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Are SWTORs graphics *really* that good?


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Right I forgot. Now that the game has launched everyone having forced medium graphics is a good reason for why the graphics look low textured.



I'm sorry but from misguided logictrain does this argument come from? We are no longer in Beta we cannot use something that is disabled for god knows what reason as your argument for something.


And yes over all the graphic engine is sadly more aged then wow's considering they didn't even add lighting effects like wow has done over the two expansions (Along with multiple other nice freatures).


This is followed by the world themes not really being unique at all in terms of atmospheric lightning its more or less the textures look difrent and thats about it, no sort of tint going on or anything (or even brighter saturation effects).

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I think it depends on what you are comparing. A number of newer things introduced in Cataclysm definitely seem to be on par with a number of things from TOR...the special model characters like Nozdormu and Thralls new model come to mind, and to an extent the newer gear items, or at least the weapons and shoulders, as the other pieces tend to stretch and become visually distorted...and nothing in WoW moves like the cloth pieces on the clothing here.


Other things, like trees, land textures, and player character textures (the character model, not the gear) don't come close to what you see here. The shader in this game is definitely a newer, more detailed one...many things stand up to closer inspection better here, which is an obvious must given the reliance on cutscenes. Thralls new look is essentially the quality found in TOR, and much of WoW isn't up to that same level. That is something to remember...many of the things that do compare to TOR come from the latest expansion, and as such the development of those assets occurred at a time much closer to TORs own development. Compare anything BC or Vanilla and TOR wins.


The aesthetic, or art direction, certainly lends itself to comparison in some ways since neither is going for a truly realistic approach...and the fact that a number of things aren't being shown at their high level of fidelity makes comparisons seem that much closer.

Edited by Berethos
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Sitting here inevitably waiting on the comparisons between TERA (January 25, 2011) screenshots, and TOR.


I'll start.


See, while I can definitely appreciate the higher texture quality and better lighting effects (the technical superiority of the graphics,) I am so sick-to-death of that far-eastern art-style in MMO's that it just doesn't appeal to me any more.


The scenery in TERA is pretty amazing too, though.

Edited by Mannic
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A lot of issues with models too is not the graphics themselves, but the artists. For instance, when EverQuest 2 came out, the models were horrendous. Within months, SOE hired new artists, who used the same engine to upgrade the models from this to this and this. No change in engine or graphics, just better artwork using the same tools. Similar to why newer races in Warcraft appear vastly more detailed than older races.
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Would you care to provide a screenshot? I'm just wondering if such a screenshot would be able to compare with Deepholm or Vashj'ir, such screenshots:


Vashj'ir: http://syrco.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/wowscrnshot_120910_221909.jpg

Deepholm #1: http://funingames.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/wowscrnshot_121310_003357.jpg

Deepholm #2: http://sadpanda.us/images/304563-GFSMNWY.jpg


These are all player screenshots, by the way.


Belsavis completely blew me away in terms of art design. It is simply the most beautifully designed area (world, map, planet w/e) I have ever seen in any game to date. It's a shame the stater planets aren't that great to look at but once you venture out to belsavis, voss and even corellia the scenery is simply jaw dropping.

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Please look at this SS of WoW beta:



Now... Give it time and let SWTOR grow.

Ok thats not even beta dude. That is early alpha circa 2000/2001, i still have the PC Gamer in which that pic was published somewhere. The combat system wasn't even complete at that time.


Edit found the issue: December 2001

Edited by Seidex
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How many years would you like for it to have? Thats 7-8+ years old design that they could have looked and gone 'holy crap thats awful' and improved upon it.


I think he was being sarcastic.




Shaman are regarded as having "the best tier sets" in WoW, of any class, and to my knowledge nothing in SWTOR even compares - visual wise - to anything listed there. Note the tier sets go from 1 > 2 > 3 etc, with 1 being the earlier (2004/2005) sets. Arguably the best tier sets are the tier 1/tier2: http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/september/shaman2.jpg and tier 6: http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/september/shaman3.jpg and they look simply amazing (note these are very old tier sets) compared with SWTORs t1, t2 and t3 - although I cannot find HD images of them.

Edited by Cranberries
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Not sure if this has been posted but in the patch notes it states:


"Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use"


Could this possibly mean we can enable high res textures finally?

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Not sure if this has been posted but in the patch notes it states:


"Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use"


Could this possibly mean we can enable high res textures finally?


Without fixes for FPS issues inside Warzones and Operations, as well as the Imperial Fleet and the Republic's mirror, would it be recommended to turn up settings to high when people suffer FPS issues on the current "locked" medium settings?

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A lot of issues with models too is not the graphics themselves, but the artists. For instance, when EverQuest 2 came out, the models were horrendous. Within months, SOE hired new artists, who used the same engine to upgrade the models from this to this and this. No change in engine or graphics, just better artwork using the same tools. Similar to why newer races in Warcraft appear vastly more detailed than older races.


And see, I though those Asian models were absolutely horrific. Hated them, hate hate hate... and, well, so did every one of my friends. Personal taste, and all that.



(On another note and back to responding to the OP: )

Also, earlier in the thread where I mentioned 'what you're missing' being the High/Medium graphics issue, I wasn't meaning to say that TOR's graphics are/will be awesome. To me, no, they aren't awesome, and I doubt they'll be awesome even with a proper High. But I still like them (and omg do I love having FINGERS), and I think they do a great job, even if they're not 'awesome'.


Plus, I don't care for WoW's graphics much, either. Especially character graphics. They're just ridiculous. Again, personal taste.

Edited by Shaz
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Comparing two screenshots:




The first is a maximum quality screenshot from Irae AoD as they announce their world first Nightmare kill of Soa, the Infernal One (Congratulations to them). The graphics are indeed on maximum with shadows turned off.




This screenshot is from Dream Paragon's EU first kill of the 'Madness of Deathwing' encounter in WoW. The graphics for this screenshot are on ultra with every setting as high as possible. Even shadows are turned on to add to the 'kill screenshot'.


Is it only me but do SWTORs graphics just look the same? Infact, I'd argue WoWs graphics look better because there is far more colour. Look at the gear, primarily, there's just so much more diversity and colour in WoW and for me SWTORs graphics, again if we focus primarily on gear, just look bland and rather boring.


Am I missing something?


Have you activated advanced lighting and anti-aliasing? Can only be done via .ini-setting.


I believe they also deactivated alot of engine features.


WoW's trick is to utilize intelligent colouring and utilizing newer technologies for lighting and shading but only to make things look good. They don't make use of DX10/D11 technologies either. Basically their team has been very crafty to squeeze out the last bits of their engine, models itself are still not high-polygon, however they are capable of creating excellent models. Just take a look at the Nightelf flight form which stands as testament of what they were already capable to 4 years ago.

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Ok thats not even beta dude. That is early alpha circa 2000/2001, i still have the PC Gamer in which that pic was published somewhere. The combat system wasn't even complete at that time.


Edit found the issue: December 2001


Ah, my bad. I just did a quick search for WoW beta.

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Internet rumors pin the cost of the upcoming Star Wars MMORPG being developed by BioWare at $100 million. Compare that with Blizzard’s initial $40 million budget for World of Warcraft back in 2004.


Interesting read, especially in today's economy. I believe SW:ToR is the most expensive video game made to date, and yet a large portion of the gaming community cannot run the game with a moderate FPS despite SW:Tor having what many consider to be inferior graphics.

Edited by RecondoJoe
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And see, I though those Asian models were absolutely horrific. Hated them, hate hate hate... and, well, so did every one of my friends. Personal taste, and all that.


I was the other way around, I loved the new models 10x as much. Personal taste like you said!

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Interesting read, especially in today's economy. I believe SW:ToR is the most expensive video game made to date, and yet a large portion of the gaming community cannot run the game with a moderate FPS despite SW:Tor having what many consider to be inferior graphics.


This is one of my biggest annoyances with this game. I just spent $1500 building a new PC about a month ago and the performance I get with this game just doesn't add up.


On top of that I don't like the graphical style very much.


WoW graphics are very outdated, but they have a lot more personality than this game.


Questing on Dromund Kaas was a miserable experience because of how dark and bland of a place it was. It improved a bit on Tatooine but the graphics in this game just drive me nuts.

Edited by BrambLed
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I think SW:ToR's graphics are amazing. Each area I'm exploring looks better than the last. I lost count on how many times I just stood still and gawked at the environments. I've rarely encountered games with such staggering amounts of subtle details in the environments everywhere I look.


@ the OP pictures -- Honestly, those two screenshots aren't the pinnacles of each game's graphical prowess. It's a close shot of the back of some random cave in ToR showing off some of the more bland textures vs. a wide-angle, zoomed out view of an ocean in WoW. Try showing us a pic of one of WoW's many inns versus ToR's inns.


Honestly, though, it's impossible to judge one game to the next. Environments and detail vary greatly depending on where you are in each game's world. You also have to take into account what the game has to render at any given time depending on the environment (shadows do not show up in indoor environments; small environments have higher "budgets" than larger ones etc.) Still, by and large, I think SW:ToR looks great.

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I think SW:ToR's graphics are amazing. Each area I'm exploring looks better than the last. I lost count on how many times I just stood still and gawked at the environments. I've rarely encountered games with such staggering amounts of subtle details in the environments everywhere I look.


@ the OP pictures -- Honestly, those two screenshots aren't the pinnacles of each game's graphical prowess. It's a close shot of the back of some random cave in ToR showing off some of the more bland textures vs. a wide-angle, zoomed out view of an ocean in WoW. Try showing us a pic of one of WoW's many inns versus ToR's inns.


I think Korriban is one of the most bland zones I've set foot in in a modern MMO.


Every single cave on that planet looked the same.

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I just fail to see why people boast this game's graphics, when in reality they aren't that good and the game lacks various elements of secure gameplay. Missing both basic and technical features that, otherwise implemented, would just add to the game's enjoyment.


I just fail to see your point or motive in any of this....


You don't care for the game, why are you here trying to make us not like it? LOL.


It would be like me signing up on WoW's forums for to tell them how crappy I think their game is/looks.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Honestly, those two screenshots aren't the pinnacles of each game's graphical prowess.


While I agree that the screenshots of Warcraft were actually downplayed (Particularly Vashjir), I feel that this is a very, very realistic interpretation for SW:ToR for 90% of it's current subscriber base. .. compared to

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