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I hate my companion


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are you kidding me? Khem is one of the most evil characters I've seen. All he wants is for you to kill everything. How cool is that?


well I'm only sith cuz all my friends are sith but I choose light sided choices, but khem seems to always disagree with all my choices. It's rather annoying. Plus I don't like having some half naked bag of muscles in way all the time when I try to turn missions in.

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I wish they'd front-loaded the companions more. Give almost all of them by level 15, so you could use whichever you like, instead of being stuck with whatever your level dictates. Edited by Vihazur
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well I'm only sith cuz all my friends are sith but I choose light sided choices, but khem seems to always disagree with all my choices. It's rather annoying. Plus I don't like having some half naked bag of muscles in way all the time when I try to turn missions in.


You end up with 5 companions, I'm sure one of them will be more to your liking.

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well I'm only sith cuz all my friends are sith but I choose light sided choices, but khem seems to always disagree with all my choices. It's rather annoying. Plus I don't like having some half naked bag of muscles in way all the time when I try to turn missions in.


Odd that, he's a Dashade and they're Dark Side beings. Wait until later on when you pick up Ashara Zavros; she's the Light Side character who likes it when you're nice (you get her on Taris). I'm going to love to see the story justification for a Jedi Padawan joining up with a Sith Inquisitor is.

Edited by HELhikari
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The only companion that I will hate on all of my characters is the goddamn annoying droid that comes with your ship.


No, 2V-R8. I do NOT require a foot massage from you.


Besides that, my SI is fulfilling the cliched "going for the tall, dark stranger" and marrying Andronikos Revel.

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I'm not a fan of most of the companions tbh and think they could have been more creative, and acquired in a better order for utility as well as a better companion system could be in place to make people's companions less like clones.


Still, the one I dislike the most is completely insulting to the player's intelligence...





As a bounty hunter, you're forced to take a companion who is your TARGET.


After about the 3rd time catching him, knowing that he is:


-VERY wealthy (wealth he acquired by cheating others, and won't be sharing with you)

-A con-artist

-A back stabber

-A complete liar

-Self serving


You have him at gunpoint, ready to pull the trigger and the only real option is to allow him to get on your crew. Does that sound like something a logical person would do?


Let this guy who has cheated, lied and betrayed his way to great wealth, is now on the run and looking for a ship to get off Tatooine to be reunited with his wealth, onto your crew and ship... clearly he's a guy you should work with and can trust. He seems legit. :rolleyes:


Edited by DeaconX
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I just wish we could choose classes for the companions instead of being stuck with the same fugly healing companion becourse its the only way to fly.


I feel the same way .. There are some that most of us will not even have the option to "look at" ... let alone use as a companion.


In all fairness to the Dev teram I realize that this is easier said than done (from a programming stand point of view. Yet .. IMHO it would unquestionably add more to the game from a "personalizaing" stand point of view. It might take several months to wait for, BUT... if there was some way to allow to "say good bye" .. in the right sort of way and "Look for another" that would be sweet !

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It would be nice if we could choose our companions and not be designated by our class. khem really blows


Ummmm, yeah, since they are a main part of your class story, there is no way that would work. I'm sure you'd like the game more if Lucasarts and BW paid you to design it for yourself too, lol.

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I didnt mind the companions to much, I like vette. But when i made a sith inq and went assassin i thought it absolutely idiotic that here i am on my stealth class moving around in stealth with this large muscle bound idiot following me. for me it just really destroyed the idea of playing an assassin.
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It would have been nice if we did not have to be nice to them and do the dub things they want us to do just to advance their story. In the end most of my compaions just ended up sat on my ship refusing to talk to me because I was not an insane jerk.
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