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The reason why I'll be unsubscribing after the free month.


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what I've learned over the years is that people who make public posts about leaving, unsubscribing, etc.. they want to stay, but not sure if they should so they are looking for validation one way or another.


people who genuinely don't want to play the game anymore, just - stop. they don't go to the forums, becasue why? they are done with the game, why should they waste more of their time? they are not going to keep logging in because why waste their time on something they don't enjoy and don't want to be playing?


OP, you first mistake was going for this game not becasue you wanted to play this game specifically, but because you wanted to get away from another game. its like getting into a rebound relationship. doesn't end well. you are expecting this game to give you something it never meant to do. you keep comparing, keep judging, all becasue you are not really done with that other game yet. you have this void that you are looking to fill, but nothing will fit quite the same way and you are only setting yourself up for continuous disappointment.


whatever other game you decide to play? play it for its own sakes. if you really want to get away from WoW? then just get away from WoW. stop playing it, stop thinking about it, eat a pint of ice cream while crying over a sappy machinima or something. and when you stop looking for WoW in every game you try, maybe you'll be ready to play a new game.


P.S. my server has a forum. it doesn't have to be an "official" forum to be a legitimate server forum. communities are BUILT.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Take care.


<<< Pandas that way.



17 words into the first post he says he's not a "wowkiddie". He did play for years, makes no indication he'll be returning to WoW.


That said, "I'm quitting cause X" threads are silly. Just quit and if you hated it that much tell your friends not to play. The people on this forum already play the game.

Edited by MalignantBear
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I completely agree with the OP. It's true that it is good to have diverse types of MMO's but i'm sure a lot of people came over to SWTOR because they were assuming it was going to be like WOW only with a Star Wars theme. I just wish another developer who wants success like WOW would swallow their pride and actually create a game just like WOW with a different theme. There are too many little differences in every new title that eventually leads it to failure. Linear and Fantasy/Scifi MMO should not be synonymous.


If you're going to create a linear MMO then create a name for your sub genre so you there wont be any confusion and people wont have to waste money.

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Because it's feedback like this that will eventually (or not) make the game better.



do not know what feedback means? do you know the word "constructive critism ?"

do you know the word suggestions ?


now tell me when in those last 3 sentences that are the pinnacle of feedback there is room for the


" i unsubscribe cause blah blah blah blah blah i do not like this game blah blah blah"


prolly you never "worked" the feedback

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First I wish to get a few things out of the way. I'm not a "hater" a wowkiddie or anything like that. I'm someone who followed the development, pre-ordered and played since first day of early access.

Bioware have kindly provided these forums to provide feedback and create some kind of community so I'm respectfully offering the reasonswhy I feel this game isn't up to scratch.




My biggest reason is complete lack of community. I'm a regular forum user and find that having no server forums totaly bazarr. In game community seems small and cold, I'm finding little reason to group up other than heroic quests (which I've now given up on) and flashpoints which we just burn through as they are so simple. I play on a "Full" server and struggle to find groups for flashpoints to the point where I just don't bother any more. At level 43 I have ran into maybe 4 Republic in the open world at most.


Story and questing is fun but... This doesn't translate to end game. Like other MMOs I'll be spending most of my time at level cap and having talked to my guild mate I find that the "Story" is just for leveling.


I feel trapped. This has to be the most linear game ever made. It makes wow look like a sandbox game. I'm not after a sandbox experience but I would like a sence of freedom. I feel the space combat matches the ground game in that it's on rails.


This is just going to be another gear grind. Having played wow for a few years I felt I needed something else other than a rince and repeat hunt for gear however I see this in ToR as much as wow. I was intrigued to here about this "legacy" system which they said was something an MMO had never done before but I hate to break it to them but added a surname to your characters is not new or very exciting.


Those are the main reasons. Please keep in mind this is my opinon and polite feedback.

Some thoughts and discussion would be very welcome.


no one cares

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what I've learned over the years is that people who make public posts about leaving, unsubscribing, etc.. they want to stay, but not sure if they should so they are looking for validation one way or another.


people who genuinely don't want to play the game anymore, just - stop. they don't go to the forums, becasue why? they are done with the game, why should they waste more of their time? they are not going to keep logging in because why waste their time on something they don't enjoy and don't want to be playing?


OP, you first mistake was going for this game not becasue you wanted to play this game specifically, but because you wanted to get away from another game. its like getting into a rebound relationship. doesn't end well. you are expecting this game to give you something it never meant to do. you keep comparing, keep judging, all becasue you are not really done with that other game yet. you have this void that you are looking to fill, but nothing will fit quite the same way and you are only setting yourself up for continuous disappointment.


whatever other game you decide to play? play it for its own sakes. if you really want to get away from WoW? then just get away from WoW. stop playing it, stop thinking about it, eat a pint of ice cream while crying over a sappy machinima or something. and when you stop looking for WoW in every game you try, maybe you'll be ready to play a new game.


P.S. my server has a forum. it doesn't have to be an "official" forum to be a legitimate server forum. communities are BUILT.


In some ways you are correct in that I do want to stay and I did ask for feedback in my OP as I am seaching for some validation. Is that a bad thing?


I didn't come from wow. I haven't played an MMO in 2 years so I had that fresh feeling. However ToR didn't offer me that fresh feeling but rather a trapped "here we go again" feel. But thanks for posting and not flaming.

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First I wish to get a few things out of the way. I'm not a "hater" a wowkiddie or anything like that. I'm someone who followed the development, pre-ordered and played since first day of early access.

Bioware have kindly provided these forums to provide feedback and create some kind of community so I'm respectfully offering the reasonswhy I feel this game isn't up to scratch.




My biggest reason is complete lack of community. I'm a regular forum user and find that having no server forums totaly bazarr. In game community seems small and cold, I'm finding little reason to group up other than heroic quests (which I've now given up on) and flashpoints which we just burn through as they are so simple. I play on a "Full" server and struggle to find groups for flashpoints to the point where I just don't bother any more. At level 43 I have ran into maybe 4 Republic in the open world at most.


Story and questing is fun but... This doesn't translate to end game. Like other MMOs I'll be spending most of my time at level cap and having talked to my guild mate I find that the "Story" is just for leveling.


I feel trapped. This has to be the most linear game ever made. It makes wow look like a sandbox game. I'm not after a sandbox experience but I would like a sence of freedom. I feel the space combat matches the ground game in that it's on rails.


This is just going to be another gear grind. Having played wow for a few years I felt I needed something else other than a rince and repeat hunt for gear however I see this in ToR as much as wow. I was intrigued to here about this "legacy" system which they said was something an MMO had never done before but I hate to break it to them but added a surname to your characters is not new or very exciting.


Those are the main reasons. Please keep in mind this is my opinon and polite feedback.

Some thoughts and discussion would be very welcome.


A couple of very good points that are killing this game, mainly no open world pvp. They should have never got the Warhammer team to do PVP here. It sucked on warhammer and its even worse here. Bioware should have held off for more intense open world pvp instead of all theses extremely crappy and exploitable mini games. Factions should never have been allowed to fight among themselves and these arenas are so boring its painful to even go there. All they are good for is just flash leveling and have no other value what so ever. I played a bh all the way to 40 and ran into 2 guys in all the worlds. Its killing this game off horribly. That team and dev over them need to be fired. A real world pvp needs to be in place. Not this kiddy crap.

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show me numbers that support your capitalism argument and that developers have something to fear, please.


am I asking for facts when you were too busy with opinions?




"He added, 'We note that EA gives players the first month free, so ‘players’ does not yet signify paying subscribers; however, our estimate does at least signify the number of people who have bought the game (and thus far, includes only a subset of those who pre-ordered the title).' "






" 'At half a million subscribers, the game is substantially profitable, but it's not the sort of thing we would write home about,' Riccitiello said"



So basically they need at least 2/3rd of the people who bought the game to continue subscribing. Otherwise... well, I won't tell you, because your mind won't accept it.

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In some ways you are correct in that I do want to stay and I did ask for feedback in my OP as I am seaching for some validation. Is that a bad thing?


I didn't come from wow. I haven't played an MMO in 2 years so I had that fresh feeling. However ToR didn't offer me that fresh feeling but rather a trapped "here we go again" feel. But thanks for posting and not flaming.


searching for validation is not a bad thing. expecting it though is a bit... too hopeful. you cannot have other people decide for you, you have to decide for yourself. you cannot expect other people to try and convince you otherwise, especially people on these forums who are tired of the endless litany of :"this game sucks and I'm leaving unless you change this thing or things... right NOW!" /footstomp


TOR gave you a "here we go again" feeling. that means its either not the right game for you, or you're still not quite over WoW even if you no longer play it. (hey, it takes some people decades to get over exes sometimes, so its not exactly unusual)


SWTOR is not a perfect game. I don't think such thing is even possible. its a bit of a niche game though. and it should develop in its own direction rather then try to be more like "industry standard" when it comes to certain features. there is no shame in not liking a game even if you really want to like it. what you need to figure out - is your feedback a last ditch attempt to turn this game into something you think you may enjoy more? becasue if it is, no amount of changes will remove that "here we go again" feeling. it would have to be a different game entirely.

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I love how people think the only choice is


-WoW on rails


You know there ARE other MMOs right. Or you could quit MMOs all together, which most people probably will after pouring so much emotional investment in this game, only to have it back fire.

Edited by Blackwater
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you still didnt' answer me son the original question


why do i care if a random man/woman from the 1,5milion players unsubscribes..


maybe go back to school son to learn to answer the correction question?




Perhaps you aren't the only one reading these forums...

Supposedly there are representatives from Bioware that read this too. I'm sure they care why people leave their game.


If there were some issues that were bothering me enough to quit, I'd let the devs know about it as well. If that meant some kid in their parent's basement got their hackles up after reading my post, then that's just a chance I'd have to take.

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I've got the CE and I even play it. I'm still playing Rift...why? Because my IQ is 10

Hopefully TOR will eventually keep up its speed, but atm the UI alone is enough to make me log on for hours at a time. Game is seriously a brand new, big budget MMO....seriously brand new.


There you go. You had A LOT of errors in there. Also if you actually think Rift is better than this then you seriously must be 10 or Rift was your first MMO.

Edited by Reaperchris
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First I wish to get a few things out of the way. I'm not a "hater" a wowkiddie or anything like that. I'm someone who followed the development, pre-ordered and played since first day of early access.

Bioware have kindly provided these forums to provide feedback and create some kind of community so I'm respectfully offering the reasonswhy I feel this game isn't up to scratch.




My biggest reason is complete lack of community. I'm a regular forum user and find that having no server forums totaly bazarr. In game community seems small and cold, I'm finding little reason to group up other than heroic quests (which I've now given up on) and flashpoints which we just burn through as they are so simple. I play on a "Full" server and struggle to find groups for flashpoints to the point where I just don't bother any more. At level 43 I have ran into maybe 4 Republic in the open world at most.


Story and questing is fun but... This doesn't translate to end game. Like other MMOs I'll be spending most of my time at level cap and having talked to my guild mate I find that the "Story" is just for leveling.


I feel trapped. This has to be the most linear game ever made. It makes wow look like a sandbox game. I'm not after a sandbox experience but I would like a sence of freedom. I feel the space combat matches the ground game in that it's on rails.


This is just going to be another gear grind. Having played wow for a few years I felt I needed something else other than a rince and repeat hunt for gear however I see this in ToR as much as wow. I was intrigued to here about this "legacy" system which they said was something an MMO had never done before but I hate to break it to them but added a surname to your characters is not new or very exciting.


Those are the main reasons. Please keep in mind this is my opinon and polite feedback.

Some thoughts and discussion would be very welcome.




I agree completely about the community it doesn't exist. The only time there is any reason to travel out into the world is to kill something or gather or whatever. No reason to go out otherwise and as soon as the two or three missions are finished run back turn them in. No one is camping anything or hanging out.

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There you go. You had A LOT of errors in there. Also if you actually think Rift is better than this then you seriously must be 10 or Rift was your first MMO.

"If you think Rift is better than SWTOR, it must have been your first MMO"


...You do realize that doesn't refute his argument right? You basically just acknowledged that his first MMO was better than SWTOR

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searching for validation is not a bad thing. expecting it though is a bit... too hopeful. you cannot have other people decide for you, you have to decide for yourself. you cannot expect other people to try and convince you otherwise, especially people on these forums who are tired of the endless litany of :"this game sucks and I'm leaving unless you change this thing or things... right NOW!" /footstomp


TOR gave you a "here we go again" feeling. that means its either not the right game for you, or you're still not quite over WoW even if you no longer play it. (hey, it takes some people decades to get over exes sometimes, so its not exactly unusual)


SWTOR is not a perfect game. I don't think such thing is even possible. its a bit of a niche game though. and it should develop in its own direction rather then try to be more like "industry standard" when it comes to certain features. there is no shame in not liking a game even if you really want to like it. what you need to figure out - is your feedback a last ditch attempt to turn this game into something you think you may enjoy more? becasue if it is, no amount of changes will remove that "here we go again" feeling. it would have to be a different game entirely.


I'm not looking for people to decide for me. I asked for feedback and discussion. I believe you over analyzed my replys.

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MMO Player A rushes to max level cap, way past the majority of the player population. MMO Player A then complains on forums that there isn't enough content at endgame. MMO Player B levels at a much slower pace and this makes him much more aligned with the vast majority of the player base. He/she is oblivious to this "problem" because he/she is still enjoying the leveling content.


Do you not realize that MMO games, at the start, are not designed to appeal to the end game? The whole point is to focus on leveling content to attract people to the game and then later on add more end game content. Basically, add in more end game content right when the AVERAGE player has reached level cap. In addition, they have to see if the game will even make enough money to worry about continued development. I ask you to honestly think about this question, how much end game content did WoW have on release? The funny part about all of this, is that half of you will be back when more content is added/problems fixed. I know its new to you, since you probably started WoW in Wrath (or insert any other MMO not on launch) but this is how it works. Welcome to the world of brand new MMOs.

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MMO Player A rushes to max level cap, way past the majority of the player population. MMO Player A then complains on forums that there isn't enough content at endgame. MMO Player B levels at a much slower pace and this makes him much more aligned with the vast majority of the player base. He/she is oblivious to this "problem" because he/she is still enjoying the leveling content.



I'm not at level cap as I said.....

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Actually I think one of the problems is that there is no reason to group because you can level from 1 to 50 without ever joining a group and leveling is mindlessly easy. It is breaking the community ties. Generally in most MMO's people meet in the first 30 or so levels and play together for years. Not going to happen here because you don't need anyone or need any groups.
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