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1-49 and a 50s bracket is needed *now*


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This problem is only going to get worse. If you want to make Warzones available for people leveling up, you need to create 2 brackets.


The scaling to 50 thing works fine 1-49. You are still at a disadvantage at low levels, but you can still play and have fun. Once you throw 50s with PVP gear you completely ruin any sort of balance because they are simply untouchable.


(don't give me crap about queue times - Huttball allows same faction matches and there are plenty of 1-49s to play. The longer this single bracket nonsense goes on the less 1-49s are going to play, however)

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Greetings avid gamer, we thank you very much for taking the time to post your frustrations and thoughts on our game. It was only yesterday that while sipping on some expensive champagne and wiping our lips with $200 bills that we were discussing this very issue. We spent a lot of time debating about what to do unfortunately though, there just isn't an easy solution to your extremely complex and taxing problem. Please continue to give us feedback, we value every customers thoughts and we shall "monitor" the situation very carefully and could possibly throw the idea around at our next monthly pisup for some lols.


There, saved BW the trouble of answering said question.. it'd probably come out in some BS PR like that anyway.

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maybe they will add it when there are more 50s in pvp.

only problem with 50s in pvp is when they are a premade other than that it doesnt matter how much gear than that they still have to type to play.

pvp here is a game of tactics not the idiocracy of running and shooting everything in site like ALL other types.

i could care less about haveing 50s personally.


i would much rather them spend time devising a system to force those in a pre-made to only que against others in an equally sized premade. i could care less if they have to wait 10 minutes to get in. voice chat is a clear advantage in these battlegrounds.

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What's that I hear from the future?


"Level 49s are ruining war zones now!"


You might as well as bracket the entire level range, would be more effective.


Nope. 49s will hit 50 as there's no way to turn PVP experience off. The problem will resolve itself, and 49s don't have access to the PVP gear that 50s do - and that gear is the problem afaik.

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So they should cater the little no-life hardcore group over the huge mass of customers that are what you could call casual?


Sounds more like catastrophic than profit to me..


Yes, i belong to the category that has a job and gets slaughtered in two seconds flat whenever i join a warzone now..


At 40 with the pvp gear i can not do anything more than putting a dent into a decently farmed level 50, and if they happen to get annoyed by your puny attempts, well, you figure out what happens.


This is at 40, i dont want to think of how it feels as a fresh level 10, but if i had to give it a try i would most likely think that it felt like the next months 15 bucks could perhaps be spent on something else.

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Need to wait atleast two more weeks before doing this, otherwise hardcore players will get hurt with massive queues, and on alot of servers it wont even ever pop if you're level 50 because it lacks them on Republic.


Huttball is your friend :D

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There are PLENTY of level 50s at this point, there is no reason not to have a 50s bracket. Get on it, BW


Facing level 50 pre-mades more and more often in WZ's. It's disconcerting to be beaten by what are obviously bad players because they could kill you by flailing around randomly on their number pad.


It's very much becoming an epidemic now. I still like to PVP here and there but there is little you can do against people that you do half damage against and can kill your twice as fast.



I want to be very clear that I've had 50's I could damage. So obviously it's not their level it's the level 50 gear. A Non-geared 50 feels like it takes like 20% less damage and does 20% more (Killed a 50 marauder in single combat at level 23 today ony my dirty tricks smugs lol...BAD). It sucks but can be overcome. A geared 50 is like a battering ram to your face and just as hard to hurt.

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There are PLENTY of level 50s at this point, there is no reason not to have a 50s bracket. Get on it, BW


On my server there isnt alot of 50s at all, I know for a fact that if they would implement this now I would be sitting in atleast 30 minute queues definately.

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On my server there isnt alot of 50s at all, I know for a fact that if they would implement this now I would be sitting in atleast 30 minute queues definately.


Well that sucks for you, but it's in the best interest of the game to keep new players playing rather than try to appease the level 50s.


You can always seek out world PVP. The number of 50s doing pvp will increase every day.

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Yeah the level 50 premades have had their fun beating up on low level players, time to get them out of matches with level 10s. If they have to wait 15 minutes or more to get a match that's just too bad. It's not just the gear, it's the tremendous skill gap between a level 50 premade who have been playing together for weeks and a new player who is trying pvp for the first time.
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Well that sucks for you, but it's in the best interest of the game to keep new players playing rather than try to appease the level 50s.


You can always seek out world PVP. The number of 50s doing pvp will increase every day.


Yea well, an MMORPG should not PUNISH the people spending more time grinding and farming, it should give you a headstart, thats the way the gameplay works.


So punishing people spending more time then others actually playing is infact absolutely retarded.


Edit: So logically speaking, it sucks for you, but you can atleast do something about it by leveling.

Edited by Ghingis
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Yea well, an MMORPG should not PUNISH the people spending more time grinding and farming, it should give you a headstart, thats the way the gameplay works.


So punishing people spending more time then others actually playing is infact absolutely retarded.


Edit: So logically speaking, it sucks for you, but you can atleast do something about it by leveling.


You're clueless. There are line of business concerns involved here.


The only thing the current 10-50 bracket will accomplish is make it so that lower levels don't bother PVP'ing because they will just get farmed by decked 50s. This kind of thing contributes to people cancelling their subs and spreading bad word of mouth. (this is bad business)


It's all about getting more subs and making the game as fun as possible to all - the days of what you're advocating died out with EverQuest.

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You're clueless. There are line of business concerns involved here.


The only thing the current 10-50 bracket will accomplish is make it so that lower levels don't bother PVP'ing because they will just get farmed by decked 50s. This kind of thing contributes to people cancelling their subs and spreading bad word of mouth. (this is bad business)


It's all about getting more subs and making the game as fun as possible to all - the days of what you're advocating died out with EverQuest.


this but I have to agree with the consensus that we need at least another week or two before bracket should be implemented. At least I'm starting to see more 30's/40's on republic side now. :) So two weeks should be plenty of time for them to get to 50.

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So they should cater the little no-life hardcore group over the huge mass of customers that are what you could call casual?


Sounds more like catastrophic than profit to me..


Yes, i belong to the category that has a job and gets slaughtered in two seconds flat whenever i join a warzone now..


At 40 with the pvp gear i can not do anything more than putting a dent into a decently farmed level 50, and if they happen to get annoyed by your puny attempts, well, you figure out what happens.


This is at 40, i dont want to think of how it feels as a fresh level 10, but if i had to give it a try i would most likely think that it felt like the next months 15 bucks could perhaps be spent on something else.



It takes around 110 hours to get to 50. So lets say you are a working man, and pop out 3-4 hours on a weekday and around 10-12 on a weekend day. That would be around 44 hours a week. This means you should be around 50 in 2 weeks + change.


This means you should be 50 now. Your only argument was that you have a job.


I have a job. I made it to 50 3.5 days after early. I had a week off. Hardcore nolifer? You dont need to be in a game that is meant for the casuals.


Edited by CoreofexisteNz
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The fck is wrong with you?


It takes around 110 hours to get to 50. So lets say you are a working man, and pop out 3-4 hours on a weekday and around 10-12 on a weekend day. That would be around 44 hours a week. This means you should be around 50 in 2 weeks + change.


This means you should be 50 now. Your only argument was that you have a job. Therefore your argument is null.


I have a job. I made it to 50 3.5 days after early. I had a week off. Hardcore nolifer? You dont need to be in a game that is meant for the casuals.


So dont you dare even consider blaming people who are higher level than you just because you are too jealous to admit it.



the only folly to your argument is the time (or date) they started leveling. Some people got it on Christmas despite EGA happening etc. you may say pathetic but also not everyone is a power leveler like you or me. I was level 45 by end of EGA. Only reason why I didn't power level thru 30+ was because I Did not get thru the class story in beta. So I took a little bit longer after day 2 1/2. I paid more attention to content I had yet to see.


Basically, not everyone is as fast as you, nor are willingly to plow thru the game like you are. Also.. not everyone has a played a MMO before. :p

Edited by Andrew_Waltfeld
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I'll post up a vid of my level 10 sniper kiting geared 50s to death soon. It's not so much of a problem as people are making it out to be, however on my geared assassin I find WZs boring due to the lack of competition.


Here's a vote from the other side of the fence, give those of us with the gear our own playground, it's not much fun to faceroll low-expertise teams.

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I'll post up a vid of my level 10 sniper kiting geared 50s to death soon. It's not so much of a problem as people are making it out to be, however on my geared assassin I find WZs boring due to the lack of competition.

If you really want to make a impression with that video, you should level up a gunslinger and do that.

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It takes around 110 hours to get to 50. So lets say you are a working man, and pop out 3-4 hours on a weekday and around 10-12 on a weekend day. That would be around 44 hours a week. This means you should be around 50 in 2 weeks + change.


This means you should be 50 now. Your only argument was that you have a job.


I have a job. I made it to 50 3.5 days after early. I had a week off. Hardcore nolifer? You dont need to be in a game that is meant for the casuals.



Some people actually do something with their free time besides catch a tan from their computer monitor.

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