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Im a Twilek but my ancestor looks human?


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Its been canonised that they now can, however it might require some genetic engineering to do so. from http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twi%27lek behiend the scenes.


Cut Lawquane wasn't the children's biological father, and that book has many things incorrect i.e. Jedi Master Eeth Koth is listed as human, instead of Zabrak.

If it's trying to use Lawquane as an example of human/Twi'lek reproduction, then it's contradicting T-Canon.

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Cut Lawquane wasn't the children's biological father, and that book has many things incorrect i.e. Jedi Master Eeth Koth is listed as human, instead of Zabrak.

If it's trying to use Lawquane as an example of human/Twi'lek reproduction, then it's contradicting T-Canon.


Even if the book has mistakes it is still canon, however the Eeth Koth mistake needs fixing.

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Even if the book has mistakes it is still canon


If it's saying that Cut Lawquan was their biological father, it's not canon.

That episode makes it abundantly clear that he's their adopted father, not biological.

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Personally, I'd go with the Sith-Alchemy theory (my SI being a Twi'lek and all). But, for argument's sake, we know that there has been some experimenting with the manipulation of the Midichlorians, 3500 years later, so who knows what the old Sith Lords did in their spare time? ;)
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Even if the book has mistakes it is still canon, however the Eeth Koth mistake needs fixing.

The mistakes aren't canon. They are overridden by the show itself, which is now the ultimate authority regarding the Clone Wars. We can also rule out the idea that Cut fathered the two children by a simple examination of the official timeline:


The Battle of Geonosis was in 22 BBY. No clones left Kamino before this time. The Separatist operation to acquire the Supreme Chancellor took place in 19 BBY. That's three years, give or take a few months. Shaeeah was well older than three years, and Jek was a year younger than she was. Cut cannot be these kids' father, while the Encyclopedia makes him out to be.


Wookieepedia tries to fix the problem by saying that Suu married a human before Cut, who was the actual father of the kids, but that is never explicitly stated, either in the show or in the encyclopedia. The encyclopedia's lone piece of evidence that the kids are hybrids is the fact that Jek had short lekku. Apparently, the author forgot about the fact that lekku can vary in size from twi'lek to twi'lek, and that Jek is still a child. Shaeeah's lekku seem normal for a child her age; they're roughly the same size as Numa's.


I view the Encyclopedia as a mistake. Until another human/twi'lek hybrid shows up in the fiction that is explicitly known to be a hybrid conceived through natural means, I will continue with the knowledge that humans and twi'leks cannot breed.


Isn't that really the draw to them, anyway? You can have fun all you want, and you never have to worry that the plastic stick is going to have a plus on it. One advantage twi'leks have over Zeltrons.

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