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I guess I was wrong


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I used to think Marauder was a terrible class too


But then I took... I mean, I made it to level 40.


And while admittedly this class isn't as powerful as many other classes at this level and beyond, it isn't completely useless. If anything, I just think bounty hunters are too powerful. Nerf them a bit, and Marauders would fit on par with almost everyone else.

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I used to think Marauder was a terrible class too


But then I took... I mean, I made it to level 40.


And while admittedly this class isn't as powerful as many other classes at this level and beyond, it isn't completely useless. If anything, I just think bounty hunters are too powerful. Nerf them a bit, and Marauders would fit on par with almost everyone else.


Lmao, Try every other class compare to us, if you think BH are strong, you should see some 50 sorcs with gear equal to yours. It will just make you reroll to see the damage and ease they have.

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Lmao, Try every other class compare to us, if you think BH are strong, you should see some 50 sorcs with gear equal to yours. It will just make you reroll to see the damage and ease they have.


... not true - lol funny how you spread misinfo on every thread


I take on lvl 50 sorcers as a level 38 mara - its actuli quite easy as diruption = win + positional play + clever use of cds


But BH are much harder to take down - not mercenary they are a walk in the park - but powertech - so yes i Do agree with the OP powertech is a bit difficult to take down , but not impossible

Edited by Majinr
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... not true - lol funny how you spread misinfo on every thread


I take on lvl 50 sorcers as a level 38 mara - its actuli quite easy as diruption = win + positional play + clever use of cds


But BH are much harder to take down - not mercenary they are a walk in the park - but powertech - so yes i Do agree with the OP powertech is a bit difficult to take down , but not impossible


I played both. My wife has equal gear to me, and I played her toon. I can destory thing with her class that would give me a hard time. It's not bad info when I say that other classes equal gear outshine us.

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I think a marauder can indeed defeat an inquisitor if he uses smart play.


And yes, I do agree that powertechs are stupid. I have yet to meet a powertech that I was capable of soloing, unless they were mentally challenged.


It seriously feels like I'm fighting a mini world-boss every time our team has to gang up against a powertech. And if they have a healer? Just forget it.

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I played both. My wife has equal gear to me, and I played her toon. I can destory thing with her class that would give me a hard time. It's not bad info when I say that other classes equal gear outshine us.


Y'see, when you can't do something, but others can; it doesn't prove that it is impossible, but rather it shows that you're just bad.


so many commas

Edited by Sayc
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Teladis, I'm tired of seeing you posting all this crap. So many people are enjoying the class, why are you bringing them down? Just because YOU can't get good damage or do good at PvP, doesn't mean that other people can't. So stop YOUR trolling and QQ somewhere else. Let us enjoy playing the game.
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Teladis, I'm tired of seeing you posting all this crap. So many people are enjoying the class, why are you bringing them down? Just because YOU can't get good damage or do good at PvP, doesn't mean that other people can't. So stop YOUR trolling and QQ somewhere else. Let us enjoy playing the game.


He's suffering crappy player syndrome. All bad players think they are AMAZING when in reality they're pretty terrible. Tbh just about every 50 mara on my server is absolutely clueless, they're all target dummies.

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Teladis, I'm tired of seeing you posting all this crap. So many people are enjoying the class, why are you bringing them down? Just because YOU can't get good damage or do good at PvP, doesn't mean that other people can't. So stop YOUR trolling and QQ somewhere else. Let us enjoy playing the game.


More people see that I do, while more trolls like you and krispy act like everything is fine. In the end the numbers are with me.

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More people see that I do, while more trolls like you and krispy act like everything is fine. In the end the numbers are with me.


That's another thing. You call me a troll. What makes me a troll? I haven't given out one piece of false or bad advice. All I've said is that I genuinely enjoy my Marauder. I like it better than my Operative and Merc. Does that make me a troll? No. However, you going on to EVERY post about someone enjoying this class or saying that they're seeing high damage output ,and saying that they are wrong for their opinion or what they have seen makes you the troll here.

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With all due respect Tal, I see you posting more negative things about this class than anything remotely positive. It would be one thing to just criticize the class with some elaboration/suggestions for improvement. However, it seems to me that you are just completely unhappy with the class. It seems also as if you do not have a problem spouting off about your unhappiness in a lot of threads around here.


If the class is so "bad" then just play another or offer suggestions for improvements. I am sure many are willing to listen, but would rather see some constructive ideas rather than just non stop lamenting all the time.


I have issues with the class of my own, but I play the hand that is dealt and still enjoy the class.

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That's another thing. You call me a troll. What makes me a troll? I haven't given out one piece of false or bad advice. All I've said is that I genuinely enjoy my Marauder. I like it better than my Operative and Merc. Does that make me a troll? No. However, you going on to EVERY post about someone enjoying this class or saying that they're seeing high damage output ,and saying that they are wrong for their opinion or what they have seen makes you the troll here.


I'm posting the flaws and displeasure of the class on a forum about the class. You come in telling me you are tired of seeing it. That in itself is a troll. I don't care if you are tired of seeing it.


I don't care if you enjoy your class. I'm happy that you do, but don't talk to me about tired of seeing something when, I'm tired of fending off the trolls showing l33t pvp damage.

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With all due respect Tal, I see you posting more negative things about this class than anything remotely positive. It would be one thing to just criticize the class with some elaboration/suggestions for improvement. However, it seems to me that you are just completely unhappy with the class. It seems also as if you do not have a problem spouting off about your unhappiness in a lot of threads around here.


If the class is so "bad" then just play another or offer suggestions for improvements. I am sure many are willing to listen, but would rather see some constructive ideas rather than just non stop lamenting all the time.


I have issues with the class of my own, but I play the hand that is dealt and still enjoy the class.


I've posted what I love about the class.




I love the storyline.


I love the style. (besides the lacking of hood option ***?)


I love the animation.


I love the damage.



However, the things I hate about the class ruins it. I want this class as my main. I just refuse to accept the fact that this taped on fury system and how much effort is require just to be on equal terms with other classes should not be it.

As it was said in another thread.


Superior player performance should be rewarded by superior character performance...it should not be required simply to achieve acceptable performance.

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I wonder what I'd do to people if we got buffed...

Pugged a warzone, republic had 3 50s, Hogue who was complaining about me needing a nerf is a 50 sage healer. Priest is a 50 Bh (whatever the republic mirror is)




Top healers were me and another mara lol.



This is why people don't take you serious.

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I wonder what I'd do to people if we got buffed...

Pugged a warzone, republic had 3 50s, Hogue who was complaining about me needing a nerf is a 50 sage healer. Priest is a 50 Bh (whatever the republic mirror is)




Top healers were me and another mara lol.


that is really impressive - hmm might giv rage a shot when i reach 50 - i tried at 30's and cant play it as effectivly as Anni quite yet, but probz better at 40 + after force crush

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I'm sure everyone here takes you super seriously and commends you on being a valuable asset to our community.



I've listed the problems. I've done more to explain things about the core issues over the few trolls such as yourself that post damage in pvp vs under level people or people that are not full pvp gear. I've explain what is the core reason what is wrong with this class, and what was needed to put us on par with others. While I get baddies such as yourself come in threads and post screen shots. You know I could post the same screen shots as well as a sorc or BH pulling the same damage? The damage is not the problem and this is why only the few trolls who think we are fine cause of it, will take you serious.

Edited by Teladis
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I've listed the problems. I've done more to explain things about the core issues over the few trolls such as yourself that post damage in pvp vs under level people or people that are not full pvp gear. I've explain what is the core reason what is wrong with this class, and what was needed to put us on par with others. While I get baddies such as yourself come in threads and post screen shots. You know I could post the same screen shots as well as a sorc or BH pulling the same damage? The damage is not the problem and this is why only the few trolls who think we are fine cause of it will take you serious.


k post that damage output then - becaus i have never seen any other class on my server pull those numbers - i've only seen level 50 mara's pulling that off and i guess they were rage aswel


and if you do pull it off, then I will agree with you fully and never doubt what you say , until then you are jus misinforming everyone

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You know I could post the same screen shots as well as a sorc or BH pulling the same damage? The damage is not the problem and this is why only the few trolls who think we are fine cause of it, will take you serious.


Please do. Post me a ss of almost 500k done against a premade of 50s that have 2 healers with you having a low amount of deaths and no healers. I'll be waiting.

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k post that damage output then - becaus i have never seen any other class on my server pull those numbers - i've only seen level 50 mara's pulling that off and i guess they were rage aswel


and if you do pull it off, then I will agree with you fully and never doubt what you say , until then you are jus misinforming everyone


I played a healer, and I have seen numbers from other classes like that from a Bounty Hunter. Really, I don't think the problem people are crying about is damage.


Really, I'm sure this class has things it shines at. From a healer who enjoys pve side of things, I find doing flash points a lot easier without a mara. The extra CC is a god send that your class just does not have.

Edited by JadedSins
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I played a healer, and I have seen numbers from other classes like that.


Really, I'm sure this class has things it shines at. From a healer who enjoys pve side of things, I find doing flash points a lot easier without a mara. The extra CC is a god send.


yup true, we do have little to no cc at all - except for the droid sleep one which can be useful


but stil in pvp we are fine, not perfect but fine


pve flashpoints of course you always want chars with CC even in wow, but operations a mara has its benefits due to the fury mechanic buffs

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I played a healer, and I have seen numbers from other classes like that from a Bounty Hunter. Really, I don't think the problem people are crying about is damage.


Really, I'm sure this class has things it shines at. From a healer who enjoys pve side of things, I find doing flash points a lot easier without a mara. The extra CC is a god send that your class just does not have.


If you're having issues with cc and trash pulls it's most likely an issue with the tanks gear.

I've ran most of the hard modes with a geared tank, didn't use any cc.

Sure if the tank just dinged 50 and is in greens.... well I wouldn't run with that tank in the first place.

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yup true, we do have little to no cc at all - except for the droid sleep one which can be useful


but stil in pvp we are fine, not perfect but fine


pve flashpoints of course you always want chars with CC even in wow, but operations a mara has its benefits due to the fury mechanic buffs


I agree, but when I read the forums...All I see are people saying problems about pve and people post things about pvp.

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