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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Shut up they were very specific if you actually researched you idiots, and NO MMO WHEN IT FIRST COMES OUT IS AWESOME SO CHILL OUT. WHEN WoW came out it had the same problems so if you don't like it then go play your 7 year old game. And it is called early access for a reason. Don't believe everything you read especially from biases people.
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I pre ordered in November, so I have not gotten in yet. Now that I have had a chance to see this launch model first hand, my preference would have been an open invite to all 1.75 mil pre orders on day 1.


Yes, this would have caused the authentication servers to seizure for a good 30 mins to an hour. Yes, there would have been multi-hour ques and jam packed starting zones with unplayable lag. But, I would have been there from the start, gotten to create my character and alts and secured my names. I would then at least have the option to sit in a 4 hour que and deal with lag and fighting over mob spawns OR log for a few hours and come back late night/early morning.


This launch model is designed to give Bioware more time to respond to server needs and ensure putting out a game that is playable...albeit for only a small fraction of their initial player base. And that's exactly what everyone who pre ordered is....Bioware's starting player base. So if this type of launch was designed to get good game reviews because the people that could get on could actually play....did it work? Or did it infuriate the rest of the players who are in an unknown 1-6 day que, not knowing when they will be able to play?


I think that they would have been better off allowing the flood of people, actively monitoring server load, adjusting "server capacity" up or down (which would either cause instability or longer ques), evaluating traffic patterns, and then making quick intelligent decisions for server expansion. This would of course mean all of Bioware's server admins, network analysts, and support technicians working very hard and covering a 24/7 schedule for probably a week past release day. But instead, they ensure playability by slowly allowing people access. They get to go home work a standard 5am-2PM shift while leaving a good chunk of their players still wondering.


I can see why Bioware choose to do it this way. Was it the best way to produce the least amount of dissatisfaction from a majority of their players? Are people more or less likely to give positive word of mouth? You only get 1 chance at a launch. While I may even increase my rating once I am able to play and see what the server community is like, I still have many doubts and questions whether this launch model makes sense.


Of course this is just my opinion...I could be wrong.

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Imma go with a solid C.


But, that C stands for Cataclysm.


The same Cataclysm that has WoW seeing a decline in a userbase.


Hah, a C-, because they can't even get the reliability of Blizzard.


lol. best. joke. ever.


Seriously this thread made my head hurt. Enjoyed the rage too much.

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So much QQ here.


For me on the busiest PvP server Tomb of Freedon Nadd it was smooth as silk.


Whats the problem? none of the guild were complaining.


The problem is that people forget that its an mmo and they will have problems.


For crying out loud it feels more polished than WAR does after 3 years.


Give it a rest .

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B+ imo, if BW manages to let everyone in by the end of Friday that will be a straight A.


Most people whining have no clue how MMOs work, I bet they didn't play their precious WoW on Day 1 either.

Edited by BlaadG
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wah wah wah. looks like we dragged half of the troll babies from wow with us. gosh darn another game ruined by a whiney community. swtor had a better launch IMO then any wow Patch has even had. pfft. you are all freaking spoiled idiots with nothing better to do then *****. lol pathetic. please vacate and go back to your pokemon and pandas now.
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Ahh the old using large words makes my point better than other peoples techinque, Cunning to say the least.


But I just want to zoom around a map in my hover car and beat the other hover cars! All while listening to my chill 16-bit midi chip!


But if I don't have my 7 day Access advantage the other cars are gonna lap me!

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I think they did a great job except for the lack of information about how many ppl they let in. I'm sure they had a reason for it though.


I didn't order until 10/18 so I wasn't expecting to get in on the first wave. Looks like I'll be in today and pretty happy about that. Just started block leave today, so no work until Jan. 3rd. Then 6-9 months in Afghanistan and back to playing again.


I hope everyone gets in today!

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geez....you guys are giving this game an F before you even get to play the bloody thing?


You are basing the F on Bioware doing what they said they would like 6 months ago?


Im really curious and i can only wonder how many of you crybabies would be ranting about this if you were one of the people who got to play...but id bet money that alot of you would totaly change your tune...(and no i am not in yet i ordered like 3 days ago lol)(GO december pre orderers!:) )


You can spout your its the princaple crap and act like your some victom that bioware tricked and screwed over but when it comes down to it bioware was VERY clear about how they were gona launch this game. They chose to have a smoother overall launch by spreading out invites based on when you ordered your copy. instead of brutal lag, server crash, que nightmare. Bioware made the game so if they wana do it that way then thats there call and they sure as hell let you know waaay beforehand so *** is with this out of the blue outrage? if you didnt like that then why did you pre order the bloody thing? why are you still here? You guys will complain no matter what bioware does.


I could see bioware doing it the other way and having people rage "whaaa i was in que for hours whaaaaaaa the lag sucks whaaaaa people keep taking my mobs whaaa the game crashes constantly... i hate this game!!!" Its a bloody game but you guys act like bioware snuck into your house and robbed all your possessions and took a dump on your bed. i really am hoping you guys are the minority that is just very loud or this comunity is getting off to a bad start...Maybe you should rename this thread "rate the pre launch" or "what do you think of biowares pre launch system" cause rating the whole game and biowares effort an F without even playing and before its officialy released is just plain stupid let alone unfair. anyways im done counterranting. just wanted to ballance things out a bit...hope i wasnt too harsh and no hard feelings its just a game...hope to see you guys who stick around in game and to see a strong unified comunity form.:) oh and A to ballance out the unfair Fs

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F for me. Due to the horrific experience with customer support, and the state of the game textures.


I've never encountered such a horrid service.



Your horrible service is most likely due to all of the spoiled little cry babies bombarding CS with "why can't I play NOW" questions. I have had to use BW CS in the past and it was a pretty good experience.

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Few problems graphically, but, I went into this knowing it was a LAUNCH. AND there were going to be issues. But, I am not crying on the forums about it.



mommmmmmmy! i cant play my game!!! I refuse to read the forums for help. I cant do anything myself.


So I am going to post stupid things on the forums......then they will let me in the game!

Edited by Omega-one
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