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My problem with the leveling experience in SWTOR


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I came into SWTOR expecting a great single player experience all the way to level 50. I was disapointed. Not because of the class story quests because those are fun and amazing.. but because the game does not allow me to do nothing but story quests all the way through the game. Pretty much i would do a story quest and asassinate some guy, then i would go to the next story quest and die repeatedly because i was not high enough level. Even though i was the correct level for the previous quest. So what i have to do are the side quests... alot of side quests until i level up then do my story quest then do a ton of side quests then 1 story quest. This is terrible side quests are boring i would rather do the fun Class quests. It Really breaks the immersion in the Story when you have to stop doing the story and start retreving maguffins from caves. My solution would be to double or TRIPLE the amount of experience given from a story-class quest. Discuss.
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. My solution would be to double or TRIPLE the amount of experience given from a story-class quest. Discuss.



If they did that , then nobody would do non-class quests. They'd all be greyed out.


I think those side and Bonus chains are great, imho. They can offer just as many fun light/dark choices and open up some good chains that you probably miss out on as well as gear and loot.

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The problem with the leveling experience is it's way too slow. The quests take an eternity just to get to, then they take a long time to complete (in relativity), then you have to travel all the way back...the kicker is the reward. You get almost no xp and a worthless green item that you aren't going to use. It makes questing very unrewarding.
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Boy! Attitudes towards game systems do vary. I understand your problem but it is the exact opposite for me. I enjoy the side quests (bonus points) a lot and wish there were a lot more of them. On Coruscant I left only one quest undone and that was the lady by the fountain who wanted me to steal some plans. Since I am running a Lightside Jedi Guardian I could not do that even tho I empathize with her plight.


I have gotten my ship but heading back to Coruscant instead to do some heroics as that is all that is left. I would really enjoy exploring more of the planet-city even if only through some additional simple quests. You are correct, I have to get higher for my story line quests through the 'side quests'. I found that bad guys were higher level if I kept to story line first, which was ok since my JK is good but I couldn't take 4 bad guys alone. The addition of my Droid Companion made a big difference.


BTW, did anyone know that the JK Droid Companion had a leap into combat that goes further than my Force Leap? Surprised the heck out of me when I first joined combat with it. While you may not be a power leveler it would seem that from your statement you would prefer to avoid doing other quests than the Storyline. Try doing the daily Heroics for good XP and stuff to raise your level before hitting the storyline - do not know if you want to do those group instances altho they are possible with your companion along. I have enjoyed the PUG I have grouped with so far - surprising but a pleasant surprise.


Anyway - good luck for the future and I hope it gets better for you.

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What the... Are we playing the same game? I ask for clarification, not to flame.


I am mostly over-levelled for the content I am playing (which is a blast, currently; I had so missed that experience). Are you doing space combat? Are you doing heroics? Are you, in short, skipping any content available? Are you resting in cantinas when you log out?


I am honestly shocked that you are not drowning in xp, unable to get rid of it.


Edit: I've re-read your post - if you are skipping the sidequests entirely, this may just be the source of your problem. I'm not sure a fix is required per se; you are missing out on both a ton of content and xp. To attempt to 'fix' that would mean that anyone doing the sidequests would be so far over level they'd one shot everything in sight. Not a wise move.

The problem with the leveling experience is it's way too slow. The quests take an eternity just to get to, then they take a long time to complete (in relativity), then you have to travel all the way back...the kicker is the reward. You get almost no xp and a worthless green item that you aren't going to use. It makes questing very unrewarding.

This comment I find very strange. Surely the primary function of a game is to enjoy playing it, not the virtual item you get at the end of the day? I also can't help but jump for joy when I get a reward because this donates to my ever-diminishing pool of credits, which unlike xp I am not swimming in (I did not employ slicing pre-nerf).

Edited by Grammarye
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The problem is with you OP. You come to MMO (MASSIVELY MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE) game hoping that single player will not be just option but the whole game will revolve around it? Not only this but you want changes/patches to make single player the norm. Free advice: it will be far easier for you to change to single player game instead of trying to convince community/developers of an MMO game that it must be single player :p Believe me you will not face understanding - 'cos its strange at least.
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Balance out your class based quests with PvP. Actually, everytime you see the pyrmid above an NPCs head, go talk to them. Usually you can get good XP and credits on your way to and during your class objective.


PvP will net you anywhere from 6000 to 13000 XP and around 2000 credits. Winning side gets more XP. There have been several times where I am just short of the next level and 20 or so minutes of PvP get me past it.

Edited by TempestDelan
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