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Please bracket by valor and grouping


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Right now, there's a lot of inexperienced players complaining about "50s" in PvP. And they're wrong; I PvP a fair bit and can confidently state that many of the random 50s are inept and easy to defeat from a lower level. What's going on here is more subtle, and only an experienced player would spot it, because they're watching the opposing team's tactics.


What is happening here is that one side enters a skilled, coordinated premade and the other side gets 8 random players attempting their daily mission. Every time, the premade group steamrolls the randoms. The premade happens to be players at level 50 - this is irrelevant. What is relevant is that they play dozens of matches every day and are coordinating via voice chat.


What we need is for warzone queues to be tweaked to place premades against premades and randoms against randoms. Further, where enough players are queueing, those with lower valor should be matched against each other. This would dramatically improve the quality of life for pvpers.


I almost always roll with a premade. It's not very interesting to draw a bunch of randoms on the other side and crush them. All the good fights I've ever had have been against other premades.


I almost always go with a premade because I don't want to queue solo any more. If I queue solo, then I'm going to end up facing a premade with a bunch of randoms on my side, and they will crush us. It's a pointless experience.


Let's have some fair matches.

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