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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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I agree with every issue posted, except the arena issue. We did Eternity Vault last night, and it was so full of bugs it was rediculous. Due to all of the bugs my guild went on a bashing rage after we finished the Op. Discussing every. single. issue. you listed in your original post. Bioware needs to either implement all of these items within the next month, or, at the very minimum make a post stating that said items will be implemented in a timely manner.
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500 people who won't leave does not equate to a GROWING POPULACE.



90 people out of 1.5 million is still alot, especially considering that there's only about 150 in my guild. If that's a sample size, then 60% of the playerbase will leave.


Lol, I was joking saying I know 500 people...


No, 90 is not a lot out of 1.5 million, that has to be less than 0.000005% of the population that you say will leave.

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I agree with every issue posted, except the arena issue. We did Eternity Vault last night, and it was so full of bugs it was rediculous. Due to all of the bugs my guild went on a bashing rage after we finished the Op. Discussing every. single. issue. you listed in your original post. Bioware needs to either implement all of these items within the next month, or, at the very minimum make a post stating that said items will be implemented in a timely manner.


I agree. Most of the people oblivious to these issues are those who have not yet made it to level cap or at least past level 30. After level 30, quite a FEW issues arise in terms of the frequency of bugs.

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Lol, I was joking saying I know 500 people...


No, 90 is not a lot out of 1.5 million, that has to be less than 0.000005% of the population that you say will leave.


I take it statistics wasn't your favorite class? My post literally spelled it out for you, but you seem to have ignored the logic.

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I agree with every issue posted, except the arena issue. We did Eternity Vault last night, and it was so full of bugs it was rediculous. Due to all of the bugs my guild went on a bashing rage after we finished the Op. Discussing every. single. issue. you listed in your original post. Bioware needs to either implement all of these items within the next month, or, at the very minimum make a post stating that said items will be implemented in a timely manner.


With great power comes great responsibility





Edited by darthdoll
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I take it statistics wasn't your favorite class? My post literally spelled it out for you, but you seem to have ignored the logic.


Nope, because 90 out of your guild of 150 is not what we are comparing here, nice try.


We are comparing the 90 people you know who will quit compared to 1.5 million.


Fail troll is fail.

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His title does not warrant aggression. If you think it does, well, I think your wrong.
The number of people in this thread simply posting due to his title suggest otherwise. Whether or not you or I believe one way or the other doesn't matter. He has had numerous people (on both sides of the argument) that pointed out (in their opinion) how ludicrous the title is.


He posts a boldly titled thread not directed at any community member and community members meet him with aggression.
When yo ugive an ultimatum, what do you think is the natural response?


Why? How about a good solid argument as to why he's wrong. (other than yet another OMG ITS NOT WOW) If his title was "This community is stupid if it thinks this game is fine as is," different story.


A solid argument would be that none of what is posted is needed. Will it help the game? Most would probably argue that is the case. However, people need to realize there is a difference between implementing something right now to save the game and implementing something that enhances the game. Add-ons (some would argue) enhance the game, but it is not needed right now to save the game.


Don't generalize an entire side simply because you want to label them "fanbois" and pretend their only argument is "ITS NOT WOW".


I take it statistics wasn't your favorite class? My post literally spelled it out for you, but you seem to have ignored the logic.


Was statistics yours? A single sample size of 150 people out of 1.5 million is no where near large enough to quantify a legitimate sample size. That is 0.01% of the population. Now, take into account that they're all from the same guild, which means that most likely have similar interests and that further discredits your sample size.

Edited by Bdatik
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Because the OP knows exactly what everyone in this game wants... right?


Seriously, shut your yap and play the game. Or don't. I don't care. They have the first content patch next month already. Why don't we just wait and see what happens before we start the hyperbole and melodrama?


Every one of his suggestions made sense and seemed reasonable in terms of Bioware bringing the game up to modern standards.


It's also important for players to provide feedback. When Bioware makes the appropriate fixes, the negative feedback will vanish overnight.

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What i really like to implement is more mini games. Especialy pazaak or sabbac. So anybody knows or heared something from Bioware? Are they considering it? Did they though about, talked anything? There are big casinos on Nar Shaada which have all the faciities like common hall, big roller rooms, some arcade machines. And they all so dead and empty i wonder why to create them in the first place if not for mini games for ingame credits.
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500 people who won't leave does not equate to a GROWING POPULACE.



90 people out of 1.5 million is still alot, especially considering that there's only about 150 in my guild. If that's a sample size, then 60% of the playerbase will leave.


No, thats not a sample size, thats a single datapoint, if you gather information on 50 guilds then you MIGHT have something that starts to resemble a sample size.


Also, it might be teling what themake up of your guild is.

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Every one of his suggestions made sense and seemed reasonable in terms of Bioware bringing the game up to modern standards.


It's also important for players to provide feedback. When Bioware makes the appropriate fixes, the negative feedback will vanish overnight.


This your first game? Never ever have I seen negativity go away even after extensive fixes in any game. You just learn to avoid the forum sections with it.

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So what is it, exactly that makes the interface non-functional or closed and limited? The interface has worked fine for me since Day One.


The only actual interface bug I was aware of was the issue with cooldowns swapping to the wrong keys when going into and out of the cover bar.


What are these arguably glaring and intolerable affronts to UI bliss that you are dealing with, pray tell?


Limited action bars, the inability to have more than 2 windows open at a time. The inability to have both your crafting window and the GTN open at the same time. The inability to move a window once its open. The inability to adjust the size of everything in the interface. The inability to move the target window anywhere but bottom right. The inability to move the minimap. The inability to make the UI more or less transparent. The fact the the interface does not always properly update companion health when in parties, the scrolling combat text needs work, from everything i heard there's no real ability to mouseover heal, which is a complaint I have heard from every healer I know personally. Every single one a UI issue.


So yeah, your point was what?

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The number of people in this thread simply posting due to his title suggest otherwise. Whether or not you or I believe one way or the other doesn't matter. He has had numerous people (on both sides of the argument) that pointed out (in their opinion) how ludicrous the title is.


When yo ugive an ultimatum, what do you think is the natural response?




A solid argument would be that none of what is posted is needed. Will it help the game? Most would probably argue that is the case. However, people need to realize there is a difference between implementing something right now to save the game and implementing something that enhances the game. Add-ons (some would argue) enhance the game, but it is not needed right now to save the game.


Don't generalize an entire side simply because you want to label them "fanbois" and pretend their only argument is "ITS NOT WOW".


Pointing out that it's ludicrous is fine. (I think it could have been better stated for the purpose of not drawing focus from the substance of the post) However, what some people do by saying shut your trap etc.. etc.. is not fine. Why is it difficult to see the difference in those two scenarios?


He gave an opinion... an ultimatum would be implement these changes or I will quit/hit my dog/destroy your servers.


As for the necessity of some of his points, as I already stated:


I agree that several of the wants are not critical. I argue that the only critical problem is the bad combat system. people will wait for bugs to be smashed, and content to be expanded. However, if the game feels bad to play, people will not wait. At current, the combat feels pretty bad.

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Pointing out that it's ludicrous is fine. (I think it could have been better stated for the purpose of not drawing focus from the substance of the post) However, what some people do by saying shut your trap etc.. etc.. is not fine. Why is it difficult to see the difference in those two scenarios?
And that type of behavior is not limited to one side. A person in favor of the OP had his post removed because he told people they should die for disagreeing with the OP.


He gave an opinion... an ultimatum would be implement these changes or I will quit/hit my dog/destroy your servers.
How is this not an ultimatum:


"Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends."



As for the necessity of some of his points, as I already stated:


I agree that several of the wants are not critical. I argue that the only critical problem is the bad combat system. people will wait for bugs to be smashed, and content to be expanded. However, if the game feels bad to play, people will not wait. At current, the combat feels pretty bad.

And I have no problem with this view. Edited by Bdatik
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Your initial link is a great tool. However, the issues they are working on do not include a single issue from the Op's very accurate post. I will say that the dev tracker does show that their is hope for the future of Swtor. The day it starts listing these issues is the day that many people will silence their QQ's. The reason I worded my original post in the way that I did is because I know these issues have not yet been responded to by Bioware.

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For those of you that have not thought of this. ALL of the things that you are complaining about, that WoW has and Swtor does not, were things that WoW did not have at the beginning either. Of course all the Lich King babies would be here ************ about addons and macros. Wow has been around for years, it has had time to work on itself. It is ignorant for any of you to expect this game, which was just released, to be up to par with Wow on customization, addons etc.... If anything this release was awesome, much better than Vanilla WoW. I have not found a single thing that is a game breaking glitch or mistake. The only thing i do agree with on this thread is the threat meter. For raids and Flashpoints, that is going to be necessary. Bioware is much better to their customers than Blizz ever has been, im sure they are already working on all these things.
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Your initial link is a great tool. However, the issues they are working on do not include a single issue from the Op's very accurate post. I will say that the dev tracker does show that their is hope for the future of Swtor. The day it starts listing these issues is the day that many people will silence their QQ's. The reason I worded my original post in the way that I did is because I know these issues have not yet been responded to by Bioware.


I need to find the Reddit link, watch out for an edit on this post.


Forgot about this link...


Edited by darthdoll
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Limited action bars, the inability to have more than 2 windows open at a time. The inability to have both your crafting window and the GTN open at the same time. The inability to move a window once its open. The inability to adjust the size of everything in the interface. The inability to move the target window anywhere but bottom right. The inability to move the minimap. The inability to make the UI more or less transparent. The fact the the interface does not always properly update companion health when in parties, the scrolling combat text needs work, from everything i heard there's no real ability to mouseover heal, which is a complaint I have heard from every healer I know personally. Every single one a UI issue.


So yeah, your point was what?


These are all just wants, not needs. Just because you want it and it isn't there doesn't mean the UI is broken. That's my point, and I appreciate you assisting me in making it.


There is only one thing in your list that could even be seen as REMOTELY justifying the assertion that the UI is "broken", and it is the health status of companions when in parties not updating properly. In actuality, it's just an interface glitch, and I'm pretty sure this is a known bug (and if it isn't, it's your fault) and will be dealt with in one of the upcoming patches.


BTW, I run as a healer with my Trooper Commando and never even imagined I needed "mouseover heal".


Although thinking about it, are you saying if I use Support Cell and start right-clicking my companions in the battle, it won't shoot them with my healing ray? I'll have to try this and see.

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3 instances (flash points) isn't exactly a major content patch.



Spare me the sardonicism please.


and spare us the wow crapola please.


and go back to wow. as summarized by someone else so well :


Originally Posted by GalacticKegger

Power level to 85. Rush to grind heroics. Rush to grind rep. Spend hours studying Tankspot, Youtube, ElitistJerks - then rush to be the first ubergeared toon on your block with an epic item that will get replaced by a quest green 4 hours into the next expansion. Cram end game until every boss is on farm. Rinse & repeat for multiple toons using BoAs so the alts can do the same thing only faster. Rinse and repeat on mutliple servers. Scream for new expansion. Rinse and repeat the entire process only with a new race or class ...


WoW has done a fabulous job of conditioning its hardcore faithful into believing everything is a blind power-leveling boss-farming click & go loot pinata that has to be cleared yesterday. Wonder how many of them would stand in the street staring down an oncoming garbage truck because there's no DBM telling them to get out of the way.


There is plenty of content, as well as announcements of much more content, to keep this game thriving for years to come - casuals and twitch-quick combat fans alike. For the folks described in the first two paragraphs? Well there would be if they actually played the game instead of beating each other up over bragging rights.


i have been there, done that. i dont want to do it again. that's why im here. if you want to do it again, do it again where it is done - wow. audieu. i dont want your stuff.

Edited by Enako
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For those of you that have not thought of this. ALL of the things that you are complaining about, that WoW has and Swtor does not, were things that WoW did not have at the beginning either. Of course all the Lich King babies would be here ************ about addons and macros. Wow has been around for years, it has had time to work on itself. It is ignorant for any of you to expect this game, which was just released, to be up to par with Wow on customization, addons etc.... If anything this release was awesome, much better than Vanilla WoW. I have not found a single thing that is a game breaking glitch or mistake. The only thing i do agree with on this thread is the threat meter. For raids and Flashpoints, that is going to be necessary. Bioware is much better to their customers than Blizz ever has been, im sure they are already working on all these things.


No the fact that Wow has these features is exactly why we should be able to expect any other game on the market that is trying to compete for market share with Wow to have them. I played vanilla Wow. SWTOR is better than vanilla Wow, hands down. But it is not up to the current standard and that's what it has to be to compete in the current market. Yes a bunch of people bought SWTOR and yes they have massive numbers right now. But quality of life matter for long term sustainability. If the game is clunky, if the ui is terribad, if you can't effectively do what your raid needs you to do, then you start looking for another game. I don't want to see that happen. I really like the IP, I want the game to be sucessful and supported for several years. Right now i see it going free to play and the way of all niche games inside a year.

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