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you know why you *think* it's one sided?


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i'm not sure if i am onto something here but, it just occurred to me.


the empire pvps more and the republic pvp's less. its a vicious circle since a loss means the republic dont queue as much, but obviously more pvp for 1 side means a vast majority of that side are seasoned pvpers with all of that hands on experience.


the best just keep getting better and the losers quit and don't really bother anymore (or as much).


so how can we fix it?


- server transfers? try and make the servers as 50-50 % of each side as possible. that's all i can think of really.

Edited by Eerazer
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i'm not sure if i am onto something here but, it just occurred to me.


the empire pvps more and the republic pvp's less. its a vicious circle since obviously a loss means the republic dont queue as much, but obviously more pvp for 1 side means a vast majority of that side are seasoned pvpers with all of that hands on experience.


the best just keep getting better and the losers quit and don't really bother anymore (or as much).


so how can we fix it?


Actually the underplayed faction inevitably gets stronger from being outnumbered and the overplayed factions skills atrophy from running around in a giant zergball. My friends have been having a blast killing you imp carebears on Dark Reaper.

Edited by Wraithwarr
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i'm not sure if i am onto something here but, it just occurred to me.


the empire pvps more and the republic pvp's less. its a vicious circle since a loss means the republic dont queue as much, but obviously more pvp for 1 side means a vast majority of that side are seasoned pvpers with all of that hands on experience.


the best just keep getting better and the losers quit and don't really bother anymore (or as much).


so how can we fix it?


- server transfers? try and make the servers as 50-50 % of each side as possible. that's all i can think of really.


Well, for starters on my server, A LOT of empire leveled to 50 via warzone glitch and hit 50 within the first week. Having level 50's in brackets vs 49 and below is just stupid, heck not having brackets period is just stupid, but even more so by letting 50's who have access to full fledged pvp gear in vs less than 50. It just does not make any sense. Whoever is/was in charge of pvp in this game, dropped the ball sadly.

Edited by clocknane
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