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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Casual gamer.


Sometimes I feel stressed healing in this. It can be such a pain. I have instant heals to save my team mates' lives when they are near death, but with the responsiveness, are they really "instant"?

And I dont feel like saying "Sorry, I tried saving you and had I been playing WoW, CO, CoX or a number of other MMOs, I would have managed to save you but..."


I like the way my scoundrel is supposed to work. I think I have figured her out and have a concept that works... to the extent the game allows it.

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If WoW experienced a similar problem but was able to fix it, then I'm afraid it would they would have to mimic WoW's combat..Maybe not...But it does give hope that there is a remedy...


They have to mimic the system any game that uses clipping and stacking which are plenty other than WoW: Starcraft2, DOTA, Warcraft 3, Guild Wars, LoL, HoN...more? They all have their own unique feel of gameplay but still all of them use clipping and stacking. So your hopes are correct if BioWare decides to go with this.


In my opinion what they have to do is:


1. Damage/heal is direct on target when key is pressed (unless it has something traveling of course).

2. Animation follows.

3. Animation can be clipped(interrupted prematurely) to cast next spell.

4. Allow stacking so you prevent the idle moments during combat.

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Yup, nailed it. And this EXACT issue existed in wow at release. It was almost a year later that they decided to change the behavior to client side. Made a world of difference to the playability of the game.


that is working as it should... that is NOT an instant ability..

nothing on your comp bar is "instant"


now when I click my stuff though it fires as it should..

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You know...I hear on one side, WoW was perfect at launch, and then I hear people that say WoW suffered from a similar problem at first


So what one is it?


If WoW experienced a similar problem but was able to fix it, then I'm afraid it would they would have to mimic WoW's combat..Maybe not...But it does give hope that there is a remedy...


I will tell you this with my experience of playing wow for almost 6 years is I would occassionally get the "no response" when hitting a button which had me spamming my frostbolts all the time to make sure they went off directly after the last cast...And a lot of times my caster wouldnt be in sync, but I will say that did not effect the time of the cast


WoW NEVER had response issues. The launch was bumpy but still overall just fine. There was some lag. But there was never, ever a response issue within the game engine.


You hit a button, and it happened.

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that is working as it should... that is NOT an instant ability..

nothing on your comp bar is "instant"


now when I click my stuff though it fires as it should..


I'm not against you here, but I think thats the difference...You are clicking


Now I dont experience much if any "delays" but upon pressing my keybind, I will sometimes get no response...If I'm just leaning back in my chair and clicking my heart away in a simple PvE mission, I dont experience any problems really ever...aight...maybe very very occassionally...


Long story short, most of these players having problems, strictly keybind

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Just a thought but my mouse had delay issues on button when setpoint was not running at all.. When i installed setpoint no button would work exept 1 and 2 in SWTOR. After launching setpoint as an admin after launching swg AND binding mouse buttons to keyb like ogup etc it worked smooth. Default mouse button conf still had issues/delays or non workiness in setpoint even in admin.


I am wondering if this is a case in prof gaming keybs with software controlled button binding plus macro options likr my G keyb. I use Nostromo in every keybinf in game and Nostromo key binds are saved in CMOS on the thing itself thus not needing any software to work.


Still i have this issue of delays even when using Nostromo but its quite random actually.. Then again sincee i now basically have 2 keybs at my machine they may interfere at times with eachother and produce delays that seem to happen because of game.

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Are you serious??? That is how they made Disney's Toontown online (you would love it)nice and slow and NO pvp!

Your post blows my mind .... just nonsense! Any MMO made today needs to be competative in PVP and PVE, and this can not be done watching animation.



What part of my post did you not understand? I am not discussing how an MMORPG should be, I am telling you factually how this game is.


Do you think bioware made it through all testing phases of the game and was completely oblivious to how their own combat controls worked. That is a joke, I am certain bioware read beta testers posts, and tried the game themselves.


The combat in this game is working as intended, nice and slow paced, animation/ turn based, and if you think competitive PVP is possible with the current combat controls, you are .... just wow

Edited by Khoranth
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I thought you guys died out in thread 2.... fascinating.


I have came around to their side, they are not trolling, bioware implemented a slow paced, turn based , animation watching combat system.


If you press more then one button, bioware punishes you. If you try to use an OFF GCD ability during an animation, bioware punishes you, If you press an ability when a cast bar or GCDis done, and animation is still going bioware punishes you.


These people have been right all along, this is not a fast paced game, it is a slow paced, animation watching oriented game.


I just wish bioware would have some integrity and come out and state this.

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I have came around to their side, they are not trolling, bioware implemented a slow paced, turn based , animation watching combat system.


If you press more then one button, bioware punishes you. If you try to use an OFF GCD ability during an animation, bioware punishes you, If you press an ability when a cast bar or GCDis done, and animation is still going bioware punishes you.


These people have been right all along, this is not a fast paced game, it is a slow paced, animation watching oriented game.


I just wish bioware would have some integrity and come out and state this.



animation watching oriented. u prolly play pretty well

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One more voice of agreement here! Playing from Australia, I thought the latency was the reason that many combat abilities felt 'delayed' for me. But having gone through pages and pages of this thread, it fits exactly with what the OP and other players have described - it's not just latency.


I play heals and am only low level right now, but it does make me very hesitant to attempt healing at higher levels. Having played heals on WoW for years, I know how fast-paced combat can get, and how even small delays can cause a total wipe. Not looking forward to watching the tank go down while I'm not able to cast anything, even though my cooldowns have finished.

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What part of my post did you not understand? I am not discussing how an MMORPG should be, I am telling you factually how this game is.


Do you think bioware made it through all testing phases of the game and was completely oblivious to how their own combat controls worked. That is a joke, I am certain bioware read beta testers posts, and tried the game themselves.


The combat in this game is working as intended, nice and slow paced, animation/ turn based


I agree with your sentiment BUT let's look behind the scenes, good sir.


1) You used to argue more along the side of how idiotic this combat system is.

2) Now you appear to argue simply your assumption that the system is working as Intended and nothing Is actually flawed (inherently).


My guess is that over the course of 4 threads the constant need to defend the values of the thread and established facts... you have gone insane. Of course, a lack of proper Bioware response has sped up your condition... further proof of my statement of poor playerbase relations.


3) So now you argue that this horrendous combat delay is in fact intended. Thus making it appear that you side with the *******. However, what you are actually doing is making Bioware look even more incompetent and also confusing the gullible and infantile BDF.


Bravo sir.



I should add that my analysis of you is aided by my own condition. I too have gone mad over the course of the past 4 threads for reasons listed above. Only my symptoms and condition lead me to become violently angry and spiteful. Not only have I hurt or killed many a fluffy animal but also one can note my progression of animosity towards Bioware.

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Using instants and off the GCD abilities is spamming buttons? Because right now I can't do that either.



If you are pressing any button during an animation, you are going against bioware's intended combat system, and bioware punishes you with lag and unresponsive controls.


You punish a child to alter their behavior, bioware is punishing the playerbase to alter their playstyle.


Working as intended.


I think it is pretty clear by their vague responses that the playerbase better get inline, or go play a different game.

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If you are pressing any button during an animation, you are going against bioware's intended combat system, and bioware punishes you with lag and unresponsive controls.


You punish a child to alter their behavior, bioware is punishing the playerbase to alter their playstyle.


Working as intended.


I think it is pretty clear by their vague responses that the playerbase better get inline, or go play a different game.


lol, we'd get along great ;)

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I agree with your sentiment BUT let's look behind the scenes, good sir.


1) You used to argue more along the side of how idiotic this combat system is.

2) Now you appear to argue simply your assumption that the system is working as Intended and nothing Is actually flawed (inherently).


My guess is that over the course of 4 threads the constant need to defend the values of the thread and established facts... you have gone insane. Of course, a lack of proper Bioware response has sped up your condition... further proof of my statement of poor playerbase relations.


3) So now you argue that this horrendous combat delay is in fact intended. Thus making it appear that you side with the *******. However, what you are actually doing is making Bioware look even more incompetent and also confusing the gullible and infantile BDF.


Bravo sir.



I should add that my analysis of you is aided by my own condition. I too have gone mad over the course of the past 4 threads for reasons listed above. Only my symptoms and condition lead me to become violently angry and spiteful. Not only have I hurt or killed many a fluffy animal but also one can note my progression of animosity towards Bioware.


My opinion is: accept the combat system for what it is, cause it is working as intended, or quit. I have quit PVP, and if the end game PVE is not balanced for this slow paced combat system,or it is not fun with the slowpaced combat, then I will cancel my sub, pretend this was a fun single player RPG and call it a day.


seriously, you think they never played the game during all of alpha/beta testing? You think they did not notice all the tetsers complaining about exactly the same issues you brought up?

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My opinion is: accept the combat system for what it is, cause it is working as intended, or quit. I have quit PVP, and if the end game PVE is not balanced for this slow paced combat system,or it is not fun with the slowpaced combat, then I will cancel my sub, pretend this was a fun single player RPG and call it a day.


seriously, you think they never played the game during all of alpha/beta testing? You think they did not notice all the tetsers complaining about exactly the same issues you brought up?


Actually I do think so. I think that Bioware and EA were "far" too busy patting each others backs to properly realize anything. Furthermore, I stated previously, I am "firmly" convinced that Bioware has no experienced/hardcore Raiders or PvPers. They're a bunch of casuals, probably completely terrible and fairly ****-hurt that they couldn't do **** in WoW (kicked out of groups, months behind content, clicking in PvP etc.).


There was no-one around to notice... much like the Theory of Evolution is very predictable (you'd expect exactly the results etc) so is this outcome of SW:TOR predictable.


This is exactly the kind of MMO Combat you would expect from a "terrible" player. How did it slip through the cracks? Simple, they were too ****, too slow (APM) - low response time to notice.



Edit: Hey, at least they made sure I can **** my pet and dress it like slave girl...

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