMO's, so they won't notice or complain. Less coding MOAR voice acting!


B, b, buut it's only just been released, WoW had problems on release! (right?)


Sure! WoW had a great deal of bugs and whatnot on release, but even so, people could see that this was a game that was refreshing and ground breaking for the time. What Blizzard did is take the EQ2 formula, refine it, and create a world and game that's been industry defining. It wasn't the first MMO at all, it just seems like it because when it was released the competition was crushed under its innovation and quality. DaoC/EQ1/2 (2001, 1999, 2004) looked centuries old in comparison to (2004) WoW. Unfortunately, (2011, nearly 12) SWTOR doesn't have **** on old (2004) WoW.


They could probably even get away with it too, create a WoW clone in space and add all the things that keep WoW successful these days (competitive PvP being a big one), but its like they decided to copy 99% of the game and leave out the best parts with nothing in return! That isn't "a breath of fresh air" that's like an old fart, its a step back for MMO's, and I for one, won't be fooled by this game. Arenanet are the only hope for a kick to the MMO genre, and thankfully, its looking hopeful so far.

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You've been space-barring through voice-overs I bet.


Even with the voice-overs this game contains nothing revolutionary.


This is not a bad thing. It has taken stuff from WoW and from KOTOR and Mass Effect and combined them. Everything you find here you will find in other game. On its own this is not at all a bad thing. I for one love the VO. A game doesn't have to be revolutionary (hardly any games are) to be good.


As for the bugs.... I will never defend companies that release buggy software. But the current bugs do not hamper my game.... when i get around to end-game that might change, but that will be a while. I'm leveling slowly with friends at the moment. We've played since christmas and we are around level 17 at the moment.

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Story: a finite, static, linear system


MMO: an open, dynamic, infinite system


Bioware: hurr lets make a game that's inherently contradictory




Isn't the fantastic thing though how well it works? I'm having a blast. So I completely agree with you.



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Story: a finite, static, linear system


MMO: an open, dynamic, infinite system


Bioware: hurr lets make a game that's inherently contradictory




Oh yeah, that straightforward linear leveling pattern that every single MMO including EvE online has is so damn dynamic and infinite.


MMOs are actually more restrictive than single player games, not less. There will never be a multiplayer game with the openness of Elite or Skyrim or even Freespace 2. Ever.

Edited by Bakarn
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I seem to also remember a large amount of quality voice acting in DC:UO, not fully voiced, but at least I didn't hear the same Alien Gibberish for 10 levels or the same guy voicing 2 characters in the same damn quest.
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To be honest nothing in this game is new or innovative but on the other hand the whole product is quite enjoyable. At least for me and for my buddies. Hopefully, our enthusiasm will last for a long long time but it is only a kind of a pr thing when they say the game has lifted mmos to a new lvl.
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Your post is as unoriginal as SWTOR OP


So there you have it, now you understand how people can just do the same thing that other people have done. I bet it sure seemed like a good idea to make this post, but in retrospect you were better off thinking a bit harder about your post rather than complaining. In this effect you may have brought something constructive to the table which could actually be useful and innovative.


Instead we have another one of these posts.

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Unique class stories... Wow. That's all you can come up with? Quests may need a makeover, but fully voiced is not the way to go in an MMO, clearly. All it does is create this weird singleplayer RPG/MMO hybrid where you see a total of 3 people while levelling all because you were busy sitting through some terrible voice acting that sounds like the beginning of a **** movie everytime. Look at GW2's method of questing for a genuine makeover.


I did and it's a load of crap. If you want GW2 go play...oh wait.

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SWTOR is as innovative as the topic of this thread...


In all seriousness, I don't know what people were expecting, we've known about the content in this game for some time. I think people just need to do more research before buying a game.

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..What did wow bring that was new or innovative?


Counter Strike players.

No seriously, it was all they ever went on about when it was released.


That's where the community came from.

It's when the whole genre went were it is today.

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Oh yeah, that straightforward linear leveling pattern that every single MMO including EvE online has is so damn dynamic and infinite.


MMOs are actually more restrictive than single player games, not less. There will never be a multiplayer game with the openness of Elite or Skyrim or even Freespace 2. Ever.


even though you make a somewhat agreeable point, you can't really put EvE in there even as a throw in comment, its just NOT the same. its far beyond linear, its more timescaled, and again only 50% linear to how you need to prerequisite skills tog et some other skills, along with having THE most open world .....ever..., throw a different name and it might make your point more valid.

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..What did wow bring that was new or innovative?


Read my previous post, it improved upon questing as a means to leveling, and it also did things like making spells/abilities easy to get from npcs and other instantly gratifying features that everquest in particular before didn't do. You had to find, buy, or craft each new spell when it became available.

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