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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected.


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No its matter of you having a good PC or not...

Its simple as that. if you have a rig that handles swtor very good you wont be seeing any delay on combat. Unfortanely manny ppl have this delay due to their rigs not being good enough, to process fast paced combat, or simply the game isnt fully optimized for their systems.

take your pick.


I experience and I run this game at 80-110 fps, sup with that. You sound like bioware.

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If you removed every Star Wars reference from this game and replaced it with some other franchise nobody would play this garbage. People aren't here cuz the game is so innovative and inspired... they're here cuz the Star Wars name is attached...



You can only speak for yourself because you have no idea why people are actually here.

Your opinion is subjective and irrelevant.

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No its matter of you having a good PC or not...

Its simple as that. if you have a rig that handles swtor very good you wont be seeing any delay on combat. Unfortanely manny ppl have this delay due to their rigs not being good enough, to process fast paced combat, or simply the game isnt fully optimized for their systems.

take your pick.

and see the post above he just spot right on.


There was a sticky about it a while back. It's the delay between when the "cast" bar is full and the ability goes off. It's noticeable especially when you move immediately after the bar is full and it cancels the ability.


I think the problem is that the ability activates with the animation of the character, rather than when you press the button. And there's some "lag" between when the cast bar is full and when that animation may play out. The animation can be interrupted even after the bar has filled and vanished. It's really noticeable if you're the type to move a lot while using abilities, like in PvP.


Is it as serious as people make it out to be? No, it's just something to whine about. Game breaking? Anyone who says that should get a kick in the nuts.

Edited by alkanterah
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Gotta go with the OP. First MMO where I've hit 50 and immediately rerolled, the leveling experience is just that much fun. Once you get out of that tired gear grind mindset it's really refreshing and SWTOR is the first MMO that I've played that's really made that a viable approach.






LOL.. "serious gamers". That's a joke right?




So you've identified why you're here, is it enough for you to stay? Also why do you assume that's the case for everyone else? Just curious.


Thank you for proving the point that this game has been rushed and provides little to nothing to do at Level 50.


Just spent 2-3 hours on my 50 doing the PvP dailies, HM BT daily, Ilum daily... and that's it. Nobody else is willing to do other HM FPs besides BT unless they are carried through it; I'm not in a raiding guild ATM since I'm not geared enough but from what I've heard gear from Operations is worse than the PvP gear you get through bags, so what's the point for doing Operations again?


The only thing that's keep me playing is my second character. I'm just pissed I'm literally FORCED to have to level another character to enjoy this game. I'm one of those players who's only interested in completing my char once it hits level 50... Anything before that is completely irrelevant.


It's just insulting when you have developers of the BW team telling us that we're better off re-rolling a character than to hang out with a Level 50 given the lack of activities to do. Pathetic.

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I experience and I run this game at 80-110 fps, sup with that. You sound like bioware.


Like i said see the post before mine, there is ppl with high end machines that has low performance, as well.

The game isnt optimized for every machine configuration and every graphic cards i belive.

Bioware is looking into it.

The point is there is nothing wrong with combat delay,it happens because the game isnt fully optimized for every configurations. How do you explain that i and several other players dont have this isue?!


also a small note folks you realy need to go to darth hater and read on the feedback of ppl on public test server for the next major update. They mention this issues and much more.

Edited by Spartanik
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Well done OP. The combat was actually more fluid leading up to open beta and seems the tweaking that dev has been doing since launch has made it progressively more glitchy. It's merely a nuisance though, not a deal breaker. They'll have it fixed soon enough which will be soon enough for me. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Thank you for proving the point that this game has been rushed and provides little to nothing to do at Level 50.


Just spent 2-3 hours on my 50 doing the PvP dailies, HM BT daily, Ilum daily... and that's it. Nobody else is willing to do other HM FPs besides BT unless they are carried through it; I'm not in a raiding guild ATM since I'm not geared enough but from what I've heard gear from Operations is worse than the PvP gear you get through bags, so what's the point for doing Operations again?


The only thing that's keep me playing is my second character. I'm just pissed I'm literally FORCED to have to level another character to enjoy this game. I'm one of those players who's only interested in completing my char once it hits level 50... Anything before that is completely irrelevant.



I didn't prove that point, I said I rerolled because I enjoyed the leveling experience. Not because there's a lack of anything to do. But maybe it is because people are rerolling that you can't find enough people to do the gear grind and dailies. Let's face it, that's just not that much fun. I think now that people have a reason to reroll and not feeling forced to do that crap we're seeing just how lame it is. But of course there are those who still love it, and people are raiding.. So some people are going at it.


I'm not in a raiding guild ATM since I'm not geared enough but from what I've heard gear from Operations is worse than the PvP gear you get through bags, so what's the point for doing Operations again?


Any decent raiding guild will gear up a recruit through hard modes. And if the gear is the only motivator for you and it's better from PvP then go PvP, what's the problem? You raid to beat the encounter. But again, I grew tired of it several games ago and realized that that's all it had become for me as well, a gear grind. So like I said, glad SWTOR has given me something more interesting to do.


It's just insulting when you have developers of the BW team telling us that we're better off re-rolling a character than to hang out with a Level 50 given the lack of activities to do. Pathetic.


Just to clarify about that comment about rerolling, that was advice to a specific player who had out paced his server community. No amount of end game content can solve that. There's plenty to do at 50, but currently there's just much more fun to be had playing through as a different class. That's the strength of SWTOR.

Edited by alkanterah
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Like i said see the post before mine, there is ppl with high end machines that has low performance, as well.

The game isnt optimized for every machine configuration and every graphic cards i belive.

Bioware is looking into it.

The point is there is nothing wrong with combat delay,it happens because the game isnt fully optimized for every configurations. How do you explain that i and several other players dont have this isue?!


Newsflash...no PC game is optimized for every processor/card/motherboard/ram combination because this is PC we are talking about, configuration possibilities are practically limitless.

There will always be some who experience certain issues that other people don't have.


Not to mention software, some people have so much garbage on their system that it's practically choking, and no, not everyone knows how to keep their system clean and well optimized for certain things.

Edited by Vlacke
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For me it's the personal attachment I've developed with each char I make. It really ropes you into a story when the main protagonist is someone you can relate to. Seeing as I get to make all his choices, he mirrors parts of myself that evoke an empathic response when things happen to him. In wow and most other mmos you have what amounts to a distanced avatar, in swtor you feel like you are watching a person you know affecting and being affected by his/her environment.
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Didn't read anything but the OP, and while it is correct and I'll agree. It's skyrocketed, but personally, it plummeted once that story element wore off.


The real game starts at 1, ends whenever you finish your story.


Isn't it great? It's pretty refreshing and I'm on my third now and enjoying the story of my latest just as much as my first character.

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-Talent system just like pre cata WoW's

Diablo II copied WoW, have you seen their talent system?

-BG's the exact same as WoW (Huttball being a twist with only 1 flag, but theres Strand of the ancients w/o vehicles, and battle of gilneas)

Don't fix what ain't broke...if people liked it, make your own.

-Extremely linear gameplay, just like WoW

"I have never played a game in my entire life, let alone story-driven MMOs"

-Abilities and talents with the same name as WoW abilities and talents

Still haven't seen "Flash Heal", "Purge", "Mass Dispel" etc

-Grindy game, just like WoW, where you must grind gear up until and at 50 to be competitive.

"I have never played an MMO before why the hell should I have to get to the level cap to do dungeons?"


I'm willing to bet you've never actually played an MMO before other than World of Warcraft, am I right?

Edited by Falkelord
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Isn't it great? It's pretty refreshing and I'm on my third now and enjoying the story of my latest just as much as my first character.


By all means, the story is good, but it is an MMO... and the fun shouldn't stop when the story is over.

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As a main tank raider in everquest 2 I can can say that the combat in SWTOR would be okay if...........


if they left the dayum camera alone.


Man I cant tell you how many times Im trying to grab aggro from another mob only to have the game take control of the camera and spin me completely around and Im so freakin lost trying to figure out where to turn to grab aggro.


Secondly......the range issue is a real nuisance. 4 mobs......4 ranged....4 different areas and spread out beyond taunt range....


Thirdly it is very easy to take aggro from the tank and the tank has limited amounts of taunts to get aggro back.


I am readjusting to a new way of doing things here but the delay is annoying and the ease in which aggro can be lost is a challenge.


They have work to do with combat.


But they need to go slow. They need to take their time....DO NOT do a combat revamp like SWG did and end the game....then go to an NGE and then go to free to play and then...........see what I mean...ALL DRASTIC CHANGES.


They just need some tweaking.....give us freedom over camera angles and free up delay and give tanks more ability to taunt because of facing so many ranged mobs in this game.


problem solved.

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By all means, the story is good, but it is an MMO... and the fun shouldn't stop when the story is over.


Yeah, it's the MMO aspect that allows us to have 7 other stories to play through after the first. And with new content, well, more story to be had. I'm all for a gear grind, but I'd love to put it off for as long as possible because let's face it, it's just something we do because that's typically all there has been to do.

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I'm willing to bet you've never actually played an MMO before other than World of Warcraft, am I right?


Actually two things:


D2 precedes WoW.

I'm like 100% sure my Sorceress has Purge. It even seems to do the same thing as it's WoW equivalent.

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- Character Development. You begin your development at level 1 not at the end cap level.

- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap.


I think we will all find that in this game, the game really does start at level 50. You can tell because of the way the gear and the crafting is set up. But you will at least have the choice [levelling] of some of the outcome of your character. For example you may or may not make choices to have certain companions.

There is clear line to cross at level 50, Warzones and PvP are another prime example.

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Great isn't exactly what I'd call it.


It's really only a matter of time... People will play through their stories and be left saying "what now" and unless something is changed, they will leave.


For me personally, I do not want to level an alt. I have this insane ability with games to remember all the little details, where things are located. I cant replay 90% of the exact same content in the exact same order to see another story.


Bioware seems to be relying on people not having free time to get through it quickly and then re-rolling alts.


Well like I said earlier, for people who don't enjoy that there's the typical gear grind to participate in. I think people are just rerolling because it's the more fun alternative. Frankly if that's what Bioware is relying on then they made a good decision because frankly there's more than enough games out there with nothing but a gear grind to end up with (Rift).


With playing the same content over and over, I'd agree but I have more of a problem with doing that with flash points. I just can't sit and do them day after day and the whole idea of dailies (even the name makes my eyelids heavy) makes me even more thankful I have a worthwhile reason to start over. How well that will work out will depend on how much and of what quality content they can push out.

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Oh my, this is going to be fun.


- Story Driven MMO. People are simply tired of WoW and its many clones (Rift...etc).

Sure why not, this one is somewhat true.


- Character Development. You begin your development at level 1 not at the end cap level.

What? Are we playing the same game? You start your development at level 10 and even then you have nothing new to bring to the table. In fact, every talent tree is exactly the same (there is literally no innovation or change here).

- First tier has fillers which are good for all specs

- Second tier is almost always meaningless but just a "filler" process.

- Third tier is always a spell, for each class. (With the exception of healers, they have more spells to go on).


So you really don't develop your character any more than you do in wow for instance. In wow you have glyphs, thus you actually have far better character development. If you mean development as in voice acting, then ignore this, but I don't see how that makes sense since you are talking about 5% of the quests in the entire game.


- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap.

Why ? Because at each planet you have 3-4 quests that are unique to your class, so you have basically 8x3(or 4) quests per class per planet, thus making this the amazing start of a epic game, right? Voice overs mean nothing to me, it's practically a waste of time. But since this is personal preference, like every review on the planet it's just me.

- Immersive game play and environments.

This is highly subjective. Immersive how? You have plenty of different topics on different opinions, which highly visualizes what immersion really is. Some people think that no toilets in the game is totally immersion breaking, some people think force users should **** everything, because they are sith and jedi, some people don't like the incredibly linear story and so on. Once again, immersion should be a very careful factor when using it to grade a game.

- SWTOR killed "the Grind" that plagues so many MMO's.

I will never, ever understand this statement and I've seen it countless times. Exactly how did it kill grinding? Do people that review the game or people that claim this game kills the grinding have characters above level 20? In this game, there is probably more grinding than current Aion. The only way to progress is to backtrack constantly to complete all the objective quests, and just about every quest has bonus objective quests, which translate into nothing but pure grind. if you skip them you won't have enough experience to travel to the next planet. This is a fact, I don't know how you manage to spin it otherwise. But hey, maybe the voice overs make you totally forget why you are grinding, in that case it just doesn't work for me.

- Fluid Combat with clashing Lightsabers!

No, not even close. Ability delay, not being able to chain abilities because of the delay bugs (try playing a caster) and unresponsive aoe casting, truly fluid combat right there.

- In SWTOR the leveling process is FUN and not a chore.
Sure, but I never want to redo it, due to the massive amount of grind. But hey, every new MMO always feels alright to level in the western world.

- Voice-Acted questing. Incredibly well done.

For the voice acting I heard, I liked, so kudos for that.

- Smooth Launch! Fairly unusual in this business but BW pulled it off.

Indeed, for majority of the players it should have felt smooth.

- If its this good at launch, imagine SWTOR in a year! AMAZING!

Like we could imagine age of conan, rift, warhammer and aion right? They all breached 1 million subs with the exception of Rift. :D


This is my personal opinion, I have a level 50 marauder and a level 40 bounty hunter. My opinion is no better than yours so keep that in mind when/if you quote me and no, I won't go back to wow.

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Diablo isn't an mmo bud.


Before I am flamed to death let me clarify. Mmo is short for mmorpg these days, Diablo is massively multiplayer online, but it resembles arcade action much more thanrpg, not to mention it is lobby based.

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I like this game, but I really do think that you (and people like you) are so wrapped up in your biased, fanboi opinion that the only word that correctly describes you is ignorant. The only thing SWTOR has that sets it apart from. . . pretty much every other MMO on the market (aside from the obvious SW IP) is the voice acting. Outside of that, most MMOs do. . . pretty much everything else just as well, if not better. Since everyone seems to like to compare games to WoW, that's what I'll compare SWTOR to in my more detailed response.


- I'll give you this one. BUT! now most people get to spacebar through 2-5 minutes of buggy 'conversations' to find out where they need to go to kill/gather X of Y instead of spending 2 seconds skimming before clicking accept. (yeah, the first 20 or so levels I listened to almost all the 'conversations' but after that it felt like a waste of time, so I hit spacebar as soon as I finished reading the line of dialogue on the screen.)


- This is completely subjective. I happen to think that WoW had some pretty epic storylines. Problem is, most people don't bother to read the quests (I'm willing to bet you were one of them) so they don't know.


- The only thing these conversation choices affect is your ability to use certain items. If you want certain gear, you have to go all light or all dark (non-force users have a bit more leniency here). This effectively reduces what could be a really interesting way to set leveling experiences apart, down to just clicking the option with the appropriately colored star next to it so you can continue to use the gear you have equipped.


- For me, the real game always starts at level 1. If it doesn't, then maybe you shouldn't be playing that game.


- Yeah, you can spend a crap-ton of credits to have your companions go out and gather stuff that other games allow you to gather for free. Outside of the fact that SWTOR companions allow you to spend your time doing other things (standing around in the fleet seems to be pretty common), they're the same as most other MMO's pets/familiars/summons but have worse AI and worse manageability.


- Balanced PVP?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! When was the last time you queued up for a WarZone? Sure, the classes are somewhat balanced but the PvP itself? NO! How on earth is it balanced to have max level characters (with all their skills, talent points and PvP gear) facing off against lowbies who only had their stats boosted? Yes, we're about to get a separate bracket for level 50s but it's not in right now, so I'm afraid I have to strongly disagree with your statement about balanced PvP.


- PvP rewards seem more or less the same to me, am I missing something? I grind WarZones (just like I did Battlegrounds and Arenas in WoW and Scenarios in Warhammer and Warfronts in Rift, etc.) to get better gear to continue grinding WarZones. The big difference is, I had fun with the structure and ladder system of other games.


- I was far more immersed in WoW than SWTOR. WoW has big sprawling cities (that aren't mirrors of the opposing faction), WoW has smaller villages where normal people and children (where are all the kids in the Star Wars universe, by the way?!) live/work, WoW has night/day and weather cycles, WoW has a big open world that allows me to travel from one zone to another without having to traverse 3-5 loading screens. What does SWTOR have? A linear progression path in static and empty worlds with fully voiced questlines that hold my interest and attention only the first time through. Oh, and a billion unnecessary and ridiculously long loading screens littered throughout.


- I'm only willing to agree with you halfway on this point. I happen to enjoy the Space Combat mini-game, so I'll give you the 'Cool Space Combat mini-game' part of your statement. However, WoW also has a bunch of mini-games that I'm sure people consider cool (bombing runs, plant vs zombies, fishing, the upcoming 'pokemon', just to name a few off the top of my head).


All that said, I think it's necessary that I say, I'm really enjoying SWTOR for what it is - an amazing single player game with some co-op functionality. Maybe in time BioWare will roll out enough bugfixes, customization options and content patches to make the game feel more like the MMO I had hoped it would be. But for now, it's pretty much a crappy (in terms of it's ability to implement the good things) imitation of WoW with Star Wars painted over it.


Well said.

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