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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Warhammer went from about the number of servers SWTOR has right now, to about 2-4. Not a strong playerbase.


How do you play a game for 1.5 years and hate every bit. >.>


WoW has milked it dry, definitely, but that is where SWTOR must come in to pick up those leavers. To do that, many changes are in order but must be done in a timely manner.


Warhammer lost A LOT in the first 30-60 days and the rest followed because the domms-day happened and everyone felt there was no hope.


We know it takes time, but what we are trying to say is...you don't have time. It must be done with no sleep. We've all had periods where work has forced us into that.


I see your points, and respect your decisions (I cannot say the same for Xugos at all).


I hated lvling in WoW, it became a chore to do. 1 85 at the end of 1.5 years playing. I raided ICC, done all that. PvP was bad and unbalanced.


Once I logged in I sat in trade, doing nothing. I still cant believe I was paying 15 a month to do that.


The only fun part was at cata launch, I was mining Titanium I believe. It was glitched and nodes were like 10 every 4 feet lol, made 35k off that :).

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Proof that its not?


The onus of proof is on you since you are the one that made the initial claim.


My proof, however, is myself and at least 90 other people that I personally know of that will leave at the end of the free 30 days unless the game is improved.

Edited by Xugos
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Prove that it's growing.


Also, forgot to mention this. Anyone with half a brain should know that the initial purchase is greater than the following weeks.


Im sure you tried that in the previous thread you were in back in beta. I know 500 people who wont leave, also. thats 90 people out of 1.5 million?


Lol llort is llort.

Edited by darthdoll
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Myself and at least 90 other people that I personally know of that will leave at the end of the free 30 days unless the game is improved.


Your article shows that sales from a single country outweigh the "90" people who will be leaving.

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Edit: I am now understanding that some people disagree with the premise that this thread begins with: that the game is in need of "resuscitation." Please ignore that point momentarily if you disagree.


1. Considering the fact that the word "Resuscitate" is what drew me to this thread, NO. You need to edit the title of this thread.


2. I'm too busy having too much fun to care about your QQ. Do what the second poster said and shut your trap and let BioWare make THEIR game better. If you want to make this game better, GO WORK FOR THEM!


3. No amount of hyperlinks you put in here will make me stop playing this game. SO WHAT if sales took a "nosedive" in one country. If you would stop to think for one second and remember that BioWare has ALWAYS said that they will be limiting supply (even after launch, mind you) to provide a quality service then you should be able to piece together that fact and realize that a lack of supply might just be the reason for the sales drop.










4. End of Thread.

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1. Considering the fact that the word "Resuscitate" is what drew me to this thread, NO. You need to edit the title of this thread.


2. I'm too busy having too much fun to care about your QQ. Do what the second poster said and shut your trap and let BioWare make THEIR game better. If you want to make this game better, GO WORK FOR THEM!


3. No amount of hyperlinks you put in here will make me stop playing this game. SO WHAT if sales took a "nosedive" in one country. If you would stop to think for one second and remember that BioWare has ALWAYS said that they will be limiting supply (even after launch, mind you) to provide a quality service then you should be able to piece together that fact and realize that a lack of supply might just be the reason for the sales drop.










4. End of Thread.


Xugos makes a well written, non-argumentative, plainly stated post. He defends his points in a civil manner. He is then confronted with garbage like this and people have the audacity to claim Xugos is the one with no credibility.

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The onus of proof is on you since you are the one that made the initial claim.


My proof, however, is myself and at least 90 other people that I personally know of that will leave at the end of the free 30 days unless the game is improved.


Oh, and my proof is Crowley and Associates claim swtor has around 2.5 million subs.


I do not know of the legitimacy of this, but as people say it is legit. No link you have to google it.


People say listen to TORWARS podcast or gamebreaker.tv

Edited by darthdoll
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1. Considering the fact that the word "Resuscitate" is what drew me to this thread, NO. You need to edit the title of this thread.


2. I'm too busy having too much fun to care about your QQ. Do what the second poster said and shut your trap and let BioWare make THEIR game better. If you want to make this game better, GO WORK FOR THEM!


3. No amount of hyperlinks you put in here will make me stop playing this game. SO WHAT if sales took a "nosedive" in one country. If you would stop to think for one second and remember that BioWare has ALWAYS said that they will be limiting supply (even after launch, mind you) to provide a quality service then you should be able to piece together that fact and realize that a lack of supply might just be the reason for the sales drop.










4. End of Thread.


We aren't trying to stop you from playing the game, if anything, our passion should make you feel more obligated to play.


What we are are changes to the foundation of the game that will lead to a much larger future playerbase so that we can all continue playing.


BioWare wants to make their game better but whats easier for them? To guess, or hear the thoughts of their customers?


We will not be silent because this is what will save the game. BioWare is already stating they are making changes and I give them MASSIVE props for it.

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"Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following."


This is non-argumentative?


Yes. That's his case. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean he is starting an argument with you.


This is argumentative --> SHUT YOUR TRAP / BE QUITE / END OF THREAD.

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Yes. That's his case. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean he is starting an argument with you.


This is argumentative --> SHUT YOUR TRAP / BE QUITE / END OF THREAD.


Hard to hear the truth isnt it? Maybe the OP should take his advice no?

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Xugos makes a well written, non-argumentative, plainly stated post. He defends his points in a civil manner. He is then confronted with garbage like this and people have the audacity to claim Xugos is the one with no credibility.


Ok, yeah, I may have gone a little overboard with my statements, I'll admit that much.


But all he did was take ALL of the current qq and arguments that have been posted in this forum and re-hash them all in one post. (Not to mention, many of those have already been commented on from devs.) Then, he had the audacity to put the word "Resuscitate" in the title for a game that's not even been out for 3 weeks, 3 weeks!


So, yeah, I got mad and I vented my heat, now let me go play a very fun game and keep the qq away from me.

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Yes. That's his case. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean he is starting an argument with you.


This is argumentative --> SHUT YOUR TRAP / BE QUITE / END OF THREAD.


That's a pretty narrow view of the word "argumentative".




Real mature. Where do you get off thinking you can tell people to die?

Edited by Trineda
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Work towards providing the PvP community with something with more longevity and something that fosters community. That something is an arena system with arena maps. This would go a LONG way for the PvP community.


I laugh heartedly the most at this point. All you did is confirm your WoW biases. Honestly, calm down. Have a drink. GO. OUT. SIDE.

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Possibly. Let me refine my choice of words. He is being met with "aggression," and it's not necessary.


His title is nothing but troll bait. Change the title and the attitude of how his list must be completed by the end of the 30day trial period, and I would bet he would be met with a lot less "aggression".

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Well, the OP is dishonest about the post and link in general. He makes a conclusion, the uses the data to prove his point, rather then the other way around.


Sales have slipped in the UK. But it also indicates this does not account for online sales, and it also indicates that a rapid decrease is to be expected shortly after a games launch. You also don't take into account that there were over 2 million beta testers, and first week sales were estimated to be over 1.5 million.


In any case, the independent study indicating 350k concurrent users is a little more useful. A ton of people are playing the game.


But really, both don't tell us much two weeks after launch.


What will be really telling how the overall player base feels is at the end of January and a count of how many subs there are. All this doom saying seems to me either trolling or misplaced energy that could be used elsewhere.


If you have issues, I'm sure the developers would appreciate concise posts about features you would like implemented, why, and a thank you after, rather then some entitled demanding and telling them what idiots they are. They will do what they can, and if it's not enough for you individually, you have the right to move on.


It would also save them on resources not having to filter through 90% of the trash on these forums.


Bioware and EA make games for a living. I'm sure they are fully aware of where this game needs work, and have to allocated resources to fix what they can when they can, and plan for the future for items that aren't so easy to fix.

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His title is nothing but troll bait. Change the title and the attitude of how his list must be completed by the end of the 30day trial period, and I would bet he would be met with a lot less "aggression".


His title does not warrant aggression. If you think it does, well, I think your wrong. He posts a boldly titled thread not directed at any community member and community members meet him with aggression. Why? How about a good solid argument as to why he's wrong. (other than yet another OMG ITS NOT WOW) If his title was "This community is stupid if it thinks this game is fine as is," different story.

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Also, forgot to mention this. Anyone with half a brain should know that the initial purchase is greater than the following weeks.


Im sure you tried that in the previous thread you were in back in beta. I know 500 people who wont leave, also. thats 90 people out of 1.5 million?


Lol llort is llort.


500 people who won't leave does not equate to a GROWING POPULACE.



90 people out of 1.5 million is still alot, especially considering that there's only about 150 in my guild. If that's a sample size, then 60% of the playerbase will leave.

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