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For those saying Juggernaut DPS suck in pvp, I present exhibit A:


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I didn't roll a Jugg to DPS, that would be absurd, I rolled it to tank.


Well after reading this line i stopped reading your post because it seems to be useless...

Who says Juggernauts CANT dps? Two trees are DPS spec and ONE is tank spec.

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Are you guys seriously?


You consider 200k good dps? Lets make a simple math...


If a good played Juggernaut does 200k (my best was 215k following objectives at Huttaball, a great victory).


A good Bounty Hunter does...: -> CLICK HERE <-


BH's have Death From Above, Sweeping Blasters, Fusion Missile, Explosive Dart and Flame thrower. All of these are multi target abilities and can boost warzone damage drastically if people are grouped up whether it be at the doors in Voidstar or On ball carrier in Hutt Ball.


Juggernauts have Smash.


So you cannot really compare the two in damage since they will always win because of aoe. Until we get a source of damage meters for single target damage you cannot compare BH's to Juggernauts at all.

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BH's have Death From Above, Sweeping Blasters, Fusion Missile, Explosive Dart and Flame thrower. All of these are multi target abilities and can boost warzone damage drastically if people are grouped up whether it be at the doors in Voidstar or On ball carrier in Hutt Ball.


Juggernauts have Smash.


So you cannot really compare the two in damage since they will always win because of aoe. Until we get a source of damage meters for single target damage you cannot compare BH's to Juggernauts at all.


Oh, then your point is "he got more resources so you cant compare"? I call that UNBALANCE, guess what you want.

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Well after reading this line i stopped reading your post because it seems to be useless...

Who says Juggernauts CANT dps? Two trees are DPS spec and ONE is tank spec.


No one says they can't but if you are obssessed with DPS, Jugg would be a silly choice go BH or Sorc or something else. If you roll a Jugg, you'll be asked to tank primarily by guilds or groups.

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No one says they can't but if you are obssessed with DPS, Jugg would be a silly choice go BH or Sorc or something else. If you roll a Jugg, you'll be asked to tank primarily by guilds or groups.


BioWare said you could DPS as a Juggernaut, and they made the class have two DPS specs. The point is, the bleeds you have to use, dont do the damage they should. You understand?

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The most healing done on my team was 13k id say that's pretty crap healing. Clustered fighting would be better for damage if I abused smash but I can count the number of smashes I use per war zone on one hand.


I was not responding to you, I was responding to the OP who thought his 215k damage on the longest warzone with 3 healers over 100k healing was impressive. That's actually a disappointing DPS round.


Your link actually is pretty impressive, I'm assuming you have full champion's gear and were playing against non level 50 players? The DPS players I've been playing with are averaging in the 300k range, is that where you are typically at?

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I was not responding to you, I was responding to the OP who thought his 215k damage on the longest warzone with 3 healers over 100k healing was impressive. That's actually a disappointing DPS round.


Your link actually is pretty impressive, I'm assuming you have full champion's gear and were playing against non level 50 players? The DPS players I've been playing with are averaging in the 300k range, is that where you are typically at?


Not full champion gear yet missing a few pieces. Cant remember the player levels tbh. The games that i dont focus on trying to carry the ball are around the low to mid 300's


So am I correct to assume that was Vengeance spec'd?


Yes vengeance spec'd

Edited by Xorak
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LMAO thanks for the compliment :)


Just saying you can't always say something is good if you do good on it. For example, I can get 300k damage and 100k protection in either void star or alderran if i really really wanted to. That however doesn't blind me to absolutely glaring flaws that players that know the game can take advantage of to leave your virtually defenseless.


We are extremely kitable while leap is on cooldown, unless you are rage spec and then you hit like a wet noodle between smashes. As immortal we hit like a wet noodle unless we are in dps gear thus can be pretty much ignored once our CC is used. With vengeance, people paying attention will wait to use their knockbacks and CC till after unstoppable falls off, leaving you stuck having to trudge back.


The healer I typically runs with knows these from dueling me thus he rarely needs me to peel a jugg off of him he handles the jugg himself while still healing me. We simply lack the tools as a dps spec that other dps specs get.

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juggy's shouldn't be that great becasue they dont have to manage a resource at all. its just face roll, no energy or heat management therefore subpar :cool:




Ya spamming that tracer missile is pretty tough work...

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  • 1 month later...
Its ridiculous all those ranged dps classes spamming their sht doing insane damage and thinking they are all magic while this game is just imbalanced as hell. Any noob ranged dps at lvl 42 can own any lvl 50 warrior class hands down, simply due to their tools and damage. CC, stun, pushback, cover every trick in the book at their disposal and the warriors with their ridiculous cds on breaking controls and on any gap closing ability just sorry victims of mediocre BW game balance. Edited by Sithcreep
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Its ridiculous all those ranged dps classes spamming their sht doing insane damage and thinking they are all magic while this game is just imbalanced as hell. Any noob ranged dps at lvl 42 can own any lvl 50 warrior class hands down, simply due to their tools and damage. CC, stun, pushback, cover every trick in the book at their disposal and the warriors with their ridiculous cds on breaking controls and on any gap closing ability just sorry victims of mediocre BW game balance.


Haha I'd give a level 42 all my credits if he could beat once in a duel ever.

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BHs Agents and Inqs easily break the 450k barrier, in worse teams, against better players, without pocket healers, and die less


On what planet!? Even in 50s PvP I've never seen anyone break more than 300k damage, and that was a Marauder.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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BioWare said you could DPS as a Juggernaut, and they made the class have two DPS specs. The point is, the bleeds you have to use, dont do the damage they should. You understand?


All I understand is that a bad player (you) is trying to make up for his shortcomings by calling unbalance.


Juggernauts own ANY class in 1 on 1, regardless of spec, except equally skilled marauders.


The fact that they dont have the aoe to get the same numbers doesnt mean **** when it comes to winning.


If you are DPSING, and massacring people, then you are doing good.


In fact, Unless your whole team is making an effort to AOE at the same time, its close to *********** useless compared to single target DPS and taking out targets quick and easy.


I'm a BM jugg, we man handle in PvP, and if our mobility and DPS was any better, I'm pretty sure we'd need a nerf.

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