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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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I am throughly enjoy this game no matter what bugs I run into. I played WoW on and off for a few years, but was very casual with it and just had fun (no hardcore arena or raiding).


Bugs in this game so far tend to be more funny/immersion breaking than actual game breaking for me. I don't mind a few funny bugs popping up, but game breaking ones are more important to be tracked down of course.


I just built a new PC recently for Battlefield 3/Skyrim/Witcher 2/SWTOR/Diablo III/etc and SWTOR is running great on it (as it should) with my current rig: i5-2500k@stock, EVGA GTX 570 HD, 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1600, ASUS P8z68-V Pro. I am happy with the looks of the game, and although it does have some slowdown occasionally, it is super nice!


The UI size bothers me, so really all they would have to add is UI scaling to make me happy. Also only being able to have 2 windows open at once makes it hard to compare GTN items with Character window open and Inventory. Actually the entire GTN system is really clunky and should be revamped. If it accidentally closes and you reopen it, it should save where you were for at least 20 seconds. Really frustrating.


Otherwise this game is awesome, and I am sure many, many things will be addressed to bring the game up to speed with what its userbase needs/wants/requests.


Hope everyone is still having fun and enjoying the story because I know I am!


We aren't complaining about bugs in this forum, other than really gamebreaking ones which are few.


Most bugs do provide funny moments and good times.


What we want are core features and a strong foundation - these are different than bugs.



Wait a second, Resuscitate the game? Let's see what the dictionary says about the word Resuscitate.




Revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death.



This game is not dead and is nowhere near dead.




It is getting to the point of nearing death.


Death can appear faster than you think.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Now imagine that whole scenario if there were a SWTOR with everything running great, huge community, amazing UI and everything perfect...with an expansion soon to be released.


How long would you continue playing WoW at the point in time?

Actually I've already walked away from WoW. I beta'd the game and had been playing it right up until having to grind 16 Firelands dailies for 3 months to get a single tier level trinket burned me to a crisp.


I stuck it out with WoW through its release because I knew Blizz had something there. The game was inherently fun and just needed time. I played Diablo & Warcraft before that so I knew what I would eventually get - even though Blizzard had never done an MMO.


I've also beta'd KOTOR, and NWN, and Mass Effect. I've been playing those franchises ever since. So I'm sticking with SWTOR because, like Blizz before it, Bioware has something here. Having played KOTOR, NWN and ME I know what I'll eventually get - even though Bioware (like Blizzard with WoW) had never done an MMO.

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Actually I've already walked away from WoW. I beta'd the game and had been playing it right up until having to grind 16 Firelands dailies for 3 months to get a single tier level trinket burned me to a crisp.


I stuck it out with WoW through its release because I knew Blizz had something there. The game was inherently fun and just needed time. I played Diablo & Warcraft before that so I knew what I would eventually get - even though Blizzard had never done an MMO.


I've also beta'd KOTOR, and NWN, and Mass Effect. I've been playing those franchises ever since. So I'm sticking with SWTOR because, like Blizz before it, Bioware has something here. Having played KOTOR, NWN and ME I know what I'll eventually get - even though Bioware (like Blizzard with WoW) had never done an MMO.


This is good as a core base like you keep games alive through rough times. We need more like you.


The problem is, you are a minority.


If you imagined my scenario you obviously realized it in a different perspective and how true it is.


My younger brother got bored of the game and went back to wow... So I would say I think this game will be great!


Blizzards WoW has survived multiple "wow-killers" and remains strong even in its old age.


Sadly, the majority are like your little brother, they want to go to what's best. That is why I strive to make BioWare make changes.

Edited by Treyzorz
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When will people realize that any suggestions they post on these forums is a waste of time, don't get me wrong I'm not bashing the OP and I agree with what he and others have asked for but I hate to see people pure their hearts into some of these threads when no one who has any impact on TOR will read or consider them.


I wouldn't say that's true. I'm sure some of the developers do probably scour through the forums from time to time looking for good ideas. They aren't idiots.


But there's a difference between blue sky and reality. The problem with most of these threads is that they are completely disconnected in terms of what they're asking for and what that creates in terms of real budgetary and development schedule issues.


I'm sure there are a whole slew of items which the developers would love to sit down and start coding, and might have even started on already. But in the end, you wind up with a task list handed down by your boss or taskmaster and you either work on what's on the list or you work on your resumé.


Yes, they had really long beta periods with lots of feedback. But much of that work was spent fixing the game-breaking issues. I highly doubt the developers sat around and had "sleeping parties" in the office since Beta was released and they didn't have to do anything. They were just as busy, perhaps MORE SO than they had been already, but as the beta goes on and as more and more feedback comes in, more and more bugs need to be addressed and fixed.


No one who has ever undertaken complex software development will ever understand this, unfortunately. You have to almost see it to believe it.


The other disconnect is what the game managers and community managers see, and what we as the end-user players see.


They work under the guise of all of the specific, tasty real-time data that none of us have access to. We might see ten dozen threads show up asking for add-ons, but they might have thousands of requests on the back end for something different. If YOU are the development manager and YOU have the task of setting up which functions your team will be addressing, how are you going to determine the highest best use of resources? You're going to look at the actual data. And that's the stuff we can't see. It's the stuff the OP can't see, and others asking for macros and add-ons and whatnot.


If it really is being asked for by a majority of the players, or even a sizable amount, I'd have to imagine that there'd be plans for implementing these things within a reasonable time frame. If it's being asked for by a minority of players, even minority of players at the very top of the game (the L50s), then it might not make good economic sense to address those issues.


Without the real data in-hand, it's hard for us to make those value judgments, unless we're just operating from pure ego and what WE want. But if we presume that the development managers are competent, and do have that data in-hand, then we can start to make some suppositions as to what the actual data says.


If there isn't a lot of talk about upcoming changes to systems being asked for major changes, it could be that the changes are hush-hush for proprietary reasons or it could be that there just isn't a sizable player need for it.


In other cases, such as UI customization and space content, warzone content and others, they have already openly discussed upcoming changes.


The ones most unhappy with this, of course, will be the small vocal minority who is asking for customized functionality that has been deemed unwise to develop at the current time. My heart goes out to them...

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The only data we need in our hand is being a customer.


You weigh out the apples.


WoW is currently a bigger apple; lush and juicy. That is all you need to know.


If their budget was that big of an issue they failed at day 1. SWTOR will be another MMO in WoW's shadow.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?



But I still agree with the OP. I got the gist of it and I agree completely

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How is pvp gear to easy to get?????? I've been spamming warzones daily. At least 20+ warzones which takes a huge chunk of time. I've done the ilum Weekly, and ilum Daily everyday that I've been able to. I've done the 3 warzone daily every single day.


I've collected over 30 champion bags and i've gotta 1 PIECE OF GEAR from those bags.


I've bought wrists and a belt with the centurion marks and I have almost enough to buy a 3rd piece.


So all in all I have already put in 100's of warzones and 2 weeks of play time for 3 pieces of gear? Grinding 117 warzone wins to get enough bags to buy a piece that costs 39 marks, thats hardly fast IMO.


Before you all reply back, yes I know its luck of the draw with the bags, but 30+ bags only dropping 1 piece sux. And yes I usually get 7 to 9 medals every match, 60 to 100 comms per match. Thats it!! Am I missing something? There a vendor somewhere that I can get my Centurion gear / Champion gear for cheaper?

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The only data we need in our hand is being a customer.


You weigh out the apples.


WoW is currently a bigger apple; lush and juicy. That is all you need to know.


If their budget was that big of an issue they failed at day 1. SWTOR will be another MMO in WoW's shadow.


What's funny is that posters keep quoting this other game that I am never, ever going to play. I don't care if they paid me to play it.


WOW is great for people who like orcs and trolls and elves. No thank you. You may keep your lush, juicy apple. I came here seeking oranges.


I flat-out deny the assertion that the only way SWTOR can be successful is if they lure the players away from WOW.

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We aren't complaining about bugs in this forum, other than really gamebreaking ones which are few.


Most bugs do provide funny moments and good times.


What we want are core features and a strong foundation - these are different than bugs.





It is getting to the point of nearing death.


Death can appear faster than you think.



I totally agree with you. I love making games my own when given the tools to do so. If I could mod the UI around and change the looks of something I plan on spending possibly hundreds of hours with over the next few years (and hundreds of dollars). Sorry I am stressing the UI so much, but its definitely my main concern.


Like not being able to move my bed across the room and my desk to change things up every 6 months or so. What can I say! :rolleyes:

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What's funny is that posters keep quoting this other game that I am never, ever going to play. I don't care if they paid me to play it.


WOW is great for people who like orcs and trolls and elves. No thank you. You may keep your lush, juicy apple. I came here seeking oranges.


I flat-out deny the assertion that the only way SWTOR can be successful is if they lure the players away from WOW.


Partially true. In order to be a true success you need a decently large playerbase compared to WoW. That is a large market that you can attract in addition to newcomers and Star Wars fans.


I see what you mean, SWTOR is an orange and WoW is a big lush apple. But as it stands, SWTOR is a young orange that is not looking promising already forming oddly and bruised.


I wasn't saying SWTOR will only be successful from luring players from WoW, however in reality, that might be the only way.


I was stating it needs to have simple and core functions implemented that WoW has - not necessarily the complicated ones at first like the LFG system. But I mean, they don't even have to do anything if they just let modders create custom UI.

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I totally agree with you. I love making games my own when given the tools to do so. If I could mod the UI around and change the looks of something I plan on spending possibly hundreds of hours with over the next few years (and hundreds of dollars). Sorry I am stressing the UI so much, but its definitely my main concern.


Like not being able to move my bed across the room and my desk to change things up every 6 months or so. What can I say! :rolleyes:

Rest easy padawan for your concern is already being addressed. Please allow me...





Edited by GalacticKegger
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I totally agree with you. I love making games my own when given the tools to do so. If I could mod the UI around and change the looks of something I plan on spending possibly hundreds of hours with over the next few years (and hundreds of dollars). Sorry I am stressing the UI so much, but its definitely my main concern.


Like not being able to move my bed across the room and my desk to change things up every 6 months or so. What can I say! :rolleyes:


I totally agree.


My main concern for now is the fact the basic UI works AGAINST me. :(


I can't even inspect someone because the inspection screen overlaps the character screen and I can't resize or move any of it. Also, of all my years of gaming the chat bar was in the bottom left which is now at the top.


To change that, I used the PvP raid bars for standard party bars but now when I join a PvP game, the bar stretches across my screen and I have to resize it where I can barely see debuffs, health, etc. of my teammates. Also it shows 3-4 empty party blocks.


To sum it up, all I do is work to fight the current UI rather than embrace it because it's THAT bad.

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


Well, for those of who may know me (because they despise me) from my rampant pre-launch criticisms of this game, including ones derived from beta experience, it's happening. Most of the beta testers' concerns were not addressed, and that leaves us with the current state of the game.


SW:TOR is a game with great potential. That being said, MMOs only get one shot, and this is SW:TOR's. Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.




- Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)

- Add a combat log. I will say this again. ADD A COMBAT LOG. IT IS A *MUST!* A combat log is needed for damage/healing/tank mitigation parses. If you are serious about having guilds progress in non-mediocre PvE content, these are essential.

- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.

- Fix bugs in general, but most importantly the ones pertaining to the mail system (where an item can be lost forever if the bug occurs.)


- Add a fail safe (purchase confirmation) to item purchases and skill learns. Many people have lost commendations/credits for accidentally misclicking while using a high-sensitivity/DPI mouse and purchasing the wrong item.

- Overhaul the auction house system (GTN.) Add a search option, remove the 50 item limit on your auctions, and add bid/buyout functionality that isn't feudalistic and outdated.



- Implement a threat parse so that tanks can actually gage how much threat they have on targets. Right now, they are in the dark and they have a disproportionally stressful job. I can personally testify that I don't know a single person, nor do I think such a person exists or is common, that appreciates the current system of things pertaining to threat.

- An LFG system over-haul. I'm not saying it should be automated and teleport you to the location of whatever it is you're doing like WoW does, but there needs to be increased support for this. Perhaps introducing a channel with some extra features dedicated to creating groups would do it.

- Improve your servers so that you do not have to create two separate instances for a mere 50 people in a SINGLE sub-zone. That is just asinine and removes the social/community atmosphere from the game. I bought an MMORPG, not a single-player Mass Effect RPG.

- Fix accessibility to PvP gear. As it stands, many are reporting it is MUCH TOO EASY to acquire.

- Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.


- A customizable UI with third party add-on support. All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. Click-to-heal made healing fun. Bioware MUST implement this.

- >>>>>>>Ensure mouse-over heal support.<<<<<<<

- A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.

- A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency. People have "50 ms" latency and have a 3-4 second delay on select abilities.

- Better customer support. Hire MORE people, HAND THEM a company policy book, and GET them helping people out. No excuse for not having enough people when you knew how much traffic there would be on launch day.

- Buy a better swtor.com server. No reason why your WEBSITE should have queues when practically every MMO, including ones that have been less or more successful, did not have queues at launch, nevermind post-launch.

- Increase the number of players allowed on a server. Don't hide subscription numbers by artificially inflating server size. Reportedly, only 2000-2500 players are allowed per server, which is horrible. Bump that number up significantly, even if it is done gradually, or you're in trouble. The game world is already pretty empty in some places as is.

- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.

- Have community managers COMMUNICATE to the player base that Bioware understands our issues and is working diligently on fixing them. As of now, it appears as though y'all are pretending NOTHING is wrong. Wake up.

- Dissolve the universal PvP bracket. Put in SPECIALIZED PvP brackets instead. A 1-49 bracket and then a 50 bracket would be a great start, but preferrably, just do a 1-30, 30-49, and then a 50 bracket. If the player base grows further (big if here), then dissect the brackets further and specialize them to an even greater extent. A level 50 has much more utility and more abilities in its arsenal than a level 15. Even if they have the same stats, that is UNFAIR because the level 50 has a vested advantage. That's why there should always be brackets, albeit with the boost system retained.

- Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.

- Address content-related player concerns. Let us know what the horizon is bringing, and by this I mean, RELEASE MORE OPERATIONS/WARZONES and RATED WARZONES and give us an estimated time of arrival that is not too far off.

- A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees. Something closer to SWG space but IMPROVED because this is 2011 and not 2004 would be required.




Let me know if I missed something. The aforementioned were the most common issues presented to myself by other members of this community.



If you support this list or want to petition me to add something to it, please say so.


TL;DR: pick a random spot on the list and read it. See if you agree.



That's the list. It's your choice to make this game or break it, Bioware.

Ball's in your court.

It's a check, but will it be a check-mate?


lol he wants a combat log just so he can find out the best possible pvp cheap kill ability. Sry bud no easy button for builds for you experiment and find out like the rest of us. Space pvp is coming but other then that your list is just minor whining.

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Rest easy padawan for your concerns are already being addressed. Please allow me...






Thank you GalacticKegger, this eases my frustration SO MUCH!


Also, I'd like to quote something they said.


"You like choice. We hear you!"


We. Hear. You.


And this entire time - this entire thread is about people trying to shut people like my up, saying JUST ENJOY WHAT YOU GET.


All I can say is, you're welcome.


lol he wants a combat log just so he can find out the best possible pvp cheap kill ability. Sry bud no easy button for builds for you experiment and find out like the rest of us. Space pvp is coming but other then that your list is just minor whining.


Though this entire statement is outrageous and completely untrue as there are no "cheap kill abilities," in order find out numbers in the combat log you need to actually use abilities and experiment and then sum it up. So...I don't even know where to go with this anymore.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Partially true. In order to be a true success you need a decently large playerbase compared to WoW. That is a large market that you can attract in addition to newcomers and Star Wars fans.


I see what you mean, SWTOR is an orange and WoW is a big lush apple. But as it stands, SWTOR is a young orange that is not looking promising already forming oddly and bruised.


I wasn't saying SWTOR will only be successful from luring players from WoW, however in reality, that might be the only way.


I was stating it needs to have simple and core functions implemented that WoW has - not necessarily the complicated ones at first like the LFG system. But I mean, they don't even have to do anything if they just let modders create custom UI.


Excuse me, but what makes you say that? SW-ToR can be a truly great game with only 1-2 million subscribers. To say that to be a success you need to copy, or at least approach WoW's numbers is just wrong. No game will ever get those numbers again. WoW is/was a one-off. A golden success story.


But for me, that success story is in the past. I have moved on, and am content to stay a subscriber of SW-ToR. I love this game. I recognize that there are flaws and bugs, and that some things could be better, but to say that it is a dull apple compared to the shiny one I left is...well let's just say that it's not a statement that I agree with.


I'm done with WoW, and I look forward to what Bioware and SW-ToR will provide. With or without the features from the OP - most of which are really nice - but not need - to have.

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I don't understand most of the criticisms of the list - and they are rare because most of the community appears to support it - because they would ultimately benefit everyone.



A combat log would not HARM YOU in anyway if it were in the game. It would only benefit you.

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Excuse me, but what makes you say that? SW-ToR can be a truly great game with only 1-2 million subscribers. To say that to be a success you need to copy, or at least approach WoW's numbers is just wrong. No game will ever get those numbers again. WoW is/was a one-off. A golden success story.


But for me, that success story is in the past. I have moved on, and am content to stay a subscriber of SW-ToR. I love this game. I recognize that there are flaws and bugs, and that some things could be better, but to say that it is a dull apple compared to the shiny one I left is...well let's just say that it's not a statement that I agree with.


I'm done with WoW, and I look forward to what Bioware and SW-ToR will provide. With or without the features from the OP - most of which are really nice - but not need - to have.


Reading back on what I said I see a couple errors in the way I worded things, but you really didn't point those out anyway.


1-2 million would be successful, yeah, but I don't think SWTOR can accomplish that unless they get these changes implemented immediately within the next month or so.


As people have said a very small % spend their times on the forums so they don't even know about any future changes that are coming. They are in the dark.

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The only data we need in our hand is being a customer.


You weigh out the apples.


WoW is currently a bigger apple; lush and juicy. That is all you need to know.


If their budget was that big of an issue they failed at day 1. SWTOR will be another MMO in WoW's shadow.


Whatever, you seem to think that shiny 1 M matters, when WoW's next expansion is pandas and pokemon ... the game is stale, yes its enjoyable and fun and easy to get into, and appeals to loads more people over every other mmo.


But so does Modern Warfare 3 despite being a stale rehash. BF3 destroys it in quality... doesnt automatically mean it will have the highest pop...


Besides, most of the complaints in the original posters post are being dealt with and already confirmed... so why make 100s of threads about it here.

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Thank you GalacticKegger, this eases my frustration SO MUCH!


Also, I'd like to quote something they said.


"You like choice. We hear you!"


We. Hear. You.


And this entire time - this entire thread is about people trying to shut people like my up, saying JUST ENJOY WHAT YOU GET.


All I can say is, you're welcome.




Though this entire statement is outrageous and completely untrue as there are no "cheap kill abilities," in order find out numbers in the combat log you need to actually use abilities and experiment and then sum it up. So...I don't even know where to go with this anymore.


No....at least I am not trying to shut you up. I just don't agree with your premise that things are as bad as you say they are. And I tend to think that you - and the OP - are over-dramatizing the current state of affairs just a tad :)

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No....at least I am not trying to shut you up. I just don't agree with your premise that things are as bad as you say they are. And I tend to think that you - and the OP - are over-dramatizing the current state of affairs just a tad :)


Like I've said a million times, I've played other MMOs and even at a point I was like you.


Then I realized how fast it actually hits. Death can appear quicker than you expect.


Warhammer is an ideal example.


I'm not over-dramatizing anything, I'm saying this from experience.


Also, when WoW had so many problems in their beginning phase it was because not only were MMOs still fairly new, but it grew so fast that they could barely keep up.


Would you rather have a company that is having a problem keeping up with an insanely growing player base, or one that is having problems keeping things under control from a massive loss?



Whatever, you seem to think that shiny 1 M matters, when WoW's next expansion is pandas and pokemon ... the game is stale, yes its enjoyable and fun and easy to get into, and appeals to loads more people over every other mmo.


But so does Modern Warfare 3 despite being a stale rehash. BF3 destroys it in quality... doesnt automatically mean it will have the highest pop...


Besides, most of the complaints in the original posters post are being dealt with and already confirmed... so why make 100s of threads about it h


WoW is just a stale re-make of itself as is MW3.


Both are at the top of their market.


However, BF3 took as many things as they could that have been successful and implemented it and is a success all the while being second to MW3. Though, it isn't in MW3's shadow. It's a threat.


FPS is greatly different from an MMO because even though more population benefits you, it is as long as you can still get a game.


Those changes, by the way, are because people like Xugos and I strive to make change.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Great post OP, you nailed pretty much everything. I would also like to add,


1. Fix color/texture bugs for clothing and armor. Im tired of my companion and myself wearing pink and an apparantly completely black helmet (it's actually mostly silver with some streaks of color)


2. Implement High-Res Textures (I believe OP touched on this somehow).


Fix and I will return! Thanks!

Edited by Aisar
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Like I've said a million times, I've played other MMOs and even at a point I was like you.


Then I realized how fast it actually hits. Death can appear quicker than you expect.


Warhammer is an ideal example.


I'm not over-dramatizing anything, I'm saying this from experience.


Also, when WoW had so many problems in their beginning phase it was because not only were MMOs still fairly new, but it grew so fast that they could barely keep up.


Would you rather have a company that is having a problem keeping up with an insanely growing player base, or one that is having problems keeping things under control from a massive loss?


Ok can you stop using Warhammer as an equal prediction to this game? Warhammer was in ALOT worse condition than SWTOR on release, all SWTOR is missing is end-game refinement and a few addons/ui issues.


Warhammer didnt fail because it lacked these things (well endgame alittle) it failed because of insane ghosting (far worse than the current PvP ghosting in SWTOR) everywhere in the game, it also failed because it was a damn PVP focused game that DEMANDED equal faction sizes to even work correctly... this failed....


Comparing SWTOR to Warhammer based on smaller gripes is a joke.

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