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11.24.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

11.24.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order


is there ANY chance of me getting in tomarow? I will take off work if there is even a slight chance.

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A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow (not necessarily all of those listed on the Server Status page, though) and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.


So looks like two more days for everyone to get access, Friday for me.

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A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow (not necessarily all of those listed on the Server Status page, though) and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.


So looks like two more days for everyone to get access, Friday for me.


Oh snap, I redeemed my code on 11/24 so I MAY get in final wave tomarow!!!

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DDL emails aren't going out until 12/16 and my pre-order date was 11/15 so does that mean that the DDL people are going to be held back an additional day? I sure hope not, that would suck. Edited by Solyad
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I got my code, but have no access.


Your pre-order code entitles you to get into Early Access and gives you the color stone once you get in. It does not actually authorize you to get in. See the following:


11.02.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

07.22.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order


These are two of the keys in my "Code Redemption" section of my account. The bottom line indicates that I registered my pre-order key on July 22nd.


The top line is a key that Bioware automatically added when they added the client download. It, I assume, authorizes me to download and patch the client prior to my entry into EGA.


Neither of these codes authorize you to actually get into the game. This is an important factor to understand given the rest of your comments.


In fact, on my account page it shows where my code is registered but when I try purchase a subscription it says my code needs to be put in.


If you have pre-ordered and registered your code, you should have two lines under Code Redemption similar to the above (the dates and editions, of course, would be dependent on what and when you pre-ordered.)


You cannot purchase a subscription at this time because you can only purchase a subscription if you have a Retail game key. Without the code from the retail game, you cannot start a subscription. Either way, Early Game Access is part of the pre-order perks, so even if you had your retail key and could start a subscription, your retail key and subcription would not get you into Early Access. See the next point.


I am already ticked off about this fiasco of a launch, but when I do get my email and it tells me my code is invalid I will really be ticked off enough to take it to the BBB.


As indicated above, the keys you have in your account right now qualify you for EGA and to download and patch the client. Neither of them actually authorize you to get into the game. When you get your EGA invite, Bioware will automatically add a code similar to the following:


12.13.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play


Once that key is in your account, you will be authorized to actually enter the game. Until that key is present, you can install and start the client, but it will just tell you that you do not have an active account/subscription (whatever the actual text is). Once that code is present in your account, that message will go away, and you can enter the game.


(Note: If the client is running when they send you the email and add the code, you may have to restart the client and log back in before it recognizes the change.)



By the way, the only fiasco about this launch is the way people are making assumptions and setting themselves up for disappointment.

Edited by Sotaudi
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DDL emails aren't going out until 12/16 and my pre-order date was 11/15 so does that mean that the DDL people are going to be held back an additional day? I sure hope not, that would suck.


The DDE emails going out have absolutely nothing to do with EGA. Your pre-order code is what gets you into EGA. The codes they are emailing are the Retail keys, which will allow you to continue playing after the game launches (and once you setup a subscription). I ordered the DDE, and I registered my pre-order key on 7/22. I got into the game around 7:00 AM PST yesterday. Obviously, I still do not have the key they are emailing on the 16th yet. They have nothing to do with EGA.

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I just got my early access last night and I pre-ordered from Amazon on the July 27, 2011 but it says expected arrival date Delivery Estimate: Tuesday January 3, 2012 - Friday January 13, 2012

So lame if I can't play from the 20th to the 13th of jan because I don't have a game code after the early access.


Guess that is what you get living in the most isolated city in the world Perth Western Australia.

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The DDE emails going out have absolutely nothing to do with EGA. Your pre-order code is what gets you into EGA. The codes they are emailing are the Retail keys, which will allow you to continue playing after the game launches (and once you setup a subscription). I ordered the DDE, and I registered my pre-order key on 7/22. I got into the game around 7:00 AM PST yesterday. Obviously, I still do not have the key they are emailing on the 16th yet. They have nothing to do with EGA.


Sounds good. I'm not used to accessing a game without having to enter my retail key.

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Unfortunately, I'm the last on the list which means I will likely get an invite just in time for the start of my work week (Friday).


Read: I'll likely be an extremely tired zombie at work for the next week. LOL!


Thanks again! =)

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Awesome thread, thanks for the info!


When they expanded early access to 7 days, I thought they were trying to give the late orders a couple of days to get out of the noobie zones before open launch. I thought it was a great idea.


Then they let in so few during the first day I was sure I wasn't getting in till Monday the 19th. To bad Ill be out of town :p


Seems like they were aiming to have everyone in by the 15th but didn't want to promise anything till they saw how the launch was proceeding. Now it looks like Friday the 16th for everyone to get in. Not bad at all :)


Hope it's true and I can get past Dromund Kaas by Sunday! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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