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Just a heads up for avid SWTOR World PvP enthusiants....


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Pointless, none-existent and Bioware won't let you.


There is 100% totally no WORLD pvp in this game, has no potential even if you look for it.


Dreams of sneaking around in Naar Shadaar as a Imperial agent on the hunt for Jedi Padawan's to assassinate or as Ruthless Bounty Hunter looking for some underworld bounty to collect, just won't happen and will get extremely boring..and quick.


I bought this game in the hope it would have some...but...PvP in this game is utter gash.


Warzones = Super laggy fps, skills don't work properly when pressed. And scripted PvP just ain't my thing. Just kills the excitement too much for me personally.


World PvP = Pointless even trying. Basically because....


...there are level 50 Elites scattered around ALL of the opposing factions quest hubs (If you can find them)


The flashpoints are all queued for and entered at the Fleet station (So no chance of waiting around an entrance to a flashpoint on a world map for people to prey upon)


Trying to get close to the Tatooine Republic base as an empire player is impossible due to "You are suffering with exhaustion, please turn back" (If you don't.. you die)


After seeing this "You are suffering with exhaustion, please turn back" message which happened about one hour ago, I've decided I just ain't gonna play this game anymore when my subscription runs out. Because basically it seems, Bioware don't want anyone close to the opposing faction while questing or out of warzones - (which are $hit by the way)


So if you have any hopes of roleplaying out in the middle of Hoth or Tatooine, sacking/capturing a town as a party of blood hungry Sith lords looking to tear apart Jedi Padawans, it unfortunately won't happen.


But what IS happening is any PvP enthusiast is being basically forced into a scripted PvP zone and being forced to grind for gear. Basically the latter WoW arena model. Which in my eyes is total and utter b0ll0cks.


I, myself feel really let down with the PvP in Swtor. I've been looking forward to this game for a while.


But what I must say on a more positive note is, I've had alot of fun leveling the characters I've leveled, the stories are epic (Sith Warrior) and pretty amusing (Smuggler).


But being a PvP'er I have to say, I'm not spending time playing a game with the hopes of the PvP being good in the near future, when it just basically isn't at the moment. And by the looks of things never will be (unless you like force scripted battlemaps with rewards at the end).



The difference to a PvP and PvE server in this game, seems to me, there is just no difference at all.


What are your guys thoughts of world PvP as a whole in any MMO?


World PvP in this game?


Would you of prefered if there were no warzones at all and just a free for all on all the planets?


If you could make any changes to the world PvP better in this game, what would you do or what would you implement?


The one positive I can pick out is, I did have fun leveling up, the experience was pretty awesome, storyline cool and would have no problems leveling up each and every class to level 50. But where the heck is the PvP??


Overall it seems to me, Bioware wants PvP to be just a small mini game in a scripted setting with no real substance to it. I think I'll save my money.

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It gets better on Alderaan, world PvP was quite frequent there.


Though I agree the rows of lvl 50 champion guards are ridiculous, you have PvP and PvE servers for a reason.


I was also under the faulty impression that I'd get to see PvP on Nar Shaddaa.

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Translation: "I wanna gank people and this game won't let me!!!"


After tatooine you can gank the opposing faction in their base.


Watch this video.



It shows lv50 republic players ganking imps in their base on hoth.


The turrets apparently can't detect lv50 stealth. LOL


Amazing battles btw, lv38's vs lv50's

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Beleive it or not, if everyone falsely says that they have already cancelled their subscription Bioware will have no reason to fix pvp, because everyone couldn't tolerate a game that wasn't perfect for more than 2 weeks.


Stop judging the future of the game by what it is like 2 weeks after launch. Bioware obviously realizes that the pvp isn't very good and will fix it, everyone saying "Already cancelled, got huttball 3 times in a row" isn't helping. On top of that, I find it very hard to beleive that so many people are instantly cancelling their subscriptions, and if they are, Bioware appreciates the donation

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I found quite a large Rebel Outpost -- walled city near the Geonosian Complex. I also got within a few seconds of finishing unlocking the quick travel at the base near the Sandcrawler. Sooo close. I could actually activate it before the Elites ate me.


I've heard about the fatigue thing -- haven't tried for it yet. Tatooine is a massive planet -- it's stunning actually. Would be awesome for OPVP... Except for the instance caps of 120 people... I've not seen Tatooine over 60 yet.

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Lol, some of your points are ok, but really, open world PvP doesn't mean spawn camping!


What they need to do is fix the incentive structure around Ilum. It's a beautiful objective based zone, they just need to change it so people are encouraged to actually PvP there.


Like you said, this is a story based MMO. IMO they PvP system is quite good considering that, but it has several problems it has to deal with. If you came to a story based MMO expecting totally unscripted open world PvP like EVE or something, that's your fault. I've just been tempering my expectations on what's to come and actually semi enjoying the lvling process.




Oh, and they've confirmed that they are working on guild capital ships. The obvious PvP question is will we be able to battle with other Cap ships? They are revamping the space combat system so my thought hast to be a solid "maybe". Cap Ship battles will probably take place in a set map, and not in the open like in EVE...

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World pvp in and of itself doesn't interest me. What interests me is the concept of some grand conflict based on grand objectives that everyone could participate in. Whether it be forts or ships or bases or whatever. For open world pvp to have meaning to me, there has to be some greater purpose than ganking/griefing people trying to level. If you were anticipating something along the lines of a grand conflict then I share your disappointment.
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You can't step foot in Ilum without a group on my server or you'll be steamrolled by a gank group.

2 People in 2 groups all with companions out. Good tactic and 8v8 - 16v16 world PvP is fun.


Also communicate with their factions top guild leaders to arrange 'wars'; have massive guild on guild wars.

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This pi55e5 me off totally! I waited for this game for such a long time, and for what? Hemmed in PvP?!?!?! Why do PvP servers exist, hmm?


Even if BW/EA decided "OK, we blew it with PvP so we are gonna fix it to allow true world PvP with rewards, bracket WZ's and provide incentives", it would take 6months+ development, beta testing etc to deploy such a massive change... and we haven't even heard a hint of anything like this!!! There isn't even an ETA for server transfers, never mind anything else!


PvP servers are the most overcrowded for a reason... people want to PvP as well as PvE!

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This pi55e5 me off totally! I waited for this game for such a long time, and for what? Hemmed in PvP?!?!?! Why do PvP servers exist, hmm?


Even if BW/EA decided "OK, we blew it with PvP so we are gonna fix it to allow true world PvP with rewards, bracket WZ's and provide incentives", it would take 6months+ development, beta testing etc to deploy such a massive change... and we haven't even heard a hint of anything like this!!! There isn't even an ETA for server transfers, never mind anything else!


PvP servers are the most overcrowded for a reason... people want to PvP as well as PvE!


It's the players that are the problem. The facilities exist for world pvp. However these "elite pvpers" prefer to go into unbalanced Warzones where they can get kills and rewards for zero effort.

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Pointless, none-existent and Bioware won't let you.


There is 100% totally no WORLD pvp in this game, has no potential even if you look for it.


Dreams of sneaking around in Naar Shadaar as a Imperial agent on the hunt for Jedi Padawan's to assassinate or as Ruthless Bounty Hunter looking for some underworld bounty to collect, just won't happen and will get extremely boring..and quick.


I bought this game in the hope it would have some...but...PvP in this game is utter gash.


Warzones = Super laggy fps, skills don't work properly when pressed. And scripted PvP just ain't my thing. Just kills the excitement too much for me personally.


World PvP = Pointless even trying. Basically because....


...there are level 50 Elites scattered around ALL of the opposing factions quest hubs (If you can find them)


The flashpoints are all queued for and entered at the Fleet station (So no chance of waiting around an entrance to a flashpoint on a world map for people to prey upon)


Trying to get close to the Tatooine Republic base as an empire player is impossible due to "You are suffering with exhaustion, please turn back" (If you don't.. you die)


After seeing this "You are suffering with exhaustion, please turn back" message which happened about one hour ago, I've decided I just ain't gonna play this game anymore when my subscription runs out. Because basically it seems, Bioware don't want anyone close to the opposing faction while questing or out of warzones - (which are $hit by the way)



1) you need to learn to travel around tatoonie. There is plenty of ways for empire to get the republic town. ;)


2) sever Imbalance is not Bioware's fault. That's your server community.

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It's the players that are the problem. The facilities exist for world pvp. However these "elite pvpers" prefer to go into unbalanced Warzones where they can get kills and rewards for zero effort.


I expect to be able to stealth or bust my way into the enemies primary areas and ransack the place. I expect to have to defend allies primary areas from a good ransacking. Not gonna happen in this game. Facilities are very limited!

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