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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Its called early access for a reason. They are being generous and giving you up to 7 days of free playtime before their game is even available for purchase. They are giving you something for free and everyone is just sticking their hands out and demanding more or they are a bad company. QQ less


I think the majority of us are not asking for more....we're asking for the same as everyone else. If someone gets 7 days of early access then everyone should get 7 days. Does that sound so farfetched?

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You dont see the issue. That's like BioWare saying "because you pre-ordered in December you're not as important to us". Am I not a paying customer who pre-ordered? Why should someone have 3 days more access time than me just because they pre-ordered sooner than I did. That is not fair sir. Fair would be everyone having the same amount of early access regardless of pre-order date.


Negative. Early access is free you are paying for nothing. The way it looks now everyone is gonna be in by friday. Be patient

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Negative. Early access is free you are paying for nothing. The way it looks now everyone is gonna be in by friday. Be patient


Patience isn't the issue. I want the same treatment as everyone else. Like I said...if someone gets 7 days, then everyone should get 7 days. Is it wrong to want the same treatment as someone else? If you say yes then you're just plain ignorant.

Edited by mynimoe
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I think the majority of us are not asking for more....we're asking for the same as everyone else. If someone gets 7 days of early access then everyone should get 7 days. Does that sound so farfetched?


Considering they've been saying since before pre-orders were available that everyone getting in at once was not going to happen? Yes, very far-fetched.

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Got in 7 days early, no lag, quests are not buggy, much more polish than my beta test back in July



Bravo Bioware


Best MMO launch ever IMO, don't mind all these cry babies.


LOL^^ perfect example of a tard checking up on forums while hes on star wars just keep lving you keyboard turner.

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.



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I would like to thank the OP and his cronies for providing entertainment while im waiting for my final, nothing like laughing at people that TOOK OFF WORK so they could stare at their email on the off chance they got in, did you cry all beta too? I got in yesterday and its working well, little lag on the space station but passable. no major bugs except having to run way too far to drop aggro on a stationary turret.


I love the crying about horrible launch, its seriously cracking me up. Its not a launch! launch isnt until the 20th, and comparing it to the prelaunch of Rift doesnt hurt it either, i havent fallen through the ground yet unlike in Rifts prelaunch <it was great, sneaking over the mountains to kill some dwarves and suddenly my friend disappears>


It's not like you werent informed, day One that they started selling they told you how early play was going to work, maybe if you could read you woulnd't be wasting sick days. they spent the morning letting the people that registered first get access then they monitor stability. Nothing like WotLK first day where nothing moves or respawns because the server is breathing like a fat kid climbing stairs.


But you go ahead and cry and post letter grades, im sure Bioware cares about iliterate people talking about a game they've spent all morning watching someone else play. Im gonna go ahead, pass my final then stab some jedi with my taser knife.

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Does no one remember the abysmal failures of MMO's in the past? Great MMO's and terrible MMO's alike have had their fair share of launch problems. Primarily surrounding lag and server crashes. And what was the number 1 culprit in EVERY case?


Too many people trying to start new characters at the same time.


Bioware decided on a method (perhaps not one everyone is happy about, but perhaps the only practical solution that exists) to mitigate the number 1 problem MMO's face: a massive influx of people at launch time that overwhelms the servers starting zones and brings the servers to a grinding halt so NO ONE gets to play.


Anarchy online's server issues persisted for MONTHS. Is that what people want? To grind the servers to a halt, and not be able to play FOR MONTHS, just so a few thousand other people don't play for 2 days before them?


I got in today, yes, but I was also defending this launch program yesterday before I got an invite. This launch program makes sense because it keeps the servers up for everyone.


Besides, what difference does 2, 3, or 4 days of game play make when you plan on playing the game for months anyway? This time January, no one will even be talking about launch issues or early access - unless of course Bioware decides to let too many people in at once. Then not only will people be talking about it, but they'll be talking about it on the forums because all the servers will still be down.

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Considering they've been saying since before pre-orders were available that everyone getting in at once was not going to happen? Yes, very far-fetched.



That's why staggered access doesn't work. They could have prevented this by being prepared. I hate to say it but it seems they took the easy road. I hate to compare to other games but Rift certainly didnt have this issue and Rift had one of the best MMO launches in recent times. Anyone who denies that doesn't know their facts.

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I think the majority of us are not asking for more....we're asking for the same as everyone else. If someone gets 7 days of early access then everyone should get 7 days. Does that sound so farfetched?


Not really, they have their reasons for staggering it. They didn't have to give anything so you should be happy with what you get. Starting a few days behind everyone isn't going to ruin the game for anyone i don't see why everyone is complaining so much. I wanted to get into early access today too but i don't feel the need to slam the company for it

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So many Idiots...




This is early access...


Servers are nice and populated over 100+ people in each instance instant PVP pops for both sides...


lots of people playing.


Pretty sure even BIOWARE said THIS is launch.


Lol 100 people on servers...LOL

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That's why staggered access doesn't work. They could have prevented this by being prepared. I hate to say it but it seems they took the easy road. I hate to compare to other games but Rift certainly didnt have this issue and Rift had one of the best MMO launches in recent times. Anyone who denies that doesn't know their facts.


Go play rift then

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A solid B.


The servers are stable, no problems.


The community is 'rocky', but they're rolling out invites a lot quicker today than they did yesterday.


Overall communication/estimates could have been better and I don't think it would have been as detrimental as BW seems to think.

Edited by Sedayeen
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What grade would I give Bioware? A big fat F.


They show zero understanding of MMO dynamics. If you're going to do staggered release, then make sure you invite ENTIRE GUILDS instead of bits and pieces of guilds; FFS whoever thought it was a good idea to SPLIT UP GUILD INVITES...get a *********** clue.


In general, what you'll see is....here we have Johnny Doe, he logs in, sees tons of people already halfway level-cap, says 'oh well I'll **** around a bit' since his friends are 10+ levels above him and you know....they're up into their leveling completely so helping out is kind of a bore. Can you blame them? NO..then he just logs out since the game designers said 'hey man, it can wait, it's only a game'. This attitude instead of the MMO hyped ADHD gamer activity that takes place at the start of every new MMO. You NEED that kind of large-scale activity to create communities. The SWTOR server communities are now already fragmented into the 'Early Access Acolytes' and 'The Rest'.


Shame, and it saddens me EVERY *********** MMO COMPANY MAKES THE SAME MISTAKES.

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Does no one remember the abysmal failures of MMO's in the past? Great MMO's and terrible MMO's alike have had their fair share of launch problems. Primarily surrounding lag and server crashes. And what was the number 1 culprit in EVERY case?


Too many people trying to start new characters at the same time.


Bioware decided on a method (perhaps not one everyone is happy about, but perhaps the only practical solution that exists) to mitigate the number 1 problem MMO's face: a massive influx of people at launch time that overwhelms the servers starting zones and brings the servers to a grinding halt so NO ONE gets to play.


Anarchy online's server issues persisted for MONTHS. Is that what people want? To grind the servers to a halt, and not be able to play FOR MONTHS, just so a few thousand other people don't play for 2 days before them?


I got in today, yes, but I was also defending this launch program yesterday before I got an invite. This launch program makes sense because it keeps the servers up for everyone.


Besides, what difference does 2, 3, or 4 days of game play make when you plan on playing the game for months anyway? This time January, no one will even be talking about launch issues or early access - unless of course Bioware decides to let too many people in at once. Then not only will people be talking about it, but they'll be talking about it on the forums because all the servers will still be down.



People just need to complain, if they opened the flood gates, then people would of complained over the server crashes and so forth..

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Not really, they have their reasons for staggering it. They didn't have to give anything so you should be happy with what you get. Starting a few days behind everyone isn't going to ruin the game for anyone i don't see why everyone is complaining so much. I wanted to get into early access today too but i don't feel the need to slam the company for it


When did I ever slam the company? I think they're handling it great but their own mistake was choosing staggered access in the first place. If I could ask for 1 thing it would be more updates on what's going on and equal amounts of early access play time for everyone. If that's crazy....then I don't want to be sane.

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