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Wondering who's getting in when? CHECK HERE.


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What is with you Americans and posting your dates backwards? Day comes before month. Get it right.

Always kinda wondered where the difference came from. Maybe the American format (MM/DD/YY) is based on wording: December 14, 2011.


But DD/MM/YY makes sense in that it moves from smallest unit to largest...



(and bump. ;p)

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Always kinda wondered where the difference came from. Maybe the American format (MM/DD/YY) is based on wording: December 14, 2011.


But DD/MM/YY makes sense in that it moves from smallest unit to largest...



(and bump. ;p)


Actually, we should all write


YYYYMMDD In my opinion ;) But then, I'm a programmer and I like to be able to sort quickly (based on an integer) :D

Edited by MortisMortavius
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just talked to my dad who pre-ordered in early august he has NOT recieved an invite. as of 3rd wave.


It does not matter when you preordered. It only matters when you entered your code. Furthermore it does not matter if you get an email. It only matters if your account is flagged.


If he entered his code in August then his account is flagged. Otherwise he needs to contact customer service.

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Actually, we should all write


YYYMMDD In my opinion ;) But then, I'm a programmer and I like to be able to sort quickly (based on an integer) :D


Actually the U.S. has it right see there are only 12 options for month, 31 for day and an infinite amount for year. So ours moves from smallest amount of options to largest. Why doesn't whoever complained go count things in grams and be quiet.

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If that is true, that means BioWare isn't keeping to the promised structure of invites based on pre-order date, which is wrong. You should contact customer support.


I have many times they have been saying for 2 days I should be expecting an invite shortly.

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[FIRST AND FOREMOST]: Please do not put a post in here stating nothing other than the fact that you aren't in yet. We know you aren't, because the majority of us aren't either. That said, feel free to discuss anything a bit more in depth ALONG with a post saying how you aren't in yet! :)


[sECOND]: When your play button gloriously illuminates, If you can indeed find it in your heart of hearts to spare the 15 seconds required to post your invite time and date, and the date you registered your pre-order code, there are a lot of people that will be very grateful; this will allow me to update this thread.

(Courtesy of user "master_tarix"): When you post that you've been invited, please do so by copying and pasting the line from "MY Account" -> Code Redemption that reads like this:


12.01.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order


07/21-08/15 - In for Early Access! - (12/13-12/14)

08/16-09/05 - In for Early Access! - (12/14-12/14)

09/06-09/25 - Invites in progress! - Up to the 10th as of 10:27 AM CST

09/26-10/15 - Waiting

10/16-11/05 - Waiting

11/06-11/25 - Waiting

11/26-Present - Waiting


To be more specific about the above format:


Left Column = An approximately 20 day timeframe during which your pre-order code was registered for your SWTOR account.


Middle Column = The status of the corresponding timeframe's Early Game Access invites

-Waiting = No one from this timeframe has received an invite yet

-Invites in progress! = Someone from this timeframe has received an invite.

-In for Early Access! = Everyone in this 20 day timeframe has received an invite.


Right Column = The day the group's invites started, and the day the group's invites completed, in mm/dd format (mm/dd-mm/dd)


-The GOAL here is to give people a rough idea when they might get in (Yes, being a december 1st pre-order registrar, I have a soft spot for us!) based on already invited pre-orders, not speculation.


With only a FEW decent souls willing to sacrifice a few seconds after they get in to come and let us know that they're in, when they got in, and when they pre-ordered, we will have a good idea about whether or not they are attempting to increase the amount of people they let in over the next few days!



-Keep this thread on page 1. I promise it will be more useful than it looks right now.-



Just another devoted MMO and Star Wars fan who waited too long to pre-order.




EDIT: The only assumption I'm making here that could be potentially flawed is that once someone who pre-ordered on the last day of a 20 day period (for example october 15th) gets invited, that time period is finished being invited.


so wrong, i pre ordered on 8/23 and i am not in

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i think this thread has derailed


enterd code on thr 27th of july ... still waiting



friend entered his a day earlier he's lvl 9 and currently going to die when he gets home .....


Have you tried to log into the launcher? You may be in already but did not receive the email.

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