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why do you think marauders are broken?


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I fail to see why so many people think marauders are broken. as annihilation i can kill anyone 1v1, even better geared 50's. if i get overwhelmed or am pulled into a 2v1 or 3v1, i can just camouflage and predation away, sometimes i win 2v1's. there has only been 2 people on my server that have been able to completely solo me and i know their names, so i just avoid them or force them into a 2v1 fight. so anyway, why do you think marauders are broken? because i disagree.
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Because I can pick up almost any other class and do the same thing if not easier and better with them.



No class is hard, and the very fact that people think this class is makes me laugh. If being hard is under power well I guess they are right.

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Because I can pick up almost any other class and do the same thing if not easier and better with them.



No class is hard, and the very fact that people think this class is makes me laugh. If being hard is under power well I guess they are right.


sure its hard to level marauders in any spec, but once you hit 40, its easy from then on

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Because I can pick up almost any other class and do the same thing if not easier and better with them.



No class is hard, and the very fact that people think this class is makes me laugh. If being hard is under power well I guess they are right.


Still waiting on those screenies of you doing better than me on a sorc, oh savior of the marauder class.

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Because I can pick up almost any other class and do the same thing if not easier and better with them.



No class is hard, and the very fact that people think this class is makes me laugh. If being hard is under power well I guess they are right.


... sigh

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Marauders aren't broken. They have a high skill cap and are harder to play since they are Melee glass cannons. I feel they are slightly underpowered because they are the only class without a stun or incapacitation. But other than that they dish out more damage than any other class except a smuggler/oper that can backstab you and kill you in three hits.
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The armor rating values for our gear is what is causing the survivability issue in PvE.


I just picked up the Light Armor Chest piece from the PvP vendor which @ a rating of 88 and 289 armor I have more armor value on the character sheet then I do with a Medium Armor Chest Piece @96 rating and 409 armor. The difference between the two is only on the armor rating value as the damage reduction modifier shows an increase of 1.10%.


Chances are we have a negative return at some point.


Pieces used are:


Dark Fanatics Shroud (LA)

289 armor (88rating)

+48 str

+44 end

+22 power

+9 surge

(36 rating on all mods)

Armor rating with other gear is 2002

Damage reduction is 23.53% (18.53% static + 5.00% from Shii-Choo)



Force Sentry Vest (MA)

409 armor (96 rating)

+46 str

+51 end

+14 accu

+34 crit

(40 rating on all mods)

Armor rating with other gear 2158

Damage reduction is 24.69% (19.69% + 5.00% from Shii-cho



This is why I think the class is broken.

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The class lacks survivability..... medium armor on a melee class that does less consistent damage than range class makes the character a bit lacking.


Yeah I am level 50 and yes things get a lot better when you are geared out, I can break 250k damage but I am willing to bet my bank account that I have to put in 400% more work than any other class to break that damage marker.


There are to many CD skills and situational skills. They have to be paying attention all the time to there life, rage, fury, and position to use a lot of there skills. This makes the class hard to play well and in any situation were a class needs to pay less attention to be effective if not better than the marauder this makes the class much better.


Please understand the class being broken has nothing to do with skill.... strategy.... or not being a moron to make it effective. I am sure a person can take a fully armed soldier out with a well thrown brick, this does not make it an effective weapon in war.


The mechanics of the class are twisted and not very well thought out

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The class lacks survivability..... medium armor on a melee class that does less consistent damage than range class makes the character a bit lacking.


Yeah I am level 50 and yes things get a lot better when you are geared out, I can break 250k damage but I am willing to bet my bank account that I have to put in 400% more work than any other class to break that damage marker.


There are to many CD skills and situational skills. They have to be paying attention all the time to there life, rage, fury, and position to use a lot of there skills. This makes the class hard to play well and in any situation were a class needs to pay less attention to be effective if not better than the marauder this makes the class much better.


Please understand the class being broken has nothing to do with skill.... strategy.... or not being a moron to make it effective. I am sure a person can take a fully armed soldier out with a well thrown brick, this does not make it an effective weapon in war.


The mechanics of the class are twisted and not very well thought out


but i like having a zillion things to do and watch when playing :(

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yeah cc is a little terrible in the game.


CC i think is a huge issue with our ability to survive as a melee class.... I have to agree with this 200%


80% of the other classes do not have to deal with CC even half as much as we do because they stand at range. The only CC break skill we have is a pain in the *** to use all the time because you use it to break CC just to get CCed again.


The resolve bar is garbage and does not work for crap....

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CC i think is a huge issue with our ability to survive as a melee class.... I have to agree with this 200%


80% of the other classes do not have to deal with CC even half as much as we do because they stand at range. The only CC break skill we have is a pain in the *** to use all the time because you use it to break CC just to get CCed again.


The resolve bar is garbage and does not work for crap....


it does work - it has worked for me a couple of times in huttball when I had a healer healing me long enuff to actuli realise it works lol -- it also works if your against 2 sorcerers and they chain cc you and then try another CC and nothing happens - but yes if three people are on u - ur dead before the resolve meter fills up


Resolve meter has been improved from beta but still kind of lacking

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it does work - it has worked for me a couple of times in huttball when I had a healer healing me long enuff to actuli realise it works lol -- it also works if your against 2 sorcerers and they chain cc you and then try another CC and nothing happens - but yes if three people are on u - ur dead before the resolve meter fills up


Resolve meter has been improved from beta but still kind of lacking


I hardly ever have a healer and the only time I have a full resolve bar is when I am waiting for the field to go down to run out

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Because I can pick up almost any other class and do the same thing if not easier and better with them.



No class is hard, and the very fact that people think this class is makes me laugh. If being hard is under power well I guess they are right.


So play the easier way.


But being successful as a marauder is hardly rocket surgery. Its just like any other class, you get skills, you use them. If thats too difficult for you, I think ANY class in swtor is gonna hurt your brain.


Do you people that complain about how hard it is even know whats in your skill trees? Do you even bother to try and learn your class or do you just expect to faceroll by monkey slapping 3 buttons?


It isn't that hard to figure out. Just use your brain and read the skill descriptions and the skill tree descriptions. And besides that you get companions as well.


I don't think these complainers are bads, just too damn lazy to figure it out for themselves.

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The class lacks survivability..... medium armor on a melee class that does less consistent damage than range class makes the character a bit lacking.


Yeah I am level 50 and yes things get a lot better when you are geared out, I can break 250k damage but I am willing to bet my bank account that I have to put in 400% more work than any other class to break that damage marker.


There are to many CD skills and situational skills. They have to be paying attention all the time to there life, rage, fury, and position to use a lot of there skills. This makes the class hard to play well and in any situation were a class needs to pay less attention to be effective if not better than the marauder this makes the class much better.


Please understand the class being broken has nothing to do with skill.... strategy.... or not being a moron to make it effective. I am sure a person can take a fully armed soldier out with a well thrown brick, this does not make it an effective weapon in war.


The mechanics of the class are twisted and not very well thought out


it does not lack survivability it lacks people using the defensive tools correctly. # second stun,6 seconds 90% accuracy reduction 20% damage reduction with a 50% uptime, 50% damage reduction long cooldown.


if people actually used all the tools the class was given they wouldn't QQ

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it does not lack survivability it lacks people using the defensive tools correctly. # second stun,6 seconds 90% accuracy reduction 20% damage reduction with a 50% uptime, 50% damage reduction long cooldown.


if people actually used all the tools the class was given they wouldn't QQ


I think I <3 you!

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for me they arent "broken" but they could use some tweaks and balancing


like the range on some things leaves more to be desired, smash in particular, inquisitors have a similar abil that is like twice the range so why is our AoE only 1 yard large than our swing range


and as one of two DPS only classes, and the only melee, i just dont feel our dmg is anything amazing. we have no real cc (talking pve only). Survivability is fine with me, end game we shouldnt be pulling aggro from bosses anyways, but i just dont feel people are going tro gladly take a marauder over say a sniper for our dmg alone. Other classes do what we do, better, AND they bring more to the table

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for me they arent "broken" but they could use some tweaks and balancing

like the range on some things leaves more to be desired, smash in particular, inquisitors have a similar abil that is like twice the range so why is our AoE only 1 yard large than our swing range


and as one of two DPS only classes, and the only melee, i just dont feel our dmg is anything amazing. we have no real cc (talking pve only). Survivability is fine with me, end game we shouldnt be pulling aggro from bosses anyways, but i just dont feel people are going tro gladly take a marauder over say a sniper for our dmg alone. Other classes do what we do, better, AND they bring more to the table


a MELEE class is not supposed to have long range attacks....


and if you play the class right it roflstomps on the DPS of other classes

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it does not lack survivability it lacks people using the defensive tools correctly. # second stun,6 seconds 90% accuracy reduction 20% damage reduction with a 50% uptime, 50% damage reduction long cooldown.


if people actually used all the tools the class was given they wouldn't QQ


part of the lack of survival is the amount of defensive skills that need to be used every 5-10 seconds. Those skills last only a few seconds before they come off.... having to hit them non stop messes with rotations and on top of watching rage fury and if you are even standing face you're target... makes it a real choir.

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part of the lack of survival is the amount of defensive skills that need to be used every 5-10 seconds. Those skills last only a few seconds before they come off.... having to hit them non stop messes with rotations and on top of watching rage fury and if you are even standing face you're target... makes it a real choir.


you are not a tank, why do you expect to have tank like survivability? Yeah some classes have heavy armor, but in reality it does't do much seeing how every ranged class has channeled and casted abilities that can be interrupted and pushed back. THus making them live a little longer but do far less damage.

Edited by Hizoka
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