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Quitting if Jan 4th Patch don't fix FPS issues


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Sorry to say, i am a machine that can play almost everything on ultra settings, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Dues Ex etc to name a few, with no FPS problems at all.


But this HERO ENGINE, obviously has flaws. It appears to me, that the problem will be around during the FREE month, and miraculously be fixed the day after your subscription of $15 comes out of your bank.


Actually we paid $60 + to play a unplayable game, surely more testing had to be done, but i am sure EA had nothing to with a Xmas release (yeah right).


So after the Patch on Jan 4th, if FPS issue is still abound in Warzones, and indoors, then my money will be used elsewhere.


We will wait and see.




I hate to break it to you but I get 60-80 fps throughout the game. Its your system, not their game. Quit if you want to, but the rage is unwarranted and unwelcome.

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To all saying there is no problem with fps:



That's 4th incarnation of that thread, with thousands of post, hundreds thousands of views and developers admitting that there is a problem. Game runs on crappy optimised engine causing huge problems for many people, even with powerful rigs, while looking like an average 2008 title.


Just ignore them, everyone with a clue knows it's the gosh darn engine.


Here's a tip broskis, just because it doesn't affect you personally (although it might considering how some people don't even have a clue what fps drops are even tho most of the time game runs at 110+ fps).


Game looks like garbage and runs like garbage. A i5 2500k OCd with a 580 should eat it alive and have no and i mean NO FPS DROPS WHATSOEVER ANYWHERE. Who gives a crap i get 100+ fps with AA forced on if as soon as there's a few more people in the vicinity the fps starts to go choppy choppy sup bro.


But yeah i guess this game needs a better rig than one can even have to run properly.


PS: devs already confirmed like a week ago it's an issue with their "Awesome" engine so you can stop your crappy replies "get a better pc bro" etc. I wonder what i could get better.

Edited by Skeelol
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To all saying there is no problem with fps:



That's 4th incarnation of that thread, with thousands of post, hundreds thousands of views and developers admitting that there is a problem. Game runs on crappy optimised engine causing huge problems for many people, even with powerful rigs, while looking like an average 2008 title.


They don't really "admit there's an issue", only that they are trying to investigate what is causing the framerate dips. If it where a problem on their end, it would community wide, and not so centralized.


The real issue here is, lots not a lot of people know a lot about building computers, or just straight buy them from best buy or wal-mart or something. Slapping a shiny new videocard into your old beastly rig isn't going to make games look better if they have a whole lot going on under the hood.

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That not even close to being accurate. Most fps games are far more taxing then mmo's (with the few mmos that try to push the boundaries). And of course why would they when they have to try and get and keep a good portion of the player base while as a fps game is more of look it's shiny I'll buy type of mentality.


With that said.. Sounds like the op just needs to work out some stuff as it should easily be playable specially if you already got shadows turned off.


Not exactly true.


The most games that come out these days, also need to work on a console. Because of this these games dont demand as much hardware, as a PC only game does.


A pc you can always upgrade to make the game run better, if you got a 2011 PC then SWTOR does run with 100 fps, I got myself one which proves that point. But a console you cant, so that a company which is releasing a console / pc game - must balance it on the console, which again means that every PC which is as good equipped like those console´s will run the game just fine.

Thats why BF3 or Skyrim run on pretty much every PC, that isnt older than 2-3 years.


SWTOR isnt coded for a console, so it automatically demands a lot more. Yes the EA crew and BW should had tweaked it a lot better, we all know this and agree there - but in the end upgrade your pc and it will also run for you. I am not sure if BW will fix the performance issue´s that soon - I am sure they would had done this allready if they could do it that easily.



But I also agree that people as you said, can work on their "old" system a lot more if they would know how. Aero should be disabled for instance, but also vsync or AA should be turned off completely.

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I've tweaked the client settings with high anti-aliasing and texture anisotropy with all the in-game settings set to high. It looks beautiful to me and I routinely get 60 - 90 FPS.


There are some areas where I notice a drop in FPS down to 40, but not a real problem. However, my machine is new and I built it myself so the specs are quite high.


The game should be able to run with lower graphical settings on mainstream machines, so if that isn't the case then that's a definite problem. I can't really comment on that.

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To all saying there is no problem with fps:



That's 4th incarnation of that thread, with thousands of post, hundreds thousands of views and developers admitting that there is a problem. Game runs on crappy optimised engine causing huge problems for many people, even with powerful rigs, while looking like an average 2008 title.



Funny runs fine on mine and I do not have a monster machine. And no I don't run on max. I have shadows turned off. I also don't sweat if my FPS drops to 30. The game plays well at 40 fps and even at 25.


Even at that, if you want to quit then quit. I really don't care if you stay or go.

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They don't really "admit there's an issue", only that they are trying to investigate what is causing the framerate dips. If it where a problem on their end, it would community wide, and not so centralized.


The real issue here is, lots not a lot of people know a lot about building computers, or just straight buy them from best buy or wal-mart or something. Slapping a shiny new videocard into your old beastly rig isn't going to make games look better if they have a whole lot going on under the hood.


The real issue is you shouldn't talk about stuff you clearly have no clue about.

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Why is it that it is always the self defined Leet players that cry the most? I run an average rig and have no problem what so ever.


Yeah, you see for you people 30 fps is cool. For us who have the power to and do run it at 100+ fps any dips in the framerate under 60 is noticeable and choppy and muhfuggin annoying.

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I'm on a flipping laptop, and this game runs smoothly.


Turn off the bloody shadows, they're coded worse than Minecraft.


You're basically admitting the game has FPS issues by saying the game is badly coded.

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I had some problems with my driver (latest certified nvidia driver.. 285.62) which crapped out while playing SWTOR for a few hours.

I rolled back to a previous version and havent had any problems yet.


that said, i didnt have the problem in other games (LoL, Skyrim)... so i dont know if its a driver issue or if SWTOR makes the driver crap out.... just saying i solved it by rolling back to the previous version.

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Honestly the people saying "I dont care just leave" are the reason this game might fade away into forgetfulness.


For this game to be truly successful it requires everyone to pull together, accept that there are problems (even if they don't affect you) and let BW know what is happening. It is disgusting that people with genuine criticism/qualms are hated on to no end. In regards to this specific issue it has been widely discussed in the CS forum and people rocking i7's, 16gb DDR3 RAM and SLI 590GTX have admitted being subjected to massive drops in performance, particuarly in warzones.


So really the best thing for BW and this game would be to concede that some changes are required.

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AMD Phenom II X6 @3.2GHz


ATI HD Radeon 5850x2 Crossfired


20 FPS in a crowded area. 60 outside.


On average 32 FPS.


Settings all on max.


While running, I get 23fps average. Some zones are better.



965BE Phenom II x4 3.4Ghz


ATI HD Radeon 5870x2 Crossfired

3MB internet


60 FPS in a crowded area. 110 outside.


On average 82 FPS.


Settings all on max. 1920 x 1080

Edited by xHellxHoundx
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Sorry to say, i am a machine that can play almost everything on ultra settings, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Dues Ex etc to name a few, with no FPS problems at all.


But this HERO ENGINE, obviously has flaws. It appears to me, that the problem will be around during the FREE month, and miraculously be fixed the day after your subscription of $15 comes out of your bank.


Actually we paid $60 + to play a unplayable game, surely more testing had to be done, but i am sure EA had nothing to with a Xmas release (yeah right).


So after the Patch on Jan 4th, if FPS issue is still abound in Warzones, and indoors, then my money will be used elsewhere.


We will wait and see.





have you actually read the forums and found fixes for these issues there are alot of great guides etc.. and people who have had fps issues and have found ways to fix it.

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have you actually read the forums and found fixes for these issues there are alot of great guides etc.. and people who have had fps issues and have found ways to fix it.


And alot of others have not found a fix. The "Horrid FPS" thread in the CS forum is on it's fourth iteration with each one garnering around 100K+ views, this is testament to the extent of the issue.

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And alot of others have not found a fix. The "Horrid FPS" thread in the CS forum is on it's fourth iteration with each one garnering around 100K+ views, this is testament to the extent of the issue.


I think it's a testament to best buy's sales models.

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