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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Since I got in on day 1 (:p).... it's quite nice how they stagger EGA.

Means one can actually do quests without having to wait too long for respawns.



Yesterday I'd have given a D for the lack of communication regarding 'waves'.

Would have been nice if people actually knew the day they will be allowed in.

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Overall I think they have done a good job and are releasing a pretty polished product. I am disappointed that I pre-ordered and I am not in and I have a huge probablem with the rolling enrollment they are doing. I give their pre-release access a big F. Everything else is a solid B+.
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Ive been in beta , played it and enjoyed it alot .


They get a straight A from me.


The gameplay is above my actual expectations .


OK , the wave stuff could be better , but its because they just did not know when the waves would come and how much people where getting in. It all depends on how the servers react.

Alot of crybabies on the forums just dont understand and keep wining. Let them , i hope they all get in the last day of early acces :D


Maybe they should all go to Blizzard , these guys love these dramaqueens.


I aint no fanboy , im a adult with a normal thinking pattern


Thx BW for all the effort you guys put in to give us a nice game exp



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As far as grades go they get an F, I mean... I'd want to at least give them a C- or a D but by standard those are passing grades so it has to be an F, maybe a 59% but that's it.


The main reason is this 18 hour gap between waves, somewhere down the road that 10,000 posts of anger made MMO history.


I'll say that I was intending to play a Bounty Hunter with the intent of being neutral, now I'm going sith strictly to spread pain and misery across the galaxy.

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Um... The game hasn't even launched yet. The launch is December 20th. This is early access given on a first come first serve basis in order to ensure for a smooth REAL launch on the 20th. You can't pre-order on the 11th of December and whine for not getting in the EARLY ACCESS 2 days later. Sack up, and wait patiently like all the other intelligent people who know the real launch is going to be smooth thanks to their careful planning in making sure the servers don't overload.


A+ Bioware


F for angry nerd raging 12 year olds who think they know more about the industry than the devlopers.

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I really do hope they made the right decision on the early access.


This game is going to get a LOT of negative reviews come launch day and perception is definitely everything. Some people wait until a game is reviewed by a lot of people like me. I know personally that the backlash here is what is going to cause it as I've been following the launch boards waiting for honest reviews.


If people dont however they are going to see 10% positive and 90% negative and thats not going to go well for the game. It'll probably even out at some point in the next year but it's the beginning of a game that draw in the most people and decide where your game will go.


Again i'm not trolling but giving this a very analytical view and realize that they might have made a mistake in locking out 90% of the people for even one day.

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There are people at bioware so scared of the launch being a disaster that they are taking the neccisary steps to ensuring the launch is silky smooth. I give them a passing grade because no MMO that i can think of has had this much hype before. just having bioware on the logo makes about 2.5 mill people ready to buy the game plus more starwars fans. I think there doing an ok so far, but more communication with us would be appriciated
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I don't think it is as bad as some people are making it out to be . I'm not sure why someone would play for 30 days if they thought the game was total trash. :rolleyes:



The only thing I would say is that it would be nice if Bio-ware put up a sort of schedule showing what time people would be getting in. So for instance yesterday would have been July 21-July 23. (I don't know the latest pre-order to get in.) The schedule itself would just give a rough estimate if you like.



I'm not to bothered about people getting to level 50 before as that was always going to happen. I want to enjoy the story. It never mattered if we started playing at the same time as some people would just skip the story.


I would like people to be limited to one character at a time in early access.



All the names I wanted are gonna be taken :mad:. But seriously I hope I get in today :)

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I haven't gotten in yet, which is disappointing, but Bioware never promised that I would. They've been pretty up front and communicative about the pre-launch, and anything before the originally stated 5 days early is just an added bonus anyway.
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It isn't even launch day. They're making it so that people who have waited a very long time to play this game get to feel special. Rate them an F on launch day if you like, but I'm giving them an A++ for giving dedicated fans early play time, something that would never happen with other MMOs. Stop QQing that you haven't been given your PRE-RELEASE EARLY GAME PASS
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And this is why the fanboi's just don't get it. They think that just because Bioware told them something, that it makes it the correct way to launch a game.


F- to all the people that have to refer to those not whining and crying like them as a fanboi


We want in just as much as you do we just don't see the point of crying about it in 5,000 threads that all say the same thing.


Like i have said before i hope many of you are teenagers or kids cause if you are a adult i would feel ashamed with myself if i had conducted myself on the forums they way some of you have.


But meh that's just me.

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I would give them a B right now.


The game is what they said it would be.


They are doing EA exactly as they said they would.


The only reason that I down grade them at all is the vague communication that is coming from them. I think they could do a better job there, otherwise there's nothing to complain about.

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Yeah let's all get in at the same time where the servers crash and everyone has a queue where they can't play. It seems that in time people would realize that you can't launch with everyone at a mad rush and then in 2 months everyone saying MY SERVER IS A GHOST TOWN MERGE IT OUR I QUIT. Kudos to Bioware for doing it the right way. Carry on children.
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