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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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I've played games where bridges were missing and wait times were up to 4 hours with a total of 3 servers.....


Do you know how much it sucks when you can't progress to the next area because the bridge wasn't there?


At least my friends and I had fun using the "sit" emoticon, which was misspelled as "****" (poop).

Edited by Lcore
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The main reason for this grade is the Linearity. It doesn't feel like a MMO should, it has more of a Kotor 3 Online feel to it. Everything feels like it was created for the sole purpose of providing an area for content, with no regards for exploration.

Think of Skyrim as an example. Now remove all obsolete ambient NPC's, Towns, and zones that do not have a significant purpose. Now take the remaining content, and put a 1 square mile fence around each part and label it a "Planet". It just all feel's so Condensed, that it constantly reminds you that you get access to 1 / 100,00th of the planet.


I mean, am I the only one who wanted to explore Tython's tombs and caverns? To witness the vast wilderness in search of the ancient secrets of the Jedi who once called it home ? Or explore the seedier sides of Coruscant, and not just the issues taking place within 1 mile of the senate building...

And I know, in posting this, alot of people are going to say "Its a game, and they are making it efficient". The purpose of a game isn't to be constantly reminded that you are playing a game ! Its supposed to immerse you, make you feel like "wow, this is really huge, it will take me days just to make sure I've explored every area to ensure I have completed every quest.

I know its just the beginning of launch, but if Bioware is honestly curious of what they could use as expansions, or content Patches.... Look to the planets you already have, and expand upon them. Make the player feel, as if he is insignificant in the wake of the sheer amount of content before him.


Aside from that, combat is fluid and responsive. Storyline is enjoyable and somewhat engaging. And the space battle... while limited, is fairly entertaining after walking around for hours on end.

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I am not in the game, but I don't care about that. That is my damn fault for not getting the game earlier.


I gave it a B because I am shut off from many of the content on the website, because I have to wait to be activated.


So you mean to tell me that I can not get into my previous post because the game wasn't activated yet! ***!!!!



Small issue, but no bigs.

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B --- Game play is fun. However they need to have some basic MMO features like the ability to move around all items in the UI such as the toolbars and other things. Most MMO's have this why not this game.


Also allow the option of copying your other characters settings instead of having to set up each character's preferances seperatly.

Now some of you my whine "But I don't want any Dev time going to this." But I say that argument is BS. It does not take much DEV time to do this and besides this should have been a no brainer basic feature to begin with.

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Its SUPPOSED to have a KOTOR feel to it. FFS its an extension of the game! lol! Have you even read any of the lore on this "time period"?!?!


If there were a grade, higher than A+, id totally give it. Impatient crybabies and over-analytic *****hats, wont sway my opinion one bit. this game is SUPERB! And despite the "staggered" PRE LAUNCH, launch, and then adding in the totally AMAZING fact that the re-implemented the grace period?!?! how could u NOT give this better than an A+



my 2 credz

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Don't know what game you guys have been playing...

got in day 1 on early access,

0 lag

0 bugs

0 crashes

smooth as baby skin. and.. its crowded btw... pvp ques never more than 2 minutes.

not really took a nap since early access started... trudging threw mid 20s aah, sad the servers are down ;(...


quests are compelling, refreshing and fun,

star fox style space battles/pvp/space/crafting is a dramatic change of pace in the action. Its nice, still rewards good money/xp ect.


too all those feeling bad about the linear feeling, give it some time, your on baby worlds.

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The staggered early-access launch could have been handled much better. In principle I can understand why they did a staggered launch, but the way they handled informing their customers about it could have been done much better.


The simple fix? Be more open with their customers about who will be getting in when. Bioware literally had hundreds of thousands of people experiencing a rush of hope every time their inbox pinged with new mail, only to be disappointed when that mail was spam or some other routine correspondence. Simply stating "First week of X month through to X date" will likely be getting in on such-a-such a date would have been golden for most people, including myself.


I give them a C+ because they did finally provide more information on the 3rd day, stating that they expect to be able to bring in people up to a general date. That helped a lot, I am sure. Unfortunately, the information came quite late. Perhaps this is because Bioware itself wasn't entirely certain about who'd be getting in when, but even a general estimate helps – it can be later revised.


And yes, technically, when it comes to server stability and such, I am sure things were flawless, but what I heard from many of my friends echoed many of the QQ sentiments on these forums. A launch in which a fairly large portion of customers are angry and exposed to daily cycles of hope and disappointment does not, to me at least, show the signs of a first-class launch.


tl;dr -- Bioware, be more open with information when it directly affects your customers. It is the uncertainty that upset most people, not the fact that they weren't in at the very start.

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For me MMO is about players and community. Community from my country decided to play on specific server and I found out that it has 2hrs waiting time, which is due to me not spending all my life in front of computer kind of intolerable. Don't get me wrong, but I buy games to play them, I don't want to pay for 2hrs waiting time (and then ending with like only 30min playtime). I play MMORPGs to play with my friends not to see that server my friends play on has 2hrs waiting time or that I have to wait few more days becaues they just didnt get their invites.


As for praising how great SWtOR is because it has voicing.. Great, Age of Conan was first voiced, it was only one location but it was, it had better graphics and had I'd dare to say more smooth launch.

It has story? Great.. Guild Wars has a story too!! And it's without mothly fees.

And all in all, combat system is similar to WoW, same with UI, classes etc..


And before you flame me with "u nub u dont play new mmorpgs on first day" I've been on first and preorders of AoC, Warhmmar Online, all WoW datadiscs and maybe some few I can't remember..

But tbh, this was kind of worst experience for me. Not knowing when I can play and then fiding out that almost all servers are full, my friend didn't get the invite..


Over all, game is good, but pre-launch is fu**ed up.


Anyway, I will be sticking around and will subscribe for some time as this is only launch and one day I will be just saying "Yeah, you've never been through SWtOR launch" few years later.


Thas is my opinion


And god please! Don't blame BW for getting nap -.-' They are humans too and need to sleep!


Have a nice day and enjoy your SWtOR!

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Sigh at the trolls, I honestly don't understand a single complaint that people have come up with yet... I swear it's just people getting mad that they didn't order soon enough.. Bioware warned you it'd be first come first serve, why on earth does it matter if you have to wait anyway, its earlier game access not full launch? It's an MMO not a race.... ridiculous.


Anyway the game is great so far, I loved WoW but I think ToR is considerably better (and better than the other MMOs i've played for that matter: SWG, Aion, Rift, EQ2 and a few not worth mentioning).


Also i've experianced no bugs, no crashes and perfect fps (on both a high end and very low spec PC) and i've been playing since beta.



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The most humorous thing about this is that all the people griping about a poor "launch", are griping about... something that doesn't exist yet. This is early access, the launch isn't until the 20th. The equivalent of you simpletons pissing and moaning about the "launch" is walking into a bar or restaurant and giving it an F based on the peanuts they left out or dinner rolls they brought you.
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Simply put, this is not a launch. It is early access. Launch is not until the 20th.


Giving a grade at this point is like a teacher giving a grade on a test for the way a person prepared and now how the person did after taking the test.


I don't even know how people can complain if the first 30 days are free. <shrug> People will be people and most seem to complain about a free lunch...Pre-ordering was like buying a lottery ticket, but with much better odds of getting something in return. :)

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You moronic, self-entitled whiney b*tches. Stop complaining that you didn't get a full 7 days Early Access, and step out of your basement for an afternoon, maybe. Jesus f*ck people are ridiculous. Give the game an "F-" because you're butthurt that you didn't get in when you wanted to.



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-Extra 2 days of EGA

-Extra 2 days of Grace Period

-Amazing game overall - immersion, customization, smoothness, etc...

-I haven't seen any gigantic bugs

-Never been disconnected

-Story/decisions are revolutionary IMO

-Community has been great, let's keep it that way

-I really appreciated the Thank You letter from the founders, that was cool



-no in-game AA makes me a sad panda

-server queues are slightly annoying, but will get fixed

-um...I've been playing so much my eyes are bleeding...



-Outstanding job. I really hope in the next couple weeks the media/reviewers give BW props, because this game is truly special.

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lol @ this thread. Just lol.


"I'm playing my first 30 days and then that's it, I'm done with Bioware forever"


The. Greatest. Sentence. Ever.



"1,000's of people took today off from school and work to do what? Sit around and wait?"


A. Close. Second.


Thanks for the entertainment. Most normal folks would just stop doing something they weren't having fun doing. It's lol comical when they don't though. :)

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