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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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While I understand righteous indignation, it seems some folks have issues with the smallest setbacks.


The "I'm cancelling my pre-order" crowd: They are taking their ball and going home.



The "WORST LAUNCH EVER" crowd: They didn't like this new approach to a launch, and if the internet translated to real life would be screaming their heads off running in circles until the police tazzered them.



The "Stop your crying babies" crowd They are the tazzer wielding police. Sometimes they use unnecessary force, and tazzer the guy who only said "this isn't so great."


ME? I'm in the "sitting on the park bench across the street watching and chuckling to myself" crowd.


I give Bioware a B+, they probably should've explained more clearly that YES people would be a higher level with more playtime, and Yes Someone may steal your carefully constructed name that a thousand other people also constructed.

Edited by TheGawdfather
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A+. When the only thing I can find to complain about this game is the male body types, I'd say Bioware is doing an outstanding job. I'm still waiting to get my early invite, but Bioware, so far, has communicated with us, both before and during this launch, better than any other MMO launch I've experienced.
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I would really like to throw in here that this isnt even a "launch". It is a bonus for people that were smart enough to pre-order the game early.


If you were so interested in playing the game so early, then you should have pre-ordered it sooner.


Ive known for months now that if my code wasnt redeemed early I wouldnt be in the first wave. Oh weird, I was in the first wave... I wonder if that has to do with me staying on top of things because I wanted to play the game early...


Still, if I hadnt got in early, I wouldnt be blaming the company.



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Bioware deserve A+ for how they have run things. All log on same time and lets crash 6+months of major prep for these guys to the full launch because people are trolls about launching in bursts with early access and small populations. Go back to the 3yr olds game called WOW. It seems to be all most people here can understand.


This is by far looking to become one of the best launches of an MMO.


Even WOW for those born before its release was screwed for almost 2 years before being fully fixed and getting mass add campaigns out to bring in the hordes of users.

Why people play it and its most popular? Well thats easy. an idiot can play it.

Edited by Meluna
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This is the biggest launch of an MMO ever. Get over your entitlement issues.


People who think that this game is having a smooth launch obviously didnt play Rift during it's launch. There were absolutely no complaints about people not being able to play (aside from the random small bug that effected an extremely tiny minority). This is not a smooth launch. If it were going smoothly would the forums be overrun with the same complaint?


I have never heard so many people complain about the same thing before a game has even come out. I would say a C-. Mainly becaus they're doing their best but....it's not enough.

Edited by mynimoe
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In 15 years of MMO experience, this is one of the smoother launch/expansion releases I have seen. It is not flawless, but it is not entirely flawed either. They delivered 2 more days of early access than promised. It sucks for those that won't get the full benefit from the 2 days, but still beats overpopulation. You will still get more early access then you would have under the 5 day model. They were very clear on how the choices were made on who would get first access. The actual communication of when you could log in could have been better.


When I get locked out of the game because of issues zoning in to areas or leveling areas are completely unplayable I get upset. When servers crash due to instability or over population I get upset. When a company delivers what the purchase entitles me too I have no complaint. As I play the game i will evaluate it on its merrits. So far, I give it a B+.

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Gonna give Bioware a A because hey they did there job and have been delivery what they promised.


Early access is going down exactly as I though it would. I am not even in yet and hell I didnt expect to get in until at least the 16th of December as I ordered in November. Even if I don't get in by them then I don't care because I know I will get in for at least a day or two.


As far as community it's get a grade of D and hopefully this will change when all the idiots **** out of the forums whining about not getting in and saying this is the worse launch ever blah da blah blah. Seriously the stupidity, rage, QQ is amazing coming from I suspect mostly adults.

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I give the game based on playing the beta a B+. Way way to much dialog to get an A. Seriously I get it go here and do this. Listening to an NPC yammer on and on then going to another npc and listening to them yammer. I want to play as in let's get to the action not listen to npc's yammer.


I give the launch a C or a D. Compared to other mmo's this launch isn't so bad. For those that can play the game is running smooth. For those stuck waiting to play you have to remember that technically these are bonus days since you were only given 5 days of early access.


The way pre-orders were handled F. For many of us the pre order for this game was a total epic failure. I could be playing right now if I had ordered from some where other then Best Buy. Since I ordered from Best Buy I was one of those that got an invalid pre order code. So because of that i wasn't issued a new valid code until Dec. So even though I pre ordered early I'm getting shafted by not being allowed to play early (I would be in game right now). No instead I have to wait with all the Dec orders because of a failure from Best Buy and Bioware/EA.

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I would say C.

They are giving us information, which is better then most MMO's.


BUT, I can not figure out why we can not see our spot in this que. I understand the staggered start and its kinda a good idea. Still in a CS stance why cant we log into our account and see how many are in front of us.

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Its easy to give them a hard time or jump on the "flames suck" bandwagon, i understand why people are frustrated but to be fair i had a small problem regarding not been able to post on the forums and i sent a tweet to Rockjaw, an hour later it was more or less sorted without problem ... cant ask for better than that.
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Anyone giving a bad "grade" because you didnt get to play seven days before the game launches needs to slow down the qq. They said you could play UP TO 5 days early. Getting in today would have given you 6. Wipe those tears and go outside and talk to a person not on a screen for awhile.
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People who think that this game is having a smooth launch obviously didnt play Rift during it's launch. There were absolutely no complaints about people not being able to play (aside from the random small bug that effected an extremely tiny minority). This is not a smooth launch. If it were going smoothly would the forums be overrun with the same complaint?


The same complaint coming up is one of self entitlement and rage. The complaint about not getting in is bs really, the info was there in plain site. If people are upset about it that's there problem.


People getting pissed because Bioware is not providing explicit details about when people will get into early access, well all I can say is they do not need to or are required to provide that info.


People seem to think that they are required to be told when they will get in. Again the info was there it was just ignored.

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I would really like to throw in here that this isnt even a "launch". It is a bonus for people that were smart enough to pre-order the game early.


If you were so interested in playing the game so early, then you should have pre-ordered it sooner.


Ive known for months now that if my code wasnt redeemed early I wouldnt be in the first wave. Oh weird, I was in the first wave... I wonder if that has to do with me staying on top of things because I wanted to play the game early...


Still, if I hadnt got in early, I wouldnt be blaming the company.




Seems pointless in preordering a game way in advance, im sure had people known early access would would be based off ordering status, then im sure people would have set aside there cell phone bills for a week or two. Ya alot launches have problems due too high volume logins at once ect, but everyone should have a fair chance at the game especially the competitive ones.


A+ honestly is for the ones that login and rub it in

F+ is for the ones that deserve to be on and playing just as much as the A+


As I said, the grades are customer satisfaction and not if you were playing you would give n A. Hell if I was playing the last place id be checking up on is forums.

Edited by ssluigipk
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Bioware gets an A


The two extra days helps to ensure that all players will get the most out of their 5 days. This was smart decision. Had they not done this tommorrow would be the 3rd day of early access and alot of people would not be in before the 20th. Now everyone will get at least 2 or 3 days out of the 5 days advertised.

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Anyone giving a bad "grade" because you didnt get to play seven days before the game launches needs to slow down the qq. They said you could play UP TO 5 days early. Getting in today would have given you 6. Wipe those tears and go outside and talk to a person not on a screen for awhile.


Im sorry but is it so wrong to expect the same treatment as everyone else? Sounds like you sir are a bit biased. Either you're already playing or you really don't care. Some of us want to play so excuse us for being vocal about it. We had to wait the same amount of time as anyone else so why should someone else get more play time than myself or anyone else?

Edited by mynimoe
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Overall a C. Fairly average with all things considered. The level and type of communication needs to change. The waves being all done within a short time in the morning needs to be explained why. The servers status page needs to give more info imo. Bioware needs to also post the time frame that each wave invited and if anyone that had preordered in that time frame didn't get invited they could go to support and get in cause they should have. I mean support must already be overwhelmed due to how vague the timeframe information is for invites.
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Yesterday : C+

Today : F-


No wonder I'm rolling dark side I clearly have no patience. :)


Though my grade would probably have been a solid B if they would just have sent me a courteous email saying when I would have access. The carrot on a stick is unpleasant.

Edited by DarthOmenX
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I am going to go with an A+.


I got to play with two friends who preordered the same day I did. The game for the most part is polished and responsive. Servers where stable and I had a lot of fun. I really look forward to my other friends getting in they will love this game.

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