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Recent actions against some customer accounts


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BioWare should then level restrict every single planet to the range it says. Why would a level 50 want to go back to any low level planet? They have no business there. The argument is weak at best and goes against what BioWare has advertised as flying around the galaxy at will.



For datacrons? Leveling Archeology? For doing the bonus quests? For exploration? For the views? For PvP zones like on Tatooine?


Now dont be silly, there are alot of reasons to go back.

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Game is practically brand-new to most people, and they're already complaining. Jeez, guys. Chill out. There's going to be an ironing-out period. If you didn't want to deal with all the adjustments, you should've waited a month or so before you bought the game.


As long as you're not participating in any questionable behavior, you have nothing to worry about.

Edited by Crimm
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ban them all... usually these are the exploiters and gold sellers who exploit something and get a ridiculous amount of money, and then they start buying off gear and materials from AH, just to put them in for 10x price, thus ruining the economy. I've seen it in another game happening, where you could spend an entire fortune just to buy the desired stuff you need, just because someone bought off every-single high level high quality weapon and armor, jewellery (later he actually made a deal with the hardcore crafters and bought the items for fixed price from them). I don't want to see it happening here.
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sooooo... we are not allowed to repeatedly loot containers...




the TOS basically says that you cant find a loot container and camp it with some friends.




No. You need to read more closely. They used an exploit to make the chests respawn faster, and were camping it for a ridiculous amount of time. On a planet that they were severely underleveled for. They weren't banned, just warned and/or suspended.

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No. You need to read more closely. They used an exploit to make the chests respawn faster, and were camping it for a ridiculous amount of time. On a planet that they were severely underleveled for. They weren't banned, just warned and/or suspended.

I'm still not quite sure what this has to do with low leveled players. It's ok for higher level players to camp chests but not ok for lower level players to do so? Why were low level players even needed for this?

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The RMT decision is what it is. I don't think anyone disagrees with this decision.


Based on the above statement by Mr. Reid, the credit farmers were clearly capitalizing on an exploit which is a violation of Bioware's terms of use. Anyone arguing against Bioware's actions with regard to the farmers is either one of the exploiting farmers or is a would-be exploiting farmer.


This was posted on page 5. I cannot begin to guess what is left to discuss that could fill the next 47 pages of comments. lol


Just /thread already.


That isn't an argument to ban, suspend or warn people. The HOW might be reasons for such actions, but stated as is would it be like punishing someone for polluting the air with their breathing. Being a part of the economy does influence it and does in small ways "unbalance" it.


Normal? Absurd! Bioware got to consider their mechanics and create the results they want, don't expect people to not try to get ahead.

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I'm still not quite sure what this has to do with low leveled players. It's ok for higher level players to camp chests but not ok for lower level players to do so? Why were low level players even needed for this?
If I had to guess, it wasn't that they were needed. It's just that they thought, at a low level, "how can I make a lot of money more easily?" And then a bunch of them got together and worked their way to a chest, and exploited and camped. It's not that they were needed, I'd think. It's just that they were the ones who decided to do it.
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BioWare designed this game... and apparently not one of the developers could see where looting these chest could be exploited.


Look... im not a game developer but even i could have told you guys this...


they did sloppy work and now players are being punished for it. much like the extensive list of warzone exploits. i mean... really? they didnt see a problem with being able to make characters of different factions on the same server? ...this being an exploit never once crossed their minds?

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i mean... really? they didnt see a problem with being able to make characters of different factions on the same server? ...this being an exploit never once crossed their minds?


Mmmm no. That was actually discussed a LOT by the players with the devs, particularly during testing. The general consensus was, only people whose whole lives revolved around an MMO would do that, and even if they did, it wouldn't really be an issue. Because they'd "spy?" It just wouldn't be worth it. Besides, you'd then be punishing the people who wouldn't even dream of somehow using their different-factioned characters to "spy," and they just want all their characters on the same server so they can play the story without jumping from server to server every time. And if I understand correctly, the Legacy system only applies to the characters on that specific server. So yes, I want to be able to make all my characters on one server if possible, regardless of their faction.


But, this is going to get off topic so, back ON topic, I'm sure it crossed their minds and they've done some things (really, a lot of mobs are practically right in front of the chests so even if you stealth to the chest, once you decloak and open it, you're in for a fight). They just didn't see this particular event happening. Now they'll take care of it.


People also seem to be forgetting that it wasn't just the fact that they were camping some chests. It's that they were using an exploit as well to cause the chests to respawn faster.

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People were either WARNED or TEMP SUSPENDED. Again to quote:






What are people not understanding????


Were there some false positives - YES - no one is arguing that... but quit trying to say people are getting banned for sitting at a chest and looting it all day.


What people are not understanding is why so many assumes, not reads, but assumes that Reid writes something about not being suspended and warned for looting chests.


You might know something beyond what OP writes, but how are the mere player and forum-poster to know about such secondary information?


They did a "press-release" through the OP. It caused more questions than it solved.They should do better.


This is not about being "fanboy/girl" or not. It is in the interest of everyone, fan or not, that they handle things better, or at least so people understand what they talk about, no matter minimal reading comprehension.


Accept it, this is an international community and then look at countries like USA that doesn't even manage to get all citizens to speak and write (US)english, not to forget understanding economy, even among those working in the banks.


In fact would I say it is more in the favour of strongly aligned fans that they should object to what their targets of fandom does not handle well.


Idolization, on the other hand, might be less healthy, but how do we distinguish between hopes, faith and fanaticism?


I'd like to point out that for every one posting here is it many active forum-members that doesn't, and in general can we expect that around 10% of the community being active on the forums, at best. That gives active forum-members unproportional influence, both towards Bioware, but also over the impression the players that isn't active on the forums get from Bioware efforts.


Bioware should be aware of it and do better.


/cc greymane

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No. You need to read more closely. They used an exploit to make the chests respawn faster, and were camping it for a ridiculous amount of time. On a planet that they were severely underleveled for. They weren't banned, just warned and/or suspended.


I got an account warning for collecting Lockboxes. I did that for about 6 hrs over the course of a week when my character was in her 30's. I was not camping nor exploiting anything.

I was just driving around collecting boxes.

I got the warning for collecting high level stuff on a low level account. Thats all.

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I got an account warning for collecting Lockboxes. I did that for about 6 hrs over the course of a week when my character was in her 30's. I was not camping nor exploiting anything.

I was just driving around collecting boxes.

I got the warning for collecting high level stuff on a low level account. Thats all.


So you're one of the "false positives." The system isn't perfect.

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whole thing seems pretty pointless to me, to actually blame this sort of thing on the player. They should of locked planets by what level you are actually at - not allowing any access at all to higher level planets. This would of solved 99% of their crying about people exploiting the game.
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I am not, they told me in the email, that i got the warning for collecting high level stuff on my low level account.


Do you know what false positive means? It means that even though you weren't doing what everyone else got in trouble for, because of bad luck or whatever you want to call it your activities just happened to fall into the category of "hey, we should probably take a closer look at what's going on here." So you got warned, even though you weren't doing what they were really looking at.


You got caught in the net, and it sucks. But you still have your account, and you can still play. All you got was a warning. It's all good.

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Do you know what false positive means? It means that even though you weren't doing what everyone else got in trouble for, because of bad luck or whatever you want to call it your activities just happened to fall into the category of "hey, we should probably take a closer look at what's going on here." So you got warned, even though you weren't doing what they were really looking at.


I wish that were the case but they did warn me for infringing on the TOS by collecting stuff, my guess is they ment this passage:


You may not engage in any conduct or practice that results in an Account containing items, objects, currency, character attributes, rank, or status that are inappropriate for the level or rank of the character contained in the Account,...


Well i guess i did break the Tos by collecting stuff far over my level but i would have never guessed that was forbidden.

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I wish that were the case but they did warn me for infringing on the TOS by collecting stuff, my guess is they ment this passage:


You may not engage in any conduct or practice that results in an Account containing items, objects, currency, character attributes, rank, or status that are inappropriate for the level or rank of the character contained in the Account,...


Well i guess i did break the Tos by collecting stuff far over my level but i would have never guessed that was forbidden.


Well they let you know.

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Well i guess i did break the Tos by collecting stuff far over my level but i would have never guessed that was forbidden.


They probably put it in place for situations like this :p Nonserious offenders get a warning, obvious and knowing offendors get a suspension and/or ban, it looks like.

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I don't think he is saying that here. However there appears to be some arbitrary limits on how much farming you can do or how much credits you can have.


You guys obviously have no idea what gold farming is or you wouldnt be misunderstanding what the dev is saying. Farming for money is NOT against Terms and Conditions. However, farming for money and then SELLING it to other players clearly is. As he had stated. There is absolutely nothing wrong with farming mobs for money or gear. Its an aspect in every MMO.

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Lmao @ all the people crying about this.


Don't like it? Too bad. Good Job Bioware, I am sick of exploiters ruining my MMO's.


Ban them all! Mwahahahah!

Sooo if you're out walking and accidentally walk into my garden and I chop of your legs or shoot you and cripple you for life you're ok with that since I would be legally permitted to "defend myself" =D? Good to know. "Mutilate them all, mhahwha so tired of people walking onto my property"

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