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Can you follow the story without doing Heroic quest?


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My question is: Is it possible to just play and follow the story with normal quests, without doing the "Heroic" missions?


On the first planets I was doing all the Heroic missions, then on the following planets, there are more and more! and everytime it's harder to find a group, or the mission is too long, etc... so now I skip most of the Heroic missions.


But is SWTOR meant to be played like this? because I level up slower than the people who do all the Heroic quests, and then when I arrive on a new planet, I'm for example lvl 24 on a planet supposed to be "24-28", and I have sometimes trouble to finish normal quests or beat this or this elite ennemy... even in my storyline quest.

So are we obliged to do the Heroics? :(


And I don't want to do farming and kill mob after mob just to level up...

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The meat of the story is in the class quests and the "planet storylines" (just made that up) quest chains. Granted, I'm only in my mid-thirties, but so far they have all been solo quests. Heroic ones usually provide a tiny bit more insight, but I wouldn't call them essential to understanding the story.


They are still a nice thing to do though, the rewards are good and some of them are challenging.

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Ok, thanks for your advice!


I just realized that because I did skip all the ones in Balmorra and Nar Shadda, I had trouble to kill enemies during my solo quests afterwards.


So I wondered if it was really harder to play if I didn't do the Heroic missions... but I see I'm not the only one!

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I did not do any heroics at all from level 30-50, they do not really forward the story. So feel free to skip them, you might be getting a bit behind on levels if you do not do warzones and all the bonus missions thought.


Plus it's a pain in the *** to get groups together for them anyway.

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I might be off, but no bonus line I've ever done required me to complete a heroic quest. Pretty much all the story line is done with at the actual quest giving as well, so you can just hear the quest giver out and then pretend like you did it.


I ended up soloing most 2+ quests, but barely did any quests that require 4 after a certain point, because there was just never enough people to do them. (I leveled quite fast)

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Im only mid 20's so far and finding that the heroics on Nar Shardaa are too tuff to beat alone even the the main end point of that mission is same level as me. To me youve got to do them to get enough XP (and I concur you get some awesome kit out of it). I am enjoying the Mission raids and FPs with my guild but just wish some of the lone missions (which I enjoy) were a bit easier to complete alone (plus companion) without steamrollering and ending up in med bay every 2 mins. This then costs tonnes of cash in Kit repairs when I am SUPPOSED to be saving for a level 25 transport and training!!!



It doesnt help when the "WayPoints" on the map of objectives and esp. enemy zones are a bit off you can end up wandering around the same part of the map for ages only to find a panel / switch or remaining enemy you need to get is not where the WayPoint is!


This seems particular prob. on Nar Shadda and I dont know if Im missing something "in game" or if its a bug ! (have reported none-the-less - the MX droid and the Prison break).


Ive also left some (harder ones) to go back when levelled a few more times to complete later but theve disappeared? Im sure I didn't delete them but anyway... What it means is that Ive only got through 1/2 to 3/4 the story arc of that Heroic and missed the end one(?)

Do they only last a few days and then delete themselves if you dont reattempt?


Ive considered going back to Lowly starting planet now mid 20s to see what XP that offers up?


If anyone wants to give me a hand on N/Shaddaa later on on "Peragus Mining Facility" I would appreciate it (message me!) LOL!:D

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Although fun, I found that if you want to carry on leveling and enjoying the storyline without interruptions, it's a complete waste of time searching for other players for Heroic 4 missions, if you start a group from scratch. The storyline in the HC4 quests only vaguely represent the story of the planet you're on, and you don't miss anything by not doing them (except for decent experience and nice loot, which you'll out-level soon enough).
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I am thinking that your right. Since my last posting I've been a bit despondent by fact I teamed up with a guild member (not many levels above me) and we defeated the rouge Jedi and 2 sith apprentices within less than 90 seconds. C'MON ! Spent more time hanging around for each other. Then finished that Story arc and ended up doing mission in the NS Prison that was blocked for "Lone" player only. Took me ages as just had to wait the 9 + mins (why over 9 mins?) to resus destroy each terminal, die immediately then repeat ! EIGHT TIMES. That was the only way for me to complete the task even though enemies all similar levels. Ive fired my "guest" MX droid!


Following that went straight back into other Story Arc (Shadow Fist) and that is going to be even worse to get help with I think. Im going to have to go away and level up and come back(?).


THEN... a load of us totally unable to find the rest of the guild as it seems we weren't high enough level (as them) to have area of NS mapped yet (only figured this after wandering round and round for 40 mins ! - lets of creds wasted on Taxis). GRRR.


Im wondering if I just need to grind levels again for a while oh wait is this SW: Galaxies? Think other less committed players will just go "screw it... its not worth it". Lets have some congruence.... :(

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Same thing for me at the H4 on tatooine where we have to kill 50 tuskens. We spent 30 min finding 4 people to go there, and couldn't even finish the quest because it was so hard and we found no healer...


It was not worth the effort :( but I already almost finished all my solo quests on tatooine and was only lvl 27 (and the next planet is supposed to start at lvl 28!)


It's not easy to level up sometimes...

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I've so far skipped all Heroics (except the one on Tython) and, at level 36, I am doing all green quests, and have been since Worlds started overlapping. In addition, I have yet to see a storyline in solo quests (including the main planet story arc) that harkens to heroic quests.
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Heroics are useless narrative-wise... I'm Level 43 and have done all my Heroics and only reason to do them is loot....


Story is extremely sparse, gameplay falls back into generic roles - spanking, healing and tanking overblown Gamorrians( Generally, enemies that have no business having so much HP)


Really with the Galactic Market, theres really no reason to do them.. Flashpoint, on the other hand, are worth it for story ..... , and loot, and gameplay.


Taral, for instance is Amazing,...


Really just do planet, class, bonus series quests.... and whatever else you want.


Personally I recommend FP and Ilum PvP with a smidgin of Space Combat.

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Ok! thanks!


When I did Heroic missions I always ended up to loot stuff which was not fit for my character anyway :/


Heroic2+ can be ok, but it's really hard to find enough people for the Heroic 4...


I don't understand this mentality. Most people can solo 2 man heroics, I've been doing this for a while now. But if you need a group member that's not really a problem, it's fairly easy to find at least one person on the same quest. 4 man heroics could be done with 2 people and 2 companions just as well, or 3 people and 1 companion. Since a group maxes out at 4 people, with or with out companions. It would just require you to do so at a slightly higher level to compensate for the fact that companions are not as good as human players, and maybe, just maybe use that cc that people have but seem to always forget about.

Edited by Setta
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