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Why SWTOR will flourish


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I'm sick of reading all the "game will die, I'm unsubbing" threads covering this forum so I decided to make a thread of the opposite opinion and I'll try to do it without creating a wall of text.


It's fun from level 1:


The game is ACTUALLY INTERESTING as soon as you create your character, whether or not you decide to give a hoot about the people on your starting planet you'll surely give a damn about your character's personal story. Whether or not you just had your ship stolen, you're trying to join the great hunt or there's a dark jedi trying to crush the jedi order it's a thousand times better than clicking Accept on instant-text quests and killing 10 wolves.


You actually want to play alternate classes/characters:


Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but a long time ago in World of Warcraft I played a Warrior and that was the only class I liked and I didn't care at all about trying anything else...


In SW:TOR however, each class's story is unique and impactful & as soon as I was done leveling my Knight I decided to create and level a smuggler and a bounty hunter; as opposed to the same boring to tears grind I would have to endure in any other game.


Also I believe there's 8 character slots on one server so people can have one of everything (go figure).




PvP is fun and enjoyable for a few reasons besides the design such as huttball (greatest battleground in any game IMO).


Getting into a match is FAST, why is it so fast?

- The bolster system, currently we're all in the same bracket so there's no LENGTHY wait times just to play a match to play with folk within the same 9 levels of you (soon there will be a 50 only).

- To queue for a match, you queue for everything. This gets rid of most players selecting the one most popular warzone and not playing the others and instead has people play everything quite fairly.




I haven't done any flashpoint beyond maelstrom prison or any operations so as far as I've experienced they're a charming distraction and finding a group is not difficult at all.


When you're leveling a character they're very brilliantly introduced on each planet you go to and there's a hint of urgency involved and the story aspect (regardless if you want loot or not), the chances are that you'll do every FP at least once to experience it.


Opposed to...

- Level a character 1-85 in WoW; you will skip most dungeons since they're entirely pointless and forgotten.




End-game in general:


Not enough operations? PvP still needs work?


If these are your complaints about the game, cry me a river. The game LAUNCHED two weeks ago, an MMO is a living breathing thing with many patches to come full of content and possible expansions.

Edited by GageIbbetson
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and then suddenly we are all lvl 50 with nothing to do


Can't you read? You've got 8 slots and you want to sample another class story. So go do it.


Remember, it's fun from level 1.


Great post OP. You hit the two best features of the game dead on.



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and then suddenly we are all lvl 50 with nothing to do


Kinda like hitting 85 in Cata :p


But serously I still need my purple PvP gear on my 50 assassin and would like to see an Op or 2. But more end-game content will come with patches since it is just the fist few weeks people will still be leveling/rerolling.


I thin I will add in my 2 cents about this;


1: Options. Space Comabt and Warzones both break up the "grind" that leveling can get. Instead of running quests 24/7 I can do a Warzone in between or do some space missions if I fell like it and still get XP and Creds doing so. Thus I can level how I want.


2: It has learned from WoW. Agree or not SWTOR can look at what WoW has done for the past 7 years when coming up with new SWTOR content. They can see how WoW has implemented there stuff and learn from that and apply it to SWTOR.


3: Questing is better. Not because of the voice acting, but because I actually feel invovled. The class quests were really a stroke of brilliance as it gives you a guide to go by when you are leveling so you know where to go to get quests your level, and it gives your questing meaning.

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OP, I agree with you. There are many, many people playing the game because they love Star Wars, loved KOTOR, etc. and those people were really looking forward to this game. and aren't going to quit lightly. I would venture a guess that most....not all, but most.....of the people who are posted the negative rants are only here because they are bored and burnt out on other MMOs and they were just looking to try the next MMO, whatever it was about. These people would never be satisfied anyway and they weren't even prospective long-term customers. Don't think they'll have much impact on the overall success of the game.
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So you create a thread as to why SWTOR will flourish & you only give 2 reasons why?


Well done, i guess?


Actually, I thought it was brilliant. All the "I'm unsubbing" posts give well over 10 reasons, and 9 of them are weak opinions that the vast majority of a silent population who are currently playing the game would disagree with.


These 2 reasons the OP use are solid reasons why the one million subs that are currently playing the game are playing and not hating on the forum. It's simple, and gets the point across.

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Can't you read? You've got 8 slots and you want to sample another class story. So go do it.


Remember, it's fun from level 1.


Great post OP. You hit the two best features of the game dead on.




Might be doable if you could level up just with the class story.


It's the 85% of the content that's exactly the same no matter what class you play that's the problem.

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Might be doable if you could level up just with the class story.


It's the 85% of the content that's exactly the same no matter what class you play that's the problem.


Well actually compared to most games SWTOR is kings when it comes to questing.


As in...well take the 1st contender WoW. The ONLY way to get a different questing experiance is to roll a different faction.


In SWTOR all 8 classes has unqiue story line quests they can follow AND the decisions on the side quests can be different per player/play style.

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With the design decisions Bioware made for this game it will be bleeding subs after the first month. :mad:


I laugh at these posts.....you guys that say doom and gloom(they have been around since day one) are going to cry about this game as you'll be wrong.



This game was built for casuals(and thats a good thing).



They haven't really even advertised this game yet....lol.

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You actually want to play alternate classes/characters


See this was the case for me before I started playing the game. Personal stories? Great! I was very excited and planned on rolling multiple alts. After leveling one character I have totally changed my mind. Maybe, *maybe* I'll level one more character jedi side. But that's it. And this is coming from someone who IS an altoholic. The class stories are great. That's what keeps me playing. But they make up a minority of the questing and the side quests are boring. The questing is super linear and there are no multiple zones for leveling. Bioware needs to add more leveling zones and more class quests.

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They should have focused on the Class and Planet quests and allow people to level through those (Which would also be more appropriate since it's not very heroic to get a level up from gathering Bantha Poo for the local farmers..) which would have made leveling alts a (more) viable option. Edited by FerrusPA
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I'm sick of reading all the "game will die, I'm unsubbing" threads covering this forum so I decided to make a thread of the opposite opinion and I'll try to do it without creating a wall of text.


It's fun from level 1:


The game is ACTUALLY INTERESTING as soon as you create your character, whether or not you decide to give a hoot about the people on your starting planet you'll surely give a damn about your character's personal story. Whether or not you just had your ship stolen, you're trying to join the great hunt or there's a dark jedi trying to crush the jedi order it's a thousand times better than clicking Accept on instant-text quests and killing 10 wolves.


You actually want to play alternate classes/characters:


Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but a long time ago in World of Warcraft I played a Warrior and that was the only class I liked and I didn't care at all about trying anything else...


In SW:TOR however, each class's story is unique and impactful & as soon as I was done leveling my Knight I decided to create and level a smuggler and a bounty hunter; as opposed to the same boring to tears grind I would have to endure in any other game.


Also I believe there's 8 character slots on one server so people can have one of everything (go figure).



PvP is fun and enjoyable for a few reasons besides the design such as huttball (greatest battleground in any game IMO).


Getting into a match is FAST, why is it so fast?

- The bolster system, currently we're all in the same bracket so there's no LENGTHY wait times just to play a match to play with folk within the same 9 levels of you (soon there will be a 50 only).

- To queue for a match, you queue for everything. This gets rid of most players selecting the one most popular warzone and not playing the others and instead has people play everything quite fairly.




I haven't done any flashpoint beyond maelstrom prison or any operations so as far as I've experienced they're a charming distraction and finding a group is not difficult at all.


When you're leveling a character they're very brilliantly introduced on each planet you go to and there's a hint of urgency involved and the story aspect (regardless if you want loot or not), the chances are that you'll do every FP at least once to experience it.


Opposed to...

- Level a character 1-85 in WoW; you will skip most dungeons since they're entirely pointless and forgotten.




End-game in general:


Not enough operations? PvP still needs work?


If these are your complaints about the game, cry me a river. The game LAUNCHED two weeks ago, an MMO is a living breathing thing with many patches to come full of content and possible expansions.


+10 dude, we need more of these kinds of threads instead of the crap ones you mentioned.

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To be honest even if the quests are the same in as far as goals the attitude the quest givers greet you with are different. As a Sith Inquisitor you get treated differently than as a BH.


Also there are the different compaion quests as well.


Sometimes but it doesn't happen often. Mostly they just replaced "My Lord!" with "Hunter!".

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Sometimes but it doesn't happen often. Mostly they just replaced "My Lord!" with "Hunter!".


Actually having played both I find that most people are like "YOU...fine I guess you are the only ting I got to work with" on my BH where as on my SI its "PLEASE HELP ME FOR YOU ARE GOD!"


Also the light and dark playthroughs a bit interesting.

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