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Wondering who's getting in when? CHECK HERE.


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I see the waves are working about like I expected they were going to.


My prediction is that everyone that is on EGA will be in by Fraday evening. IMO they want everyone in for the weekend, and thats one reason they moved the start back 2 days.


Why do I think this? Their "business office" staffing is focused on a standard workweek. (thats in part why waves are started at start of the business day in Austin.)


BW is not going to announce it that way, because they lose flexibility to slow down if need be. The minor issues of "less heat" from the raving masses on the forum isn't going to change much either way -- they are mostly ignoring the furor and staying their course as announced. In a month nobody will remember it, and for all that people are #$%#ing about it being a crappy launch now in a year nobody will care.


As long as the servers hold up and there are no snags THAT is what will be remembered.




I really HAVE enjoyed the qqing and entitlement attitude on the forum. I ordered in late november, so will be in either Friday or Saturday AM at wrose it they have a last day.


I just wish this game was a bit more meaty. I am afraid its going to play too much like a Bioware single player game in the end because they aren't encouraging groups enough. Just enough so people group sometimes, but thet means you get together for just that bit of content and then scatter afterwards.


It will be interesting to see if my predictions are right. I played the big stress weekend and then the final playtest weekend after that. Had 4 characters in the 15s -- the game IS addictive going through the story once at least...



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My prediction is that everyone that is on EGA will be in by Fraday evening. IMO they want everyone in for the weekend, and thats one reason they moved the start back 2 days


Never heard of this 'Fraday.' All joking aside, anyone who believes the EGA will not be finished by tomorrow is an idiot / uneducated fool.

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i made a thread about somthing similer to this and we had some good discussions and then a mod kindly directed us to this main page of guessing when people will get in so heres my estimates that i posted


december 13 waves -(Most of july)


December 14th waves - all of august going into october


December 15 waves - all of october november and maybe some december


December 16 waves - ALL of december EVERYONE gets in on the 4th day..

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i made a thread about somthing similer to this and we had some good discussions and then a mod kindly directed us to this main page of guessing when people will get in so heres my estimates that i posted


december 13 waves -(Most of july)


December 14th waves - all of august going into october


December 15 waves - all of october november and maybe some december


December 16 waves - ALL of december EVERYONE gets in on the 4th day..


No one cares about your estimates to be quite honest. Generally someone whom cannot even capitalize or use proper grammar is not too educated in other subject matters; such as mathematics, statistics, or probability. It is, essentially, now know that all of the preorders will be in by tomorrow's last wave.

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did some math on vgachartz.com based on the physical pre-order numbers in the US... these don't take into account europe or digital sales but you can get a guestimate of what's going on... there were about 344,253 pre-orders through aug/sept. there were about 409,198 through oct/nov. I would say all of Nov. tomorrow is a good bet maybe even Dec. that is if they invite more people tomorrow than they did today like they did yesterday...


edit: did a little more math. beginning of december until dec. 10 had 38,602 pre-orders so my bet is that if they finish Nov. all tomorrow Dec. will definitely be getting in, assuming everything stated above is a also true...

Edited by jppx
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