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The most facepalm moment ever


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At level 27 I just figured out that there's a second tab for your class trainer where you can learn your advance class skills. I'd gone 17 levels since I picked my advance class without having any advance class abilites apart from ones learned through the talent trees. I felt like such an idiot when I found this out.


Anyone else had any facepalm moments in the game so far?

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Isn't it nice to have an instant super-powered character after realising this?


My biggest mistake was making a republic character, play it to 13 and realise that it wasn't empire.


Damn hippies.

Edited by Chikai
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I had a face palm moment in Voidstar once. I was fighting in some pretty intense combat, when I suddenly realized I wasn't doing anything. I was just standing there, none of my skills firing and whatnot. It wasn't lag, because everything else was happening fine, and it wasn't any sort of weird glitch I knew of. I had been trying to get people off the door, and it blew up and everyone went through, leaving me standing there.


I went to type something in chat thinking of asking for help... and realized I must have somehow hit "r" as I had a bunch of letters and numbers in my chat box.


I rebound my r button as soon as I got the chance.


Also, not so much a face palm moment on my part, but for the imps. I was in the Alderaan warzone, walked right up to the middle turret with the imps rolling my team on the other side, and capped it. It was weird, since I was still halfway when they finished fighting and they all went back to position themselves around the turret to defend or something, somehow completely missing the guardian standing there capping the turret.


I stood there for a bit after capping, not sure what to do with 5 imps standing around me. I mean, they weren't trying to recap, so I didn't even need to defend. Eventually, one of them turned around, apparently finally noticed me, and started attacking, prompting the others to attack and quickly killing me. By that time though, my teammates had come back, and we defended the middle turret till the end of the match and won.


It's usually the Republic side that has players with no eyes... but the 5 imps that didn't notice me really took the cake. What was really funny was I saw in chat right before I rezzed the guy that finally noticed me /saying "seriously guys, pay attention."

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In games where I have a pet or companion, I usually rebind the functions to order them to 'attack' and 'heel' to hotkeys. So that's what I did in SWTOR.


After I got my first companion in beta, I once told her to 'heel' and she neatly stopped attacking and followed me as I ran past the enemies. A while later in combat I suddenly wondered why my companion was just standing there like an idiot and not helping me kill stuff.


It was only then that I realized that 'passive' (or 'heel' as I usually call it) is a toggle. :o

Edited by Amarinth
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