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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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If im standing there, not using any ability


I click my ability to use it


0.5 seconds go by - nothing happens

1.0 seconds go by - nothing happens

1.5 seconds go by - nothing happens

2.0 seconds go by - my ability activates


Thats working as intended?

58 ms ping


I see the flash on my hotbar as I press the 1,2, or whatever key to use the ability


Hell, I can sit there and hit the ability key 5-6 times before the ability actually goes off if im quick. It makes no difference though.


Note at the beginning, I said "Standing there doing nothing" Which means im not trying to use an ability off of the GCD of another ability.


There IS an ability delay bug. You dont have it. Awesome. Why are you here when you could be playing without this issue affecting you? Im here because it IS affecting my gameplay. Clearly one of us is full of nonsense.


Because you're talking about an ANIMATION delay issue, not an ABILITY delay issue. I don't even watch the animations when I'm playing generally, as I'm too focused on my cooldowns to bother. I suspect this is why I've never encountered this 'issue'.


Instead of firing one ability, try this. Hit the ability once. Watch the flash, watch the GCD finish. Immediately after it finishes, fire another ability. If you're correct with your times, you should be hitting the second ability about half a second before the animation fires. Fire a third ability when the GCD ends.


See if all three abilities go off and do damage. If they do, there's no real 'delay', just a cosmetic effect.


The animations are cosmetic, just to look pretty. They don't effect mechanics OR gameplay, and what people are complaining about is a MECHANICAL ability delay. What I've seen in here so far wouldn't cause you to have any problems using abilities or reduce your effectiveness in any way.

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What I dont understand is that there are still people that argues is there problem with responsivnes of character.


Are they blinde? Your character responsivnes is at best at 50%, try shadowstrike (the one that need to be done from behinde of enemy) and see how it wont fire 3 or 4 times and then mob/player sudenly apear on some diferent location


The combat is not fluid, in pvp especialy if theres more than 3 people noone can know whats going on who taunt who and who guard who not to mention that there is no combat log so that later you could see what the hell actually hapen to you.


Horible and frustrating combat mechanics, when you press a buton its more of a lotery than anything


You are not udnerstanding. The ability delay exists, the argument is over whether or not it is a problem.


Bioware has stated this is working as intended to prevent fast paced gaming strategies, such as pressing buttons in rapid succession to execute your abilities as fast as possible.


So if this is biowares position, the ability delay is not a problem, youre the problem for not conditioning yourself to the new era of gaming slow paced, animation watching playstyle bioware has created, that has never been seen before and is brand new ( unless you played neverwinter nights, if so shhh)

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I'll analyze that when I get back from class. :p


And I DO have some idea what I'm talking about. I've done tests of my own to verify the issue or lack thereof.


I've also been dealing with network latency explanations for years: I caused a change to be made to the JTL UI late in the beta by explaining that a commonly reported bug was really a network latency issue. I once got complimented by a blue on the WoW forums for explaining the network latency problems and their inability to solved.


There is a lot of misinterpretation and lumping together of multiple problems going on here. I'm just trying to help people understand what's actually happening.


It isn't network latency... client/server communication IS ONLY ONE SMALL (BIG?) PART OF THE BROAD ISSUE...


Which encompasses such little details as:


1) Animation Design

2) Animation - UI Sync

3) GCD Design and Sync

4) Client/Server Interaction

5) Visual "Simulated Responsiveness Delay ala WoW" <-- not in SW:TOR (What you see is what you get)

6) Animation/Damage Registration Sync


WE HAVE NO ******* COMBAT LOG TO WORK WITH -- Or we could be more constructive.




Once again, PLEASE stop thinking that you have the wisdom to come in at the tail-end of a 4000+ thread and clarify things. Over the course of this threadline there have been professional coders and network specialists as well as professional gamers and even an aspiring game developer. I.e.: Much smarter individuals than myself...


Stop... I am willing to hear your say on network latency but again, I urge you to reconsider the weight of your revelation.

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Since I already know you'll mention the damage landing before the grenade etc... thats not the crux of the problem. Those are details (like your previous rebuttal to another poster)


The issue is the grenade, ability is simply not being fired until the bolts animation is finished. The Cast-Bar completes (good) --> next ability does not happen (even though GCD is done too)... Why? because i'm still busy shooting (animating) the ability that was completed .5 seconds ago.



Its a very simple to understand issue, so simple its a feeling to most people perceiving it. Don't claim its just "that ability" (Bug), everything else is fine. However, it is a whole slew of mechanical problems and design decisions that have lead to this problem. It is more than just the video I linked, that is merely one issue.... but easier to understand.


Once again, your understanding of this very broad and big subject is not complete. Please re-examine and re-evaluate your position. It should not be offensive to acknowledge that ones understanding of a subject is not complete.


If it helps, consider Ability Delay as "Quantum Physics"... no-one is ashamed to admit they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to this field. Please don't post that 0.0 fixes it or that everything is fine etc etc.


If all the abilities are going off and doing damage anyway, there's no mechanical issue. I'm seeing people complaining about this making the game unplayable, about this affecting their performance in warzones and in raids. The only delay I've found with mechanical effect is the one caused by the action queue. (0.0 doesn't fix it btw, it just makes it impossible to use the queue...which makes it much harder to get your abilities off. It would help the super-precise twitch freaks only).


What I'm guessing is probably happening is that it's not firing the ability animations until it gets the success messages back from the server. What you're seeing then, is the network latency between when your client sends the attack message and the server sends back the success message with the damage included. The server has already registered the damage at this point: the ability has already fired. The client simply holds back on displaying the damage until the rocket animation(or whatever) completes for cosmetic effect.


WoW does the same thing nearly, only the client simulates the firing immediately instead of waiting for the actual server message...and they use much slower bolts to give the server message time to get there before it hits.


Now if, say, you hit rocket blast, then hit something else before the animation played, and the rocket blast failed to do any damage, that would be a problem.


If you hit rocket blast, then another ability before the animation finished and the second ability failed to fire, that would be a problem.


As long as everything hits successfully regardless of the state of the animations, any 'delay' in the anims is just cosmetic and of no significance.

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Somewhere in Santa Monica, probably on the ferris wheel holding money bags, Bobby Kotick is laughing all the way to the bank saying I told you so. How can he get anywhere when he's spinning in place you ask? Who cares... the mixed metaphor works in my head.
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Once again, PLEASE stop thinking that you have the wisdom to come in at the tail-end of a 4000+ thread and clarify things. Over the course of this threadline there have been professional coders and network specialists as well as professional gamers and even an aspiring game developer. I.e.: Much smarter individuals than myself...


Stop... I am willing to hear your say on network latency but again, I urge you to reconsider the weight of your revelation.


No offense, but what someone says they are on the internet is...fairly meaningless. I could tell you that I have an IQ of 131 and am a trained and experienced computer tech, and you've got no way of verifying that or any reason to believe me.


What I'm doing, basically, is science. I'm experimenting with it trying to find the mechanical, game-breaking delay that people are complaining about. I found one, tiny, miniscule little malfunction in the ability action queue.


What I'm seeing being complained about appears to be no more than a cosmetic issue. I have yet to see any evidence of a general issue impairing the use of abilities in a mechanical fashion. There might be a few specific abilities broken this way, but all I'm seeing right now is a delay before the client plays the animation and reports the damage, neither of which has any mechanical effect or value.

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Because you're talking about an ANIMATION delay issue, not an ABILITY delay issue. I don't even watch the animations when I'm playing generally, as I'm too focused on my cooldowns to bother. I suspect this is why I've never encountered this 'issue'.


Instead of firing one ability, try this. Hit the ability once. Watch the flash, watch the GCD finish. Immediately after it finishes, fire another ability. If you're correct with your times, you should be hitting the second ability about half a second before the animation fires. Fire a third ability when the GCD ends.


See if all three abilities go off and do damage. If they do, there's no real 'delay', just a cosmetic effect.


The animations are cosmetic, just to look pretty. They don't effect mechanics OR gameplay, and what people are complaining about is a MECHANICAL ability delay. What I've seen in here so far wouldn't cause you to have any problems using abilities or reduce your effectiveness in any way.


its as if you're on the opposite end... most nay sayers claim to watch the animation. You should be on our side here buddy. Its the fact that the UI (GCD) has NOTHING to do with whats actually happening.


When you get home, watch the video I linked (which you should've already watched if you're posting at the tail-end here because its in the OP).


1) Hit Ability "Blaster Bolts"

2) Cast bar 2 Seconds

3) Cast bar completes fully

3) Animation of Blaster Bolts begins

4) GCD Finishes





7) Animation of "Blaster Bolts" finishes

8) Ability "Grenade" happens

9) Animation of Grenade begins

10) Creature takes full damage before Grenade arrives (Unlike WoW)

11) Animation Finishes

12) Grenade arrives

13) SCT Damage displays on creature



14) You Quit SW:TOR --

15) Unsubscribe

16) Throw keyboard through Aquarium

17) New fish flopping everywhere, dying... you just spent another $500 to fix the Aquarium and buy new fish, now they're all dead... again...

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I'll analyze that when I get back from class. :p


And I DO have some idea what I'm talking about. I've done tests of my own to verify the issue or lack thereof.


I've also been dealing with network latency explanations for years: I caused a change to be made to the JTL UI late in the beta by explaining that a commonly reported bug was really a network latency issue. I once got complimented by a blue on the WoW forums for explaining the network latency problems and their inability to solved.


There is a lot of misinterpretation and lumping together of multiple problems going on here. I'm just trying to help people understand what's actually happening.


You will "analyze" this only now? Look when the video was made and look how many brilliant solutions you posted since then. Well good. At least you will "analyze" something and what about reading the OP then? Eh? Just before you make another 3 posts.


If you wish to help people understand what's actually happening you must first understand the problem yourself.

Edited by AlexRose
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Sith Inquisitor performs Force Speed. I perform Force Leap. I land. I attempt to perform Zealous Strike.


Out of Range, Out of Range, Out of Range, Out of Range.


Oh look that SI is now behind me about 30m away.




In Warhammer Online, when I used Phoenix Leap or the White Lion Leash, the target stayed there.


In *OMG* WoW, when I Charged or Intercepted someone, they stayed there.


In TOR, I'm lucky if my target is within 15m of my character.


I have my back against a crate. Sith Inquisitor Force Sweep. Oh look I got launched over the crate. Seriously!?


I am facing this Commando face to face, about 5m apart. Oh, he casted his knocback. I am now 30m behind him. ***!?


Force Leap -> Zealous Strike, now I want to hit Merciless Slash. Oh wait, my Zealous Strike never fired, but I had hit it like 5 times.


I am exactly behind this MOB, not even a PvP enemy. In stealth. Perform Back Blast.


Condition Effect Failed. Condition Effect Failed.


Enemy Sith Sorceror is casting big heal. I Force Kick. His animation is shut down at 15%, but wait his heal still went through. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


Like I understand there is client-server-client lag, but seriously, either tighten that up with some tolerances, or pull your "act" together.


Say what you will about hating WoW, or Warhammer Online...But their combat system worked 99% of the time. I don't even bother Force Leaping SIs or JCs who have cast Force Speed because there's no point, they won't be anywhere near me anyways.


Yeah, I would like to be able to finsih my Kira quest line(DS-bug). And yes, I would like the UI to not fail every hour. I would love to not Force Leap back into the Character Screen. But yes, please make the combat less frustrating and more functional.


The combat system feels even more stuttered than KOTOR, and KOTOR had pause at least.

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No offense, but what someone says they are on the internet is...fairly meaningless. I could tell you that I have an IQ of 131 and am a trained and experienced computer tech, and you've got no way of verifying that or any reason to believe me.


What I'm doing, basically, is science. I'm experimenting with it trying to find the mechanical, game-breaking delay that people are complaining about. I found one, tiny, miniscule little malfunction in the ability action queue.


What I'm seeing being complained about appears to be no more than a cosmetic issue. I have yet to see any evidence of a general issue impairing the use of abilities in a mechanical fashion. There might be a few specific abilities broken this way, but all I'm seeing right now is a delay before the client plays the animation and reports the damage, neither of which has any mechanical effect or value.


Speaking as someone scientifically versed, you're NOT doing science. You're doing something more along the lines of creationism.


If you'd like to be a Scientist -- Review the source material first...


Thread 1, Page 1.


Move on...



Get through Thread 4, now with all gathered arguments as well as evidence. Go ahead and make an OBSERVATION... "potentially" construct a Theory to be scrutinized by your peers and deconstructed. If such deconstruction is not fruitful, your Theory will stand and you shall be proclaimed the Charles Darwin of this Threadline.


As someone who has followed it over the past 4 threads I can tell "exactly" at what level of understanding you are in regards to this issue... because "you" already made this argument in Thread 2 and 3...


Oh "you" didn't? Sure you did... under a different name! Because believe it or not, you're not actually a Special Snowflake (at least your Client/Server Communication/Latency argument isn't).

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I have a feeling they left the combat log out on purpose to keep people from using data to prove the ability bugs are real. They knew these bugs existed months ago and its a fundemental part of the design of the game thats flawed.


They may have used the 'we dont want the meter/gearscore ppl to ruin everyones gameplay' excuse but its kinda convenient that without a combat log you cant really prove whats going on in game either.


I for one would like a combat log to actually see what happened or how I died. I dont really care about damage meters, but those are actually useful too to help determine how to increase your damage.


Anyway, the more I play the pvp combat in this game, the more frustrating it becomes. Its incredibly frustrating to have instants not work properly, especially as a melee class.


Also, now that the game has been out for a couple weeks and geared 50s are really starting to show how imbalanced the combat is, its practically not even worth playing pvp. Bolster doesnt help you against a peron with twice as many skills and 4k more health than you, you might as well not even have it.


The funny thing is the ppl that rushed to cap in a week use the excuse 'well dont pvp til 50 then' but this still doesnt change the issue because if the system stays the same any new players wont have any fun in pvp getting 3 shotted by geared 50s, with the added bonus of not even being able to look at a log to see wwhat happened.

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its as if you're on the opposite end... most nay sayers claim to watch the animation. You should be on our side here buddy. Its the fact that the UI (GCD) has NOTHING to do with whats actually happening.


When you get home, watch the video I linked (which you should've already watched if you're posting at the tail-end here because its in the OP).


I glanced at it but didn't watch it closely enough to do a detailed analysis of it, which is what I'm going to do later.


And I AM on the opposite side. From the standpoint of someone who knows how the systems and the networks work, I am telling you flat out that the animations are appearance only and have no effect on and are only a limited representation of the true game state as held by the server, and that only the game state as held by the server matters as far as what actually happens.


In fact, the GCD and cooldowns are the *most accurate* representation of what actually happens that we currently have, because they are designed first and foremost to be functional, and to 'look good' second: the animations HAVE no function, ALL they do is 'look good'.


And yes, with a Combat log it would be really easy to see that there's not a mechanical problem, as it stands it takes a lot closer watching of what's going on to see it.


The trick is, as I said, to chain off abilities based on the GCD and cooldowns only, and see if all the abilities are used successfully and do damage. I have yet to see a case where an ability failed to fire because of an animation issue, in personal play or in a video.


The animation being delayed isn't itself a problem: it's only a problem if it effects the mechanics, the state of the game on the server. All we've got to go on are our client's representations of what the server says that state is, some of which are deliberately modified, even on world of warcraft, in order to look better.


Look past the cosmetic and see the mechanics.

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Sith Inquisitor performs Force Speed. I perform Force Leap. I land. I attempt to perform Zealous Strike.


Out of Range, Out of Range, Out of Range, Out of Range.


Oh look that SI is now behind me about 30m away.




In Warhammer Online, when I used Phoenix Leap or the White Lion Leash, the target stayed there.


In *OMG* WoW, when I Charged or Intercepted someone, they stayed there.


In TOR, I'm lucky if my target is within 15m of my character.


I have my back against a crate. Sith Inquisitor Force Sweep. Oh look I got launched over the crate. Seriously!?


I am facing this Commando face to face, about 5m apart. Oh, he casted his knocback. I am now 30m behind him. ***!?


Force Leap -> Zealous Strike, now I want to hit Merciless Slash. Oh wait, my Zealous Strike never fired, but I had hit it like 5 times.


I am exactly behind this MOB, not even a PvP enemy. In stealth. Perform Back Blast.


Condition Effect Failed. Condition Effect Failed.


Enemy Sith Sorceror is casting big heal. I Force Kick. His animation is shut down at 15%, but wait his heal still went through. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


Like I understand there is client-server-client lag, but seriously, either tighten that up with some tolerances, or pull your "act" together.


Say what you will about hating WoW, or Warhammer Online...But their combat system worked 99% of the time. I don't even bother Force Leaping SIs or JCs who have cast Force Speed because there's no point, they won't be anywhere near me anyways.


Yeah, I would like to be able to finsih my Kira quest line(DS-bug). And yes, I would like the UI to not fail every hour. I would love to not Force Leap back into the Character Screen. But yes, please make the combat less frustrating and more functional.


The combat system feels even more stuttered than KOTOR, and KOTOR had pause at least.


Good lord, that sounds like some really serious network lag...

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I really want to post to this thread, I find it interesting.


I play with the ability queue timer set to 1.0, and so I am able watch what my character does, instead of looking at cool downs or cast bars. Of course I have to watch them occasionally. I haven't played pvp, but in pve I am able watch the animation and in the middle of it fire another ability, of which animation starts fluidly(in my opinion) after the previous animation finishes. I would say this is casual playing and I like it. and sometimes the animation is different when it is a killing blow, so it tells me to move on. I play with a jedi knight.

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Speaking as someone scientifically versed, you're NOT doing science. You're doing something more along the lines of creationism.

More like mythbusters pseudo-science, if anything.

If you'd like to be a Scientist -- Review the source material first...


Thread 1, Page 1.


Move on...

The 'source material' is the GAME. Posts about it are generally colored by the personal thoughts and ideas of the person writing the post, which can result in misleading impressions if they're misinterpreting something or deliberately misrepresenting something.


Get through Thread 4, now with all gathered arguments as well as evidence. Go ahead and make an OBSERVATION... "potentially" construct a Theory to be scrutinized by your peers and deconstructed. If such deconstruction is not fruitful, your Theory will stand and you shall be proclaimed the Charles Darwin of this Threadline.


As someone who has followed it over the past 4 threads I can tell "exactly" at what level of understanding you are in regards to this issue... because "you" already made this argument in Thread 2 and 3...


Oh "you" didn't? Sure you did... under a different name! Because believe it or not, you're not actually a Special Snowflake (at least your Client/Server Communication/Latency argument isn't).


Ad hominim attacks are a logical fallacy generally used by people who refuse to change their position in the face of evidence to the contrary, and have no legitimate arguments left with which to counter.


For that reason it is strongly suggested that they not be used.


I am asking for specific evidence of a non-cosmetic, MECHANICAL delay effect that is causing abilities to actually fail to go off at all, not just "appear" to go off later than you think they should.


The former is a game-breaking problem. The latter is a problem if it personally bothers you for aesthetic reasons, but is not 'game breaking'.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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Yea and that "network lag" didnt exist in WoW or Warhammer so tada it must be Swotor


Or someone between you and SWTOR, or you're playing on a server that's far away from your real-world location, which world of warcraft wouldn't allow you to do because they didn't let you pick which regions servers you got to play on..

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More like mythbusters pseudo-science, if anything.


The 'source material' is the GAME. Posts about it are generally colored by the personal thoughts and ideas of the person writing the post, which can result in misleading impressions if they're misinterpreting something or deliberately misrepresenting something.




Ad hominim attacks are a logical fallacy generally used by people who refuse to change their position in the face of evidence to the contrary, and have no legitimate arguments left with which to counter.


For that reason it is strongly suggested that they not be used.


I am asking for specific evidence of a non-cosmetic, MECHANICAL delay effect that is causing abilities to actually fail to go off at all, not just "appear" to go off later than you think they should.


The former is a game-breaking problem. The latter is a problem if it personally bothers you for aesthetic reasons, but is not 'game breaking'.


Create an assassin. Cast recklessness then cast shock. The shock will fail to go off 100% of the time. The gcd will always be triggered.

Edited by Scaire
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I glanced at it but didn't watch it closely enough to do a detailed analysis of it, which is what I'm going to do later.


And I AM on the opposite side. From the standpoint of someone who knows how the systems and the networks work, I am telling you flat out that the animations are appearance only and have no effect on and are only a limited representation of the true game state as held by the server, and that only the game state as held by the server matters as far as what actually happens.


Are you ******* kidding me? I am actually offended that you believe "ANYONE" here is simple enough to not realize this already. You have "no" clue about the discussions that have already taken place and to even regurgitate that paragraph in a post is offensive to all who are "seriously" interested in this subject and have followed it.


In fact, the GCD and cooldowns are the *most accurate* representation of what actually happens that we currently have, because they are designed first and foremost to be functional, and to 'look good' second: the animations HAVE no function, ALL they do is 'look good'.


Right, again reading comprehension is failing hard. That is what it SHOULD BE, GCD/UI/CDs etc. SHOULD be the "most accurate" representation of whats actually happening. OBVIOUSLY that isn't the case if you would've AT ALL done your research on this threadline OR EVEN videos in the OP. Once again, this paragraph is "highly" offensive


And yes, with a Combat log it would be really easy to see that there's not a mechanical problem, as it stands it takes a lot closer watching of what's going on to see it.




The trick is, as I said, to chain off abilities based on the GCD and cooldowns only, and see if all the abilities are used successfully and do damage. I have yet to see a case where an ability failed to fire because of an animation issue, in personal play or in a video.


And as I said AS WELL AS THIS TREAD FOR THE PAST 4 INCARNATIONS, you cannot reliably use the GCD/CD Timing or any other element of the UI. Tight rotations as well as "timing" are an "impossibility" in this game.


The animation being delayed isn't itself a problem: it's only a problem if it effects the mechanics, the state of the game on the server. All we've got to go on are our client's representations of what the server says that state is, some of which are deliberately modified, even on world of warcraft, in order to look better.


Yes it is a problem, no its not a mechanical problem. Yes ideally if I had to "choose" if I want the GCD/UI to be perfectly aligned to the actual server events etc or animations. I would of course prefer the GCD/UI. However! Animations being in proper sync as well as Sound with the GCD/UI is absolutely necessary for responsiveness/feedback and general polish.


Again, its not a mechanical problem to have animations "off-sync" but it is an overall problem.


Look past the cosmetic and see the mechanics.


I beg of you, stop posting in this thread, it is getting offensively silly. You're deluded by your own "Networking Specialty".



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Or someone between you and SWTOR, or you're playing on a server that's far away from your real-world location, which world of warcraft wouldn't allow you to do because they didn't let you pick which regions servers you got to play on..


What are you bioware technical suport?

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Create an assassin. Cast recklessness then cast shock. The shock will fail to go off 100% of the time. The bfd will always be triggered.


Is it only that one ability, that one specific combination of abilities? Or does it affect other abilities as well?


If it's specific it could very well be a bug...in one of those abilities specifically, and not a delay issue in general.

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I glanced at it but didn't watch it closely enough to do a detailed analysis of it, which is what I'm going to do later.


And I AM on the opposite side. From the standpoint of someone who knows how the systems and the networks work, I am telling you flat out that the animations are appearance only and have no effect on and are only a limited representation of the true game state as held by the server, and that only the game state as held by the server matters as far as what actually happens.


In fact, the GCD and cooldowns are the *most accurate* representation of what actually happens that we currently have, because they are designed first and foremost to be functional, and to 'look good' second: the animations HAVE no function, ALL they do is 'look good'.


And yes, with a Combat log it would be really easy to see that there's not a mechanical problem, as it stands it takes a lot closer watching of what's going on to see it.


The trick is, as I said, to chain off abilities based on the GCD and cooldowns only, and see if all the abilities are used successfully and do damage. I have yet to see a case where an ability failed to fire because of an animation issue, in personal play or in a video.


The animation being delayed isn't itself a problem: it's only a problem if it effects the mechanics, the state of the game on the server. All we've got to go on are our client's representations of what the server says that state is, some of which are deliberately modified, even on world of warcraft, in order to look better.


Look past the cosmetic and see the mechanics.



Yes the gcd should be the best representative of the combat but what I and many people on this forums is experienceing is almost the implementation of a false gcd merely for visual aspects. Look closer at the videos.


The combat obeying the animations over the gcd. I believe bw knew what they were doing. They were trying to make a more "epic" combat feel and looks like their plan back fired.

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