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Been playing since first day of Early Access


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I have enjoyed every single moment in game. I experience a fair amount of bugs, but you know what? They're too small to get in my way. I've noticed a few things that I feel BioWare could improve upon. (Yes we need PvP brackets and the ability to select which Warzone to Q for) You know what? This game has barely just launched, and I know with time it'll only get better.


At times, I play this game at less than 15 FPS. That is not an exaggeration. And in Warzones it's less than 5 FPS. I lag so bad at times I can't even play at all. (Note: this is due to my 4 year old computer) And yet every time I log in and fly myself to the planet I'm questing on, I say to myself "This game is SO AWESOME." I play through the ability delays, no matter how annoying it can be at times. I PvP grind some levels, despite the fact that it's like I'm playing a slideshow. Because I know for a fact that these are things that will be fixed, and I know that when I do get a new computer I'm only bound to have even more fun.


I'm able to look passed the bugs, I'm able to shrug at the things here or there that can be improved upon. I'm able to play through immense lag. How? Why? Because this is quite honestly THE most fun I've EVER had in ANY MMO. Admittedly, I had never played an MMO before WoW, and I played WoW the longest (5 years). But other than WoW I played AoC at launch, tried Rift for a few months, and have given a wide range of F2P MMOs their day in court. None of them have ever felt the way SWTOR does. It's truly exciting to give my character a real solid personality. It makes me feel like I'm playing a real bad"arse", and it makes the quest grind much more exciting. In WoW it took me 8 months to hit level 70 (During Bruning Crusade), in AoC is took me roughly 7 months to hit 80, and I was unable to finish leveling in Rift due to unbearable boredom. In SWTOR I am currently level 44. To a lot of you that still may be slow, but in relation to how I've personally done in the past, that is 100% faster. And it's all due to how much fun I'm having on my adventures.


Anyway, the main point of my thread is to ask, what're all these people's excuses for complaining? Graphics are bad? The occasional mob bugging out? BioWare needs to expand upon some things? Worst launch ever? Seriously? Did you play AoC at launch? Even by the time I hit level 80 that game was largely broken. SWTOR is vastly more complete than a LOT of other MMOs at launch in recent history. By now it feels like most of these people just WANT to see this game fail, instead of support BioWare in making it a better game.


Bottom line is, I really feel like people don't have much to complain about at all. When someone like me can deal with so many more issues, and still thoroughly enjoy the game, then I get the feeling that the vast majority of the people posting negative threads never had realistic ideas about this game in the first place.


Tl;dr: Don't bother responding if you don't care enough to read.

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Subjective things will be subjectively debated. Or, I should say, one set of people will say one thing, and another set of people will say another, and so on. To call it actual debate would be an insult to debating.


You like the game. Good for you. In a spirit of fairness I feel it only appropriate to point out that not everyone does, or will.


In the end, we will see how many do & don't, and no thread on any forum will decide that.


Gosh this post got all deep...

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While I am glad your personal experience has been at least decent so far, that does not mean that your experience is the same as everyone elses.


Do not presume to judge everyone else based solely on your experience.

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Subjective things will be subjectively debated. Or, I should say, one set of people will say one thing, and another set of people will say another, and so on. To call it actual debate would be an insult to debating.


You like the game. Good for you. In a spirit of fairness I feel it only appropriate to point out that not everyone does, or will.


In the end, we will see how many do & don't, and no thread on any forum will decide that.


Gosh this post got all deep...


While I am glad your personal experience has been at least decent so far, that does not mean that your experience is the same as everyone elses.


Do not presume to judge everyone else based solely on your experience.


I agree with both of you. My experience is that of an individual, and can't dictate how everyone else's experiences will be. If people simply don't enjoy the game, then there's nothing I can say about that. That's their opinion. But what I'm fed up with, is all the people posting about bugs here and there and then jumping to the whole "LOL THIS GAME IS BROKEN IT WILL FAIL." I've seen a lot of that, and it got to me a little.

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Since this is a positive thread about the game it will probably fall to page 2 or 3 within a few minutes since people only seem to reply en masse to the negative threads. I believe this is because the people that are enjoying the game are playing it and the people that hate the game don't want to see a positive thread on the first page, and everyone that likes the game feels the need to defend it in the negative threads.


For the life of me I don't know why anyone would waste their time on forums for a game they don't like or hate why even bother. I don't like WoW so I don't go on their forums I don't like Baseball so I don't go on Baseball forums, if you don't like this game why are you even here to begin with?


Well anyways I'm gonna give this thread a bump because positive threads need love too.

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Since this is a positive thread about the game it will probably fall to page 2 or 3 within a few minutes since people only seem to reply en masse to the negative threads. I believe this is because the people that are enjoying the game are playing it and the people that hate the game don't want to see a positive thread on the first page, and everyone that likes the game feels the need to defend it in the negative threads.


For the life of me I don't know why anyone would waste their time on forums for a game they don't like or hate why even bother. I don't like WoW so I don't go on their forums I don't like Baseball so I don't go on Baseball forums, if you don't like this game why are you even here to begin with?


Well anyways I'm gonna give this thread a bump because positive threads need love too.


And at the same time, automatically dismissing bugs and complaints because you are assuming they'll all be fixed in a patch is just as bad as doomsaying.

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Since this is a positive thread about the game it will probably fall to page 2 or 3 within a few minutes since people only seem to reply en masse to the negative threads. I believe this is because the people that are enjoying the game are playing it and the people that hate the game don't want to see a positive thread on the first page, and everyone that likes the game feels the need to defend it in the negative threads.


For the life of me I don't know why anyone would waste their time on forums for a game they don't like or hate why even bother. I don't like WoW so I don't go on their forums I don't like Baseball so I don't go on Baseball forums, if you don't like this game why are you even here to begin with?


Well anyways I'm gonna give this thread a bump because positive threads need love too.


Yes I totally believe the same. That's why I said that I think most of the negative folks by now stick around just to bring the morale of the community down. Don't get me wrong, there are a few threads out there that constructively portray the bugs that bother those people and that they should be fixed. I support that, I notice bugs that I want fixed as well. But when all the person can say is how they're gonna laugh when this game sinks 3 months from now, then all they're doing is trolling and it doesn't do anyone else a bit of good.


Appreciate the bump, friend! :i_biggrin:

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And at the same time, automatically dismissing bugs and complaints because you are assuming they'll all be fixed in a patch is just as bad as doomsaying.


You can report bugs in game and I bet they get more attention than someone complaining they are unsubscribing on the forums. I remember seeing similar threads all the time about people quitting or unsubscribing from WoW and you know what? No one ever cares if you quit or unsubscribe or hate the game. All they do is make fun of you and ask for your stuff lol.


All these people complaining on these forums and threatening to quit totally reminds me of this video



Yes it's about WoW but it absolutely applies here as well.

Edited by Robbathehutt
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And at the same time, automatically dismissing bugs and complaints because you are assuming they'll all be fixed in a patch is just as bad as doomsaying.


Noooo way man, I would never dismiss bugs. I think you got the wrong idea lol. I don't just assume they'll be fixed. I support the threads out there that constructively report bugs and issues. There are things that I want to be fixed. My problem is the people who see that there are bugs and just sound the doom alarm like it's all just gonna fail now because of it.

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So, you are a masochist, you like to endure badly coded games with aweful gameplay and still enjoy it.


Do you honestly think that the problems you listed there should not be fixed because you still enjoy the game? Its a deal breaker for many


Masochist, or fanboy, take ur pick

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You can report bugs in game and I bet they get more attention than someone complaining they are unsubscribing on the forums. I remember seeing similar threads all the time about people quitting or unsubscribing from WoW and you know what? No one ever cares if you quit or unsubscribe or hate the game. All they do is make fun of you and ask for your stuff lol.


All these people complaining on these forums and threatening to quit totally reminds me of this video



Yes it's about WoW but it absolutely applies here as well.


So much truth in that video.

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You can report bugs in game and I bet they get more attention than someone complaining they are unsubscribing on the forums. I remember seeing similar threads all the time about people quitting or unsubscribing from WoW and you know what? No one ever cares if you quit or unsubscribe or hate the game. All they do is make fun of you and ask for your stuff lol.


All these people complaining on these forums and threatening to quit totally reminds me of this video



Yes it's about WoW but it absolutely applies here as well.


Lots of truth here, including the video which was hilarious XD


So, you are a masochist, you like to endure badly coded games with aweful gameplay and still enjoy it.


Do you honestly think that the problems you listed there should not be fixed because you still enjoy the game? Its a deal breaker for many


Masochist, or fanboy, take ur pick


I dunno where people are getting the idea that I DON'T want bugs to be fixed? That's just weird, why would I think that bugs should be left alone lol.


If you think the gameplay is awful, then don't play man. All I'm saying is, I endure more crap than most and I still enjoy it because it's a fun game for me. EXTREMELY fun.


By the way, if it's so badly coded, then go ahead and do better ;)

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OP, I agree. There's a wide variety of personalities though with all sorts of agendas for being here. When you're talking single-player action, grouping up, PVP, end-game, alts, etc., there's no way anyone can make a game that everyone likes. I'm sure some people who don't like the game will call you a "fanboy" because....well, that's the only way they can rationalize anyone else liking the game. But if the forums have to be littered with their "farewell" threads and "this game is doomed" threads, then I'm glad to see a thread from someone else that is really enjoying the game too. You have as much right to express your joy for the game as they do their complaints.
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I dunno where people are getting the idea that I DON'T want bugs to be fixed? That's just weird, why would I think that bugs should be left alone lol.


If you think the gameplay is awful, then don't play man. All I'm saying is, I endure more crap than most and I still enjoy it because it's a fun game for me. EXTREMELY fun.


By the way, if it's so badly coded, then go ahead and do better ;)


Look, mate, don't feed the trolls. You are enjoying the game, and like me, you don't find the bugs that are in there to be show-stoppers at the moment. Good for us.


Nowhere in your post did you statet that people where not allowed to discuss bugs on the forums, just that these negative threads tend to get old and silly really fast. It's the nature of the forums.


You don't have to defend yourself against these people. If you ignore them they wont go away, but they aren't reading what you write anyway so don't spend your time on them.


Have fun in the game, and hope to gank you some time :)

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OP, I agree. There's a wide variety of personalities though with all sorts of agendas for being here. When you're talking single-player action, grouping up, PVP, end-game, alts, etc., there's no way anyone can make a game that everyone likes. I'm sure some people who don't like the game will call you a "fanboy" because....well, that's the only way they can rationalize anyone else liking the game. But if the forums have to be littered with their "farewell" threads and "this game is doomed" threads, then I'm glad to see a thread from someone else that is really enjoying the game too. You have as much right to express your joy for the game as they do their complaints.


Aye, that's unfortunately the nature of the beast nowadays. Gamers just want to always faction themselves. Thank you for the support :D


How about massive game stopping features that all modern MMOs have, does that get in the way?


Would you mind explaining to me what features you're referring to?


Look, mate, don't feed the trolls. You are enjoying the game, and like me, you don't find the bugs that are in there to be show-stoppers at the moment. Good for us.


Nowhere in your post did you statet that people where not allowed to discuss bugs on the forums, just that these negative threads tend to get old and silly really fast. It's the nature of the forums.


You don't have to defend yourself against these people. If you ignore them they wont go away, but they aren't reading what you write anyway so don't spend your time on them.


Have fun in the game, and hope to gank you some time :)


You're totally right my friend, I just can't help myself at times. Appreciate it :D


And you better bring your A-game buddy ;)

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My problem is the people who see that there are bugs and just sound the doom alarm like it's all just gonna fail now because of it.


You assume that those bugs will get fixed.

There are people that know those bugs have been here for months in beta.

There are bugs that aren't bugs, but features(big butt robes).

There are so many issues that in year some of them will still be here.


If game can get up after year.

As it is, it'll hold your attention only so long. And then people quit, when bad sides overwhelm enjoyment. And since one of issues is empty world, even more people will quit, creating a snowball.


And after those issues are fixed(if at all), it'll be hard to pull players back. Even those that quit to come back in few months.





Also, remember that for many people problem doesn't lie in lack of fixes, but in lack of recognizing that those bugs even exist, or that there are plans to fix it in future closer than "someday(when we get bored)"

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You assume that those bugs will get fixed.

There are people that know those bugs have been here for months in beta.

There are bugs that aren't bugs, but features(big butt robes).

There are so many issues that in year some of them will still be here.


If game can get up after year.

As it is, it'll hold your attention only so long. And then people quit, when bad sides overwhelm enjoyment. And since one of issues is empty world, even more people will quit, creating a snowball.


And after those issues are fixed(if at all), it'll be hard to pull players back. Even those that quit to come back in few months.





Also, remember that for many people problem doesn't lie in lack of fixes, but in lack of recognizing that those bugs even exist, or that there are plans to fix it in future closer than "someday(when we get bored)"


You assume the developers don't listen. There are features they altered/re-added/taken out because of test results. You assume there are enough problems for a mass exodus by the time they're fixed.


They have proven that they do pay attention to the costumers. If there are largely reported bugs, then they will be fixed. Just because they don't respond to every single thread doesn't mean they don't recognize what needs to be fixed.


My faith remains in BioWare. I see no reason to give up on them so soon.

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While I am glad your personal experience has been at least decent so far, that does not mean that your experience is the same as everyone elses.


Do not presume to judge everyone else based solely on your experience.


Unfortunately is exactly this what those cry kids at the forum do.


NO LFG --> bad game

No dual Spec --> bad game

no addons --> bad game


That the majority of the people who play SWTOR do enjoy it, doesnt matter for them. They demand that their opinion about the game is the holy grail.

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You assume the developers don't listen. There are features they altered/re-added/taken out because of test results. You assume there are enough problems for a mass exodus by the time they're fixed.


They have proven that they do pay attention to the costumers. If there are largely reported bugs, then they will be fixed. Just because they don't respond to every single thread doesn't mean they don't recognize what needs to be fixed.


My faith remains in BioWare. I see no reason to give up on them so soon.


You asked why people complain, I just didn't add that not everyone have unlimited faith.


If I remember correctly, dev answer for ability delay was something like "there are lots of things involved, we're observing situation".

If your faith is still strong, you might like this reply.

If your faith is fading, you see this as bullcrap.


That the majority of the people who play SWTOR do enjoy it, doesnt matter for them. They demand that their opinion about the game is the holy grail.


And you can't understand this?


If game isn't going in direction people want, they try to change it. Yes, it doesn't matter that others like things as they are. Those people like game enought to care and try to influence it instead of dropping out right away. They say lot of things, but it all comes down to same line - if you don't do this and my enjoyment fades, I'll stop playing(and paying). And they will, there is no reason to play game that iritates them.



Trying to understand others is nice and all, but better be careful, or you might start to see that they have a point. And will have to tell your enjoyment goodbye, as I almost did.

Edited by Elear
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