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Why is everyone so impatient and unfriendly?


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So instead of using the limited time I have allotted for running flashpoints, I should take 20 minutes to listen to whatever you want to make up over the interwebz? .... sure :rolleyes:


btw I'm a 21 year old hawt chick who loves neckbeards! marry me? :o

Edited by medicalprobe
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So instead of using the limited time I have allotted for running flashpoints, i should take 20 minutes to listen to whatever you want to make up over the interwebz? .... sure :rolleyes:


Excellent example of the impatient YouTube Generation.


You are killing the community and my chances to find a wife!

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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


How DARE you want to be gratified when you pay 60 dollars and 15 dollars a month after that.


People like you are the reason bill like SOPA and NDAA pass without ANY upheaval from the people

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Yup. It's the "Youtube generation" people, they want and need instant gratification. Think of the generation after them. Technology, as much as I love it, will kill us all. Maybe not physically, but socially, yes.


Exactly I'm tired of this too. I think Bioware should force us to group up and zone in with 3 other people into our own personal class story areas and see the story cutscenes. This way we can get rid of the instant gratification and encourage socialization. This generation of whipper-snappers need to know the archaic forced tedium that we were constrained to go through.

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Absolutely ridiculous, instead of helping out your fellow gamer and member of your server by befriending and mentoring them (maybe possibly marrying them one day) you take the easy road out and go on with your antisocial behavior. How can we have a strong community if people like Yfelsung aren't willing to put in the WORK to help build it?


That would be totally valid if the conversation didn't go like this every time.


"Hey dude, I notice you're not doing too great. I got a little experience with your class and I could give you a few pointers if you want."

"**** YOU! It's my 15 bucks I'll play like I want!"


After the 50th time of getting this response, you just stop trying.


If someone asks, I'll inform, but I never offer anymore.

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Exactly I'm tired of this too. I think Bioware should force us to group up and zone in with 3 other people into our own personal class story areas and see the story cutscenes. This way we can get rid of the instant gratification and encourage socialization. This generation of whipper-snappers need to know the archaic forced tedium that we were constrained to go through.


Old things die out eventually.


True story. :)

Edited by medicalprobe
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People sure do love to agree with any whine about the community without reading any of the content in the post.


Stopping to force the team to chat for 15 minutes about whatever comes to the OP's head. Seriously? You whine about "immature" players or whatever but then can't read a few paragraphs to see something is wrong with this thread. :rolleyes:


He's either being sarcastic or trolling.

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I support you OP. I generally ask my random DPS to write a 300 word Essay on their role description in order to see if they are worth it, and ask a bunch of trickquestions about their class theory just to see if their brains are functioning all cylinders.
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That would be totally valid if the conversation didn't go like this every time.


"Hey dude, I notice you're not doing too great. I got a little experience with your class and I could give you a few pointers if you want."

"**** YOU! It's my 15 bucks I'll play like I want!"


After the 50th time of getting this response, you just stop trying.


If someone asks, I'll inform, but I never offer anymore.


Maybe the 51st time will be different, stop ruining my community and chance to find a spouse.

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Either you're trolling or...I don't even know what. I would quit the group too and I'm not anti-social or unfriendly. What the hell, man. You have got to be kidding. I can't believe anyone is even agreeing, they must not be reading past the first sentence.


I think this thread is proving Poe's Law.

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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


You didn't actually read the entire post, did you, because if you did, you'd had realised that he just trolled you.

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I pay over $100 in green fees when I golf, and I havent seen ANYONE act like people do on MMO forums.


So no, I dont think $60 is a good excuse to act like a prat.


The golfing community definitely has an Average IQ difference of at least 25.

Edited by YooYooMa
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I pay over $100 in green fees when I golf, and I havent seen ANYONE act like people do on MMO forums.


So no, I dont think $60 is a good excuse to act like a prat.


You've never worked retail, I can tell! (Edit: Misread your post so my reply isn't even relevant but whatever)

Edited by Kenthen
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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


I refuse to believe the OP is being serious.

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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


OP, I wished I had teamed up with you! I tried to have a lovely conversation before a Hammer Station battle about this dilemma I'm having with my kids, and no one would listen.


Sad days this is indeed.:(

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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


You're not a "vet" of anything. Stop thinking you are, stop wishing you were, get off your chair and do something in real life.


I've been playing MMOs since I was in grade 9 and started with Ragnarok Online. My favorite MMO by far was Final Fantasy XI. However, as time went on and I got older, I found that real life priorities needed to take over this includes:


#1. Getting laid.

#2. Riding (motorcycle)

#3. 40 hour per week projects

#4. Exams

#5. Reunions with family member

#6. Getting drunk

#7. Separating myself from other software developers by getting jacked at the gym (pix to prove, don't make me link Facebook)


2 of those are not optional and they take the absolute most time out of everything else. Due to this, I realized that I could no longer dump in 8 hours a day into my favourite MMO sometime around 6-8 years ago (forgot). World of Warcraft revolutionized the MMO scene to allow people like me, who once loved MMOs but now do not have the time to invest in them to make decent progression, to invest a small amount of time, and progress. It has even gotten better with the raid finder.


There is a small % of people out there who either have retired early due to amazing financial decisions, or family inheritance. From my life science studies, this % of people in the Canadian or American world is VERY tiny. I forgot the exact %. Chances are, YOU are not one of them, and YOU are not vet. Statistics would favour you with the definition of a failure. The ones that never reached the "American dream".


Stop using the word vet. You didn't fight in any battles, you didn't save the world, and above all, you weren't in World War II. Thanks.

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You're not a "vet" of anything. Stop thinking you are, stop wishing you were, get off your chair and do something in real life.


I've been playing MMOs since I was in grade 9 and started with Ragnarok Online. My favorite MMO by far was Final Fantasy XI. However, as time went on and I got older, I found that real life priorities needed to take over this includes:


#1. Getting laid.

#2. Riding (motorcycle)

#3. 40 hour per week projects

#4. Exams

#5. Reunions with family member

#6. Getting drunk

#7. Separating myself from other software developers by getting jacked at the gym (pix to prove, don't make me link Facebook)


2 of those are not optional and they take the absolute most time out of everything else. Due to this, I realized that I could no longer dump in 8 hours a day into my favourite MMO sometime around 6-8 years ago (forgot). World of Warcraft revolutionized the MMO scene to allow people like me, who once loved MMOs but now do not have the time to invest in them to make decent progression, to invest a small amount of time, and progress. It has even gotten better with the raid finder.


There is a small % of people out there who either have retired early due to amazing financial decisions, or family inheritance. From my life science studies, this % of people in the Canadian or American world is VERY tiny. I forgot the exact %. Chances are, YOU are not one of them, and YOU are not vet. Statistics would favour you with the definition of a failure. The ones that never reached the "American dream".


Stop using the word vet. You didn't fight in any battles, you didn't save the world, and above all, you weren't in World War II. Thanks.


Cool priorities bro

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I pay over $100 in green fees when I golf, and I havent seen ANYONE act like people do on MMO forums.


So no, I dont think $60 is a good excuse to act like a prat.


Are you telling me NO ONE has ever complained when a golf course wasn't up to their standards?

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Would you also like to know if I like long walks on the beach? Honestly i'm as friendly as they come but you don't get to know my personal information. That is reserved for my friends. Maybe you should look outside of a video game for deep personal connections with people and finding mates. And if the group is ready to rock and your just sitting there talking about your sick family members and dragging our emotions down while we are trying to have FUN i'll bounce.


I also realize the OP is probably Trolling.

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