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Too many PvP servers!


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Where you get the fact (or numbers) that so many more want pve servers over pvp? Your PvE server are at medium, because guess what? There are fewer than the pvp ones... And the pvp servers are at low, because guess what? There are more of them and people are spread out.


I bet if you lowered the ammount of pvp servers to be equal to pve servers, they would be full while your pve servers were at medium.


Just remember this thread a few weeks after launch (all of you PvP server crowd) and then go to the server status page and I guarantee the majority of full and high population servers will be PvE servers and that there will be more total PvE then PvP servers. You can take that to the bank!

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I was just asking a question. I personally don't care for PvP and might just not know what PvP games are alive or dead. Last one I played was Aion and when I left it was quite dead. Although Aion was introduced as a PvPvE game it was more focused on PvP. What about Warhammer? Wasn't that PvP focused? It seems to me the only PvP games that do well are FPS. Edited by Ojaix
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Get counting then - it looks pretty even to me...


Oh, you know, except for russia, taiwan, korea and china which have 2, 3, or even 4 times the amount of PVP servers than PVE servers.


Hmm, looks like the carebear population is much larger in the US. Why you scared bro? :D


But still more PvE and if you logged in you'd see that most of the PvP servers are low pop compared to medium/heavy for PvE.

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Just remember this thread a few weeks after launch (all of you PvP server crowd) and then go to the server status page and I guarantee the majority of full and high population servers will be PvE servers and that there will be more total PvE then PvP servers. You can take that to the bank!


Yeah, but you know why?


Not because PVP'ers are such a small minority (otherwise you wouldn't see such a influx to begin with), but because they will likely find this game is just like most modern MMO's i.e. a PVE focused game with PVP tacked on as an afterthought, with a particular focus on lame instanced warfront grinds.


I hope Im wrong though!

Edited by Jebi
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Yeah, but you know why?


Not because PVP'ers are such a small minority (otherwise you wouldn't see such a influx to begin with), but because they will quickly find this game is just like most modern MMO's i.e. a PVE focused game with PVP tacked on as an afterthought, with a particular focus on lame instanced warfront grinds.


That's because this is NOT a PvP focused game so that stands to reason and only reinforces why I said they need to have more PvE than PvP servers. You just proved my point. Thank you. :)

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More like too many PvE servers...


You go down the server status list and there are more PvE servers than PvP.


And yet every single "light" server is PvP..


No worries, when they add more servers, they will just increase the proportion of PvE ones they bring up. That is, after all, part of the point of this staggered release.

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That's because this is NOT a PvP focused game so that stands to reason and only reinforces why I said they need to have more PvE than PvP servers. You just proved my point. Thank you. :)


And I never disputed that, all i disputed was your claim that 'PvE players at least double PvP players' which is laughable at best.

Edited by Jebi
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hm lets see; play on a pvp server and get randomly griefed by Sith who massively outnumber Jedi on PVP server or play PVE server and get the same ability for pvp ?

oh wait the cool kid think its pvp to gank people while they outlvl/catch them while they do other stuff/outnumber.

I played WoW pvp server and frantically, pvp server has no meaning anymore in WOW and will be same in TOR.

Edited by Asurai
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What what MMO's have you played sir?


Everquest - Rallos Zek (Early days free for all PvP where you could loot one item from your victim)


Dark Age of Camelot (No item loot but at least there were objectives, not mindless ganking, and it took coordination among hundreds)


Ultima Online (Holy grail of PvP. Kill your enemy and you could loot everything)


Lineage 2 (Awful game but it had some of the greatest risk cause you could drop items that took months to achieve)



Today you have 16 year old's who have played WoW and act like *******es because they think they are god when they conquered PvP in a game where a mentally handicapped blind-man could compete (and you know this is true).



reason I am typing all of this is due to the *******es who say things like PvE sucks and only carebears play there... I'm rolling PvE because I want to play with friends, but while you act like your some ****** of the world, look around and try a game that actually required thinking and some real risk.


I also would like to add that most of these MMO's were made before a lot of you were born... its so sad and I am saying this as a 23 year old.

Edited by Sigleaf
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Not all of our experiences are a universal bar to measure that with which we don't have experience.


The PvP servers are numerous because initial demand of PvP players is high. This demand may or may not fluctuate over time. PvP is here to stay, I don't see a standard genre MMO having no option for PvP. However there will likely always be an option for those who don't enjoy PvP, the content of the game.


Developers have a love-hate relationship with PvP'ers. They will be the loudest, most persistent champions of class balance. However they complain less than PvE'er about a lack of end game content.


Having said that I don't PvP. Not because I don't enjoy the "challenge" of which of my 8 to 10 buttons to press according to the situation, but because, as highlighted in this thread, there is a higher ratio of d-bags to respectful human beings in PvP. If you want to give the average internet tough-guy PvP'er a challenge, ask them to preform a "sit-up", or how to comport oneself respectfully as an adult, or what its like to be married. There is a reason they are motivated with such negativity. However, those are the loud, vocal minority. Most PvP'ers just enjoy an element of potential surprise and chaos thrown into what is essentially the standard tedious grind of levelling. They however almost never post in the forums.

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Not all of our experiences are a universal bar to measure that with which we don't have experience.


The PvP servers are numerous because initial demand of PvP players is high. This demand may or may not fluctuate over time. PvP is here to stay, I don't see a standard genre MMO having no option for PvP. However there will likely always be an option for those who don't enjoy PvP, the content of the game.


Developers have a love-hate relationship with PvP'ers. They will be the loudest, most persistent champions of class balance. However they complain less than PvE'er about a lack of end game content.


Having said that I don't PvP. Not because I don't enjoy the "challenge" of which of my 8 to 10 buttons to press according to the situation, but because, as highlighted in this thread, there is a higher ratio of d-bags to respectful human beings in PvP. If you want to give the average internet tough-guy PvP'er a challenge, ask them to preform a "sit-up", or how to comport oneself respectfully as an adult, or what its like to be married. There is a reason they are motivated with such negativity. However, those are the loud, vocal minority. Most PvP'ers just enjoy an element of potential surprise and chaos thrown into what is essentially the standard tedious grind of levelling. They however almost never post in the forums.


Lmao so much truth in this post and proven by the responses by the PvP crowd.

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Yeah, but you know why?


Not because PVP'ers are such a small minority (otherwise you wouldn't see such a influx to begin with), but because they will quickly find this game is just like most modern MMO's i.e. a PVE focused game with PVP tacked on as an afterthought, with a particular focus on lame instanced warfront grinds.


There is a reason PvP is usually just tacked on to PvE games, it's because it dies out quick once the balance of factions or whatever you want to call it become 1 sided or everyone spends most of their PvP time in instances and there is no world PvP.


Maybe if someone actually developed a real PvP game instead of PvPers it might make actual skill a factor. There is no skill in running around areas as a group and rolling over 1 or 2 people that clearly have no chance against a larger group usually a higher level as well. But hey that is what PvP is right? Talk about carebears, PvPers are the biggest carebears of them all!

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Ya, but statsically when you look at who gets what done first. Its always pvp servers in mmo history.


Pve is a thing of the past.


EQ my server had plenty of game firsts


WoW my server was up there on a lot of content, and had a few game firsts (we were barely beat out on AQ opening if I recall correctly).


PVE servers are usually a lot easier to organize things.

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There is a reason PvP is usually just tacked on to PvE games, it's because it dies out quick once the balance of factions or whatever you want to call it become 1 sided or everyone spends most of their PvP time in instances and there is no world PvP.


Maybe if someone actually developed a real PvP game instead of PvPers it might make actual skill a factor


Well, if PVP wasn't tacked on to PVE orientated games then skill would once again be the primary deciding factor in fights, not gear, level or class like we have now. They also wouldn't have these mindless instanced PVP grinds that kill world PVP, nor would they have only two factions... or fixed factions at all.


We also would have meaningful death penalties again, pvp would be personal and intense (not some kiddie mini game grind for gear), and people could again be held accountable for acting like tools.

Edited by Jebi
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Everquest - Rallos Zek (Early days free for all PvP where you could loot one item from your victim)


Dark Age of Camelot (No item loot but at least there were objectives, not mindless ganking, and it took coordination among hundreds)


Ultima Online (Holy grail of PvP. Kill your enemy and you could loot everything)


Lineage 2 (Awful game but it had some of the greatest risk cause you could drop items that took months to achieve)



Today you have 16 year old's who have played WoW and act like *******es because they think they are god when they conquered PvP in a game where a mentally handicapped blind-man could compete (and you know this is true).



reason I am typing all of this is due to the *******es who say things like PvE sucks and only carebears play there... I'm rolling PvE because I want to play with friends, but while you act like your some ****** of the world, look around and try a game that actually required thinking and some real risk.


I also would like to add that most of these MMO's were made before a lot of you were born... its so sad and I am saying this as a 23 year old.


One can always make lists and claims...


Project Entropia (currently named Entropia Universe) - You shoot and loot real money. This was my first "mmo" ever, back in ~2003. Rest are not in any specific order.








Black Prophecy


Guild Wars



Think that is all, or most when it comes to MMOs where i've played "PvP". Then ofcourse i play many RTS and FPS games for the PvP aswell, BF2, BF2142, BF3, BFBC2, Total Wars, Starcraft 2, C&C Games, Men of War, Company of Heroes, Natural Selection etc etc etc.



Why i prefer PvP over PvE is, because PvE is scripted. Your encounter is every time 99% the same and in the end you can play blindfolded and beat the encounter (been there, done that).

Edited by Viikuna
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Well, if PVP wasn't tacked on to PVE orientated games then skill would once again be the primary deciding factor in fights, not gear, level or class like we have now. They also wouldn't have these mindless instanced PVP grinds that kill world PVP, nor would they have only two factions... or fixed factions at all.


We also would have meaningful death penalties again, pvp would be personal and intense again (not some kiddie mini game), and people could be again be held accountable for acting like *********s.


Ever hear of Planet Side? Pure PvP system.. and basically covers what you're saying are failures in PvP (class, levels, etc). Fairly balanced 3 way world PvP. It's pretty much dead now, after 6 or 7 years. Down to a single server. .. I actually liked it, but since it was always the same thing, it got stale.. you need the PvE adventure side of it to be viable, even for PvP purposes.

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Ever hear of Planet Side? Pure PvP system.. and basically covers what you're saying are failures in PvP (class, levels, etc). Fairly balanced 3 way world PvP. It's pretty much dead now, after 6 or 7 years. Down to a single server. .. I actually liked it, but since it was always the same thing, it got stale.. you need the PvE adventure side of it to be viable, even for PvP purposes.


Unfortunately I never got to try it, I was still busy playing Asherons Call 1 on Darktide (best PVP game I've ever played, even better than quake 1!).


I will definitely try Planetside 2 when it comes, I just hope it turns out well and stay true to the original... only better!


Also, I'm not particularly saying class levels etc ruins PVP, just that if the games was designed around PVP it wouldn't be as much of a factor in PVP fights as we see today. For example, in AC1, you would often see really skilled level 50 players take on multiple average skilled level 80+ players and come out with a win.


It sure was difficult and took everything you had pull it off, but holy crap it was a good feeling.


In todays MMO's you probably wouldn't even be able to hit a person 30 level's higher, and then he'd simply turn around and one hit you. *yawn*.

Edited by Jebi
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Well, if PVP wasn't tacked on to PVE orientated games then skill would once again be the primary deciding factor in fights, not gear, level or class like we have now. They also wouldn't have these mindless instanced PVP grinds that kill world PVP, nor would they have only two factions... or fixed factions at all.


We also would have meaningful death penalties again, pvp would be personal and intense (not some kiddie mini game grind for gear), and people could again be held accountable for acting like tools.


So you want original UO again! The problem was that nothing gets worked out like you are saying and that is why a game like that won't survive long, and if it does it will limp along with a small, albeit dedicated, population. What happens is a select group comes to power and gangs and griefs everyone else until a majority quit. Mmo makers are a business and if the PvP rule set crowd was where the money was at you'd see many more games cater to that. The fact that you don't just further proves that the PvE rule set crowd is much larger.

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So you want original UO again! The problem was that nothing gets worked out like you are saying and that is why a game like that won't survive long, and if it does it will limp along with a small, albeit dedicated, population. What happens is a select group comes to power and gangs and griefs everyone else until a majority quit. Mmo makers are a business and if the PvP rule set crowd was where the money was at you'd see many more games cater to that. The fact that you don't just further proves that the PvE rule set crowd is much larger.


Heresy and hyperbole again I see, well done.


Hint: copying the WOW formula appears (at least on the surface) to be a much less riskier adventure for shareholders and yet in the ends proves nothing.


But yes, a new UO would be great. After all, it did reach 250k subs pre-tram, and that was way back when not only was gaming a niche, but MMO's were pretty much unheard of.


PS I'm still anxiously awaiting your evidence to support your claims made on page 1, please don't let me down! :p

Edited by Jebi
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Hi folks,


We've removed a few posts from here and would like to request that everyone reply to this thread regarding the number of PVP servers with replies that are on-topic, constructive and respectful of one another.


Please do not make posts that put-down another community member's playstyle. Do not be rude to one another or sling insults.


Thanks everyone!

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I just dont understand mostly all you Pve'rs if you actually watched the star wars saga you'd notice that it was a hostile place of killing at anytime, why would you want to play star wars in a friendly environment sounds gay!


Nothing better then proving your a awesome warrior sith /jedi/ bounty etc, and pitting your skills against another non programmed fighter, the 6th sense you get when anytime you can be hunted down, making a name for yourself as the Ultimate Bounty hunter or other.......


I just cant bring myself to understand make a char... go kill 200 bots, get skill kill another 400 bots get more skill just sounds too bloody repetitive, were in a PVE/PVP server you will experience SWOTR for what it should be and that is Ruthless!


I for one would love another PVP Bounty Hunter chasing me down or getting attacked by two padawn jedi's and such, nothing gets your heart pumping more then knowing you can get assasinated at anytime.



PVP for the win!

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