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Too many Elite mobs ingame..


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There were, the original vanilla and first TBC mobs were all pretty hard-hitting. Which is also the thing which the strong mobs instantly reminded me of. :)


That was mostly because of undergearing initially (especially in TBC or new expansion areas before you get the new level of gear).


However, I don't understand how people find the mobs in this game hard. With mods and gear and stims and so on, and knowing your companions, you shouldn't have real difficulty against any quest mob in the game, really. Some fights make take a death for you to figure out, but that's about it, really.

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i don't think there are enough elites, and many of the fights i had (in quests) felt... well, dull and lifeless...


but i dislike pve generally and anything that can make it more challenging is good in my opinion. they should create a "nightmare mode" server, where all mobs start out as strong, strong become elite, elite become champs, and champs have a 15% damage dealt/recieved bonus.

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Just pathetic.


The silver star strongs are just a replacement for a large group of mobs. In most cases, the silvers are alone or only have 1 standard with them, or if they are together with multiple mobs, they are usually the weak ones that die from like 2 hits. The gold star elites or whatever they are called are few and far between in most cases, and unless you are doing a heroic, they are almost always alone or again just have a few of the weak guys with them.


Don't be stupid and approach the fight with a little common sense.


Just because you are used to aoe'ing the groups of 4 standard guys down in 4 seconds, doesn't mean that taking a whole 10 seconds to kill a silver star is "too hard". Or OMG it took 30 seconds to kill a gold star and I actually had to regen my health after the fight!!!11!


Seriously pathetic. Go play hello kitty online.

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While i personally have no problems with the amount of strong/elite mobs i faced levelling, other than the occasional double strong mobs as neither of my 2 lvl50s have a cc.


But for the average casual gamer, content above 40 may be a little to difficult due to amount of tougher elite mobs. And about every mob having a sunder armor ability.


Theres no need to belittle the OP or anyone for their opinion just to make yourself look good. It just makes you look childish.

Edited by Sivn
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Yeah it does get a little annoying especially towards the end where it's 1 elite with 2 regulars almost always and sometimes even more than that. As an Infiltration shadow, I was gearing my tank (Lt Iresso) when soloing so I don't run with a healer and have to tank therefore losing all my backstab dps. Thus my healer wasn't geared and when I had these hard to kill mobs, I couldn't do it by myself.


An Elite and 2 regulars shouldn't be hard for any Jedi Consular. Just lift the elite and kill the regulars, you should have enough time after the regulars are dead to heal yourself before the Elite drops. THis shouldn't be hard unless you are underleveled.

Edited by JerokTalram
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The only thing i find sad is...until Voss there was never really a hard challenge for my char since i was always a little ahead of the quests in level.


i used khem val first for my sith inquisitor and all was fine...a friend went for the healing tree and i went for the lightning. he stayed with khem val and never had a real challenge till voss too but managed it.


when i got androkus or how he is spelled i switched to more dmg...as i thought dmg+dmg=faster kill...which worked out fine at the start but at bosses i often needed 2-3 tries or had to kill some of the adds first, then die and then do the boss while healing my companion and myself instead of dealing damage.


when i got Ashara i tried her cause i liked her background and...lightsabers!

all was ok till voss...then i had 2 bossfights i just couldnt win...same level boss vs. me and her. i couldnt keep up healing her since i am not healing specced and even with our 20min cooldown healing ability we couldnt win.


so in the end i switched back to a tank...the last one we gain Xalek. Now all works again...

sure most of the fights i can do with the others and prolly most of the bosses, but some have ujust the right skills to prevent me from standing still to heal or channel anything.

(aoe attacks, bombs on the ground, stun, hold the same time)


my problem just is...it seems there is only one companion that is really suited to stay with you...the others dont work well aswell.


like all the bounty hunters stick with mako it seems.


is it balancing? probably...


and omg its so pauinfull that companions still use aoe if you cc someone and you have to switch it off everytime manually to prevent this from happening.


its not too hard...it only happens sometimes...but i still feel one companion is best for one class and the others are lesser suited, or not good enough to be on par with the better one.


and ofc for flashpoints companions are not really helpfull..only if it a easy one for you...besides that...the only maybe usefull companion in a flashpoint...if you are only 3 people would be the damage dealer as me and my guildies think.


thats why i think the companions need to be overworked a little, or some bosses tuned down a little.


and as you might be aware bioware stated they are working on the later quest design...

as i really started to get bored with the quests (besides my class quest) at lvl 36+


mostly its...kill/collect/kill/destroy then finish boss with lots of silver ones in the mix during the dungeon/quest.


it just feels like work...and not a powerfull char that you are and blast your way through untill you are in the last chamber of the dungeon/quest. a little less silver ones wouoldnt have hurt at all.


and yes a switch like at city of heroes mmo would be nice...you can make quests harder and earn more xp...but if you do there will be higher mobs you face and more silver/gold/champion ones.


so everyone could decide for themself how they wanna play and what challenge they want to face.

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my problem just is...it seems there is only one companion that is really suited to stay with you...the others dont work well aswell....


You are quite right.


My particular build (Smuggler, everything in the ranged tree except for the reduced cooldown on the "knee to the groin" CC/Stun ability) means that a lot of the companions doesn't make sense for me. And thats just the way it is. Some of the companions are perfect for my build.


I can't really see how it could be any different?



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You are quite right.


My particular build (Smuggler, everything in the ranged tree except for the reduced cooldown on the "knee to the groin" CC/Stun ability) means that a lot of the companions doesn't make sense for me. And thats just the way it is. Some of the companions are perfect for my build.


I can't really see how it could be any different?




You can't make every companion suitable for every tree ever. Would make the companions way to strong, you could just send in the pet and /sleep while they killed everything.


To the Op learn to use your CC, and burn down mobs from weakest to strongest. Killing off a mob greatly reduces the damage you take. Just standing there trying to tank everything while you slowly chew through the health of that elite (silvers are known as strongs bts) will just get you killed. Also lean to control your companion, having them focus dps with you helps so much more than letting them choose their own targets.

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There are not too many. Use the correct companion for your class and use any CC you can on the elite and kill off any weaker adds first. If no adds, then save your top spell/buffs CD's for when you fight the elite.


That depends on the situation my Focus spec Sentinel won't worry about the adds especially if they are melee because my sweep will take them out as I kill the elite if my companion doesn't.

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My experience with this, as I posted on the previous page, is wildly different having played Gunslinger as my first character.

Up until level 40 there is no such thing as a Gunslinger companion suitable for fighting melee Elites. Ranged ones are even downright easy much of the time. Melee ones, however, are so ridiculously overpowered against Gunslingers there really needs to be something done either to improve melee defenses pre-40 or a healing companion given far, far earlier into the story. CC is insufficient to keep the mobs at bay since they hit like trucks while you're on cooldowns. Pre-40 companions go down in seconds and leave you exposed to die. Everyone I know that played Gunslinger has complained about this.


I've had to abandon a number of solo missions since they had you pitted exclusively against melee elite mobs, multiple ones, and I've been running with myself and my companions kitted out in the best crafted gear I've been able to make for the level with up-to-date skills. I pop all of my cooldowns and use every trick available. Still, 2 out of 3 times the melee elite will rip me into shreds if I'm not running with Guss.

At one point it goes beyond being a challenge and turns into frustration, and that's where it stops being fun. That's where I abandon the mission and do something else entirely. I doubt this is the reaction the game is intended to elicit.


Not to belittle your gunslinger problem as I have one too but I found melee elite tougher on all my alts. They are more likely to interrupt casts and they hit really hard. I especially find the force sensitive ones and the one with a push a problem. THouhg she has her problems with Melee, my Sage is the only one that seems equiped to handle them with force wave, force stun and force lift.

Edited by JerokTalram
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I thought it was:








I only see elites in very scripted pieces or dungeons/heroics.


I will say that at times the pull is so hard that you have to use your healer companion. I have trouble (as a sentinel) staying alive when my companion isn't a healer.


A tank companion is good, but only until he dies.

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I thought it was:








I only see elites in very scripted pieces or dungeons/heroics.


I will say that at times the pull is so hard that you have to use your healer companion. I have trouble (as a sentinel) staying alive when my companion isn't a healer.


A tank companion is good, but only until he dies.


No it's definitely







Just target them and mouse over them if you want to know what they are.

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like all the bounty hunters stick with mako it seems.


is it balancing? probably...


I actually don't agree with this.


I've been using all my companions bar Ship Droid up to level 40.


For simple run of the mill stuff, I use a slightly undergeared Gault (His dps is really REALLY good for his gear) Though I have switched to Torian now because hes easier to gear (I just give him my old stuff!)


For Boss/Champion fights i'll bring Mako along if she isn't on a Crew Skill mission but i'll attempt them without her if she is.


Though I admit if I was a Powertech i'd probably use Mako just about all the time.


For my Jedi Guardian I mainly use Kira simply because she is awesome. I take all the aggro, and she dishes - that slightly bit extra than me - pain!


Anyone who just sticks to one companion is really not optimising their play.

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THis is something i love about this Game: It has a little Challenge! You have to plan pulls, buy Stims and Medpac to be able to solo some Stuff. Amazing. Really refreshing after Rift or WoW, which didn't give any challenge at all.


It's not even a challenge though. It's just plain out annoying especially when you have to kill 20 of them. I for example don't have a problem killing them but they just take to frigging forever to kill.


Honestly, I rather kill a mob with 5000 health that spams one shot abilities that I have to interupt than a mob with 20k health that deals moderate damage.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


Perhaps you should try out Strawberry Shortcake's Island Adventure...

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All I see in this thread is people making fun of the OP with comments like "L2P" and "Go back to WoW." Well unfortunately for TOR many of the casuals will do exactly that.


It still boggles the mind that of all the MMO developers Blizzard stands alone as the only one that seems to have recognised this simple fact:


A game that is easy to play has tens of MILLIONS of players.


A game that is difficult or annoying to play has about a million players. Then 500K. Then 250K. Then 125K. Then goes F2P.


I applaud those of you who found TOR easy to play, I bow to your superior gaming skills, because constantly having to deal with the quest-end gold elites has almost completely drained me of my desire to continue playing this game.

I cannot complete major quest lines without going to the next planet and leveling three or four levels. I would probably have to wait for the first expansion pack in order to level up enough to complete my lvl50 class quest line.


Now undoubtedly I will be unmercilessly ridiculed by all the uber elite gaming gods for this confession, but to be honest my skin's thick enough to take it, so by all means unleash the vitriol.


I so desperately wanted to love this game. I honestly did.



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That was mostly because of undergearing initially (especially in TBC or new expansion areas before you get the new level of gear).


However, I don't understand how people find the mobs in this game hard. With mods and gear and stims and so on, and knowing your companions, you shouldn't have real difficulty against any quest mob in the game, really. Some fights make take a death for you to figure out, but that's about it, really.


True. Back then pre-heirloom you took the greens you found and got from quests, and the odd instances you managed to find groups for. I enjoyed the challenge. Whenever I saw some elites my first thought back then was: must try killing it all alone. I have done some crazy things there but sadly they sort of made the game less like that.


Indeed mods make it quite easy to pimp your character in this game. I still find the challenges decent even with +3-4 levels above suggested level. That's why soloing quests like The Lanar Question and Assault on Fort Alde were fun things to do on my lvl34 Juggernaut, took me 2-3 deaths to brute-force the shield gen part the rest was relatively trivial. I solo'd even the Leranthan Lurker on my Op (now that was quite tricky to do). I love to kite-kill tough stuff on my Trooper as well.


All I see in this thread is people making fun of the OP with comments like "L2P" and "Go back to WoW." Well unfortunately for TOR many of the casuals will do exactly that.


It still boggles the mind that of all the MMO developers Blizzard stands alone as the only one that seems to have recognised this simple fact:


A game that is easy to play has tens of MILLIONS of players.


A game that is difficult or annoying to play has about a million players. Then 500K. Then 250K. Then 125K. Then goes F2P.


That's not true at all. Vanilla WoW already had 5m+ players and most endgame content catered to less than 1% of the population.

A misconception is that casual players abhor difficulty when the truth is that casual or not matters little when it comes to difficulty. What accounts for popularity among casual players is accessibility of content in timely manner. If you can complete the same stuff which a player dedicating alot more time can within the short time you have then you have a game with lots of accessible content. Difficulty reduction is just a gate to that but only if the same was hindering you in first place but it shouldn't be as rewarded as the harder difficulties. Which is why the MMO with tens of millions players still maintains higher difficulty modes for their endgame content which most casual players won't enter anyway.


I personally find that none of the elite and strong mobs in this game part of your class quest line are too hard. Some encounters may need some tuning but overall it's fine. The bonus objectives and heroic missions are optional, if you don't have the time or find them too hard: skip them! You have the choice to do so. You won't necessarily lose out anyway, most loot rewards contains of recommendation and some rare pieces otherwise available through other means as well.

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i agree that this can be a bit of a pain , but you have your companions and that equates to 2 ppl , nearly all classes have a cc ability , and some companions also have cc abilities so i dont see how this can be a problem . the game is designed to be difficult because technically the quests and the other stuff are for 2 ppl.
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