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Everything posted by Noemercy

  1. I would much prefer a server merge over "character transfer". I swear if they expect money im going to break my computer.
  2. I am still yet to see bioware mention this but the game is getting pretty unplayable on the lower pop servers, and the problem can only get worse. Someone leveling to 50 realises that it is simply not worth going onto a dying server, therefore our pop can't increase. Someone who has sunk 30 days of playtime into this game is just getting screwed over completely, because there are about 5 guilds on the empire side, recruiting is impossible, pugging is mostly impossible, and everyone knows everyone. Sincerely, everyone from hedarr soongh, please save us.
  3. I have been told that 3 blue shards does make an assasin matrix cube, and you would assume that if an assasin tells me this it must be true, however MANY more people have told me that you get the BH matrix cube if you use 3 blue shards. Can anyone confirm how this works, or if this glitch exists? I would really like the tanking matrix cube, but at the same time i don't want to go get the shards for no reason.
  4. Somewhat, but they also offer benefits for constant fighting. It adresses the daily quest, because i would rather hold them back and keep my valor buff for wz's and let no one complete the daily, then trade off.
  5. They could do this aswell, but I have heard rumors of dailies that require kills, and i don't think that is the right option.
  6. 1. Give a world wide increased valor buff from warzones, for the faction that owns more territories. 2. Only allow you to take a territory next to the furthest away from your base that you own, but not allow you to take one in between theirs. This is very hard to explain in words, or at least i am having a hard time doing it but essentially you have to push eachother back, and there will only even be 2 territories that are able to be taken at any given time. With this method, everyone would have to fight to cap something, rather than taking the FP to the opponents base and grabbing something that is uncontested, and there would be a large reward for the faction that was doing better.
  7. cybertech is one of the 2 good ones, because it also has grenades which give you a unique advantage. i am more of speaking on behalf of synthweaving and the others.
  8. The rakata items are good, but are replaceable. Any high end raider/pvper will realise that cybertech and biochem, even after their nerf, are the only professions with unique advantages to them.
  9. Your server is not an accurate representation of balance. I am Empire, however the Republic absolutely dominate us on our server. It is also the only mixed faction warzone, so you can have the other side on your team anyways.
  10. I see a large amount of people complaining about huttball, but I don't completely understand why. I beleive that the voidstar is also the worst designed, and least balanced warzone. The void star has LOS objects in range of defending the first door, and and any competent team will abuse this and never let you plant. On top of this, the spawn time is a massive factor, and largely luck based. Your team whiping with 3/4 of a spawn left, or 1/4 can make the entire game. The civil war is in the middle. It is clearly balanced and largely player strength based, but not very dynamic. If a team has better gear and is capable of saying "inc left" then the chances of them losing is very slim. Huttball receives more hate than both of those combined, however the hate is not warranted. The game is largely based around teamplay, and also has multiple ways to execute a strategy. In the other 2 warzones what you need to do is clear, and that is what everyone does. Huttball strategies are hardly explored and will most likely continue to develop throughout the games life. It is also the only game that i don't get bored of during a long night of warzone grinding. Is the hate solely based off of playing it alot, or is it lack of understanding of the complex game?
  11. I can agree with the objective medals as long as they are very well thought out, but your initial analogy does not really apply. Sports do not have rewards for objectives, you simply get a reward for winning, and it is the same way in this game.
  12. No they shouldn't, because then people would be greedy and try to do the objectives alone, IE not pass the ball to get their medal. People need to play the objectives to win, not get medals, and get medals through being good. The current medal setup is good, it just might need some tweaking (tanks don't deserve so many free medals, at least make some of them hard to get)
  13. You need to be careful about medals like that, because that can result in people truly getting medals over winning. Someone could pass the huttball and get a goal for the team, or pathetically try to get it themselves, die, and hand the ball over just because they wanted a medal. This could also result in people sprinting to the close tower just so they could cap it without any competition, which would also hurt the team.
  14. The thread isn't complaining about bounty hunters..
  15. The factions seem balanced, I think their only reason is to stop the mass hutball. BTW my pvp server is republic dominated, but I don't think it is a balance issue.
  16. I think by that he means warzones where factions can face their own faction. I'm not sure, but I think it was his way of saying that huttball will not be the only one, so there will be other options if no one from the other faction is playing.
  17. First, I just want you to know saying "stupidly retarded" is rather ironic. They probably didn't adress it because most of the time (almost all of the time) it is a relatively balanced system. Sure it isn't ideal, but very few people get completely screwed over from it, and you can't beleive everyone who simply says "I opened 50 bags and got nothing!" I think that the things they are fixing right now rightfully have priority over the bag system.
  18. Those are changes that everyone should be interested in, and happy with. I also hope bioware is aware of the more appreciative and reasonable communities, such as reddit, as the main forums for any game are almost always ridiculous and filled with unreasonable complaints.
  19. Well I'm level 47 with a level 18 quest so i don't think that is accurate.
  20. This seems to be an odd glitch, and it is very well known. I am not very active on these forums, however I read all of a rather large AMA (ask me anything) with someone from Bioware, and this issue wasn't mentioned. The quests that you are unable to abandon also seem to have decent storylines, but alot of the time I am ready to leave a zone but forced to finish some quests. Is this a bug or intentional, and if it is a bug is there any word of when it will be fixed?
  21. This is intentional and I do not think it should be changed. Some people want that mount to show off as a sign that they have whatever the required rank is for that skill. Certain people should not be able to make these mounts go public, because that would ruin it for the people who may have even picked up that skill for a unique mount.
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