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So...um why release the game?


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people make it seem that fixing things in a MMO is easy when they fail to realize that they could fix these problems quick but it can also create another problem for example WoW with their 4.3 patch released a new raid (tier 13 dragon soul) guess what? it made their last raid (tier 12 firelands) buggy as hell it even made a boss impossible to kill on heroic mode so yeah you want bioware to fix these problems and next thing you know your character falls through the world or something when you run.
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Ive been following this game since winter 2008, so ive been here as long if not longer then everyone else waiting...and waiting.



So im curious, this game is YEARS off, not even close to a finished product. the base is there...for this game to be very good, and it just wasnt. Same thing with warhammer (another EA game), it was sent out to make money.



Why cant a game just be FINISHED....why is there all this "JUST WAIT! JUST DUDE! ITS COMING! JUST WAIT"....


I dont have any faith :( people said "just wait on the combat clean up" im EARLY beta,...its been almost a year. and they havent even cleaned that up....



Im sorry bioware... no one bats 1000 :(


If you're seriously asking this question, Christmas sales. Which were great this year, btw.


If you're lamenting how the game isn't really "ready" in general then i'm right there with you. I'd have waited half a year for them to clean up what is a game with tons of promise.

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You asked why they released it "earlier" than it should of been.


I pointed out the fact that every MMO I've played at launch, from WoW, to SWG, to COH, to STO and on, wasn't as "ready for launch" as TOR was. If you disagree, then I'm more than happy to sit here while you tell me an MMO that was more polished and had more content than SWTOR when it launched. Or you could just sit back and be sarcastic and dance around actually making a real counterpoint some more.


I didn't play any of those games aside from WoW (and none of them are what you'd point to as commercial successes) but WoW had


Fully customizable UI

A combat log(!)

Great character control


All at launch, and TOR does not. TOR has a lot of points over launch-era WoW, but there are big gaps such as the aforementioned ones that really make the game feel like it wasn't ready for launch. There are things they should have done and they didn't do them. People are now reacting to this. This should not in any way be surprising. In fact, you shouldn't be so alarmed because people making complaints about the game aren't saying it's a failure. They're simply saying that it released unready.


More people need to chill when this game is criticized. Seriously, I can come up with 5 things the game did well and 5 things the game could do better off the top of my head. If you can't come up with ways to criticize/laud the game even if you love/hate it, your opinion is most likely useless.


If they didn't release it you all would be whining for the release date. You can't win.


Actually, I knew this was coming when they squeezed it in right before Christmas. If the forums weren't wiped, I'd be able to link you to posts where I said I knew the game would be lackluster in certain respects because they were scrambling for a Christmas release.

Edited by Excedrin
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vanilla wow was filled with class faults everywhere you looked, naked rogues ganking full t1 geared warriors, shamans with legendary maces auto swinging to win, paladins taking 1v4s as prot/holy, hunters being able to aimed shot for 95% of a mages health in 1 hit. also the many bugs that came along with the game was overwhelming. To see such a smooth game like SWTOR, I'm impressed.


Don't forget the "working as intended" Reckoning Bomb that "one" shotted Lord Kazzak. :D




Seems like you and I didn't play the same game.

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yea that's why it won so many awards.... cause it's years off and not done. :rolleyes:


I will quote this post when subs start to drop and hope you are around to see it.


See you in 6 months. I hope I'm wrong.


Pro Tip: Every MMO since WoW with a big budget gets showered in praise right before it bursts into flames. Look at the game, not what a couple people are saying about it.

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Ive been following this game since winter 2008, so ive been here as long if not longer then everyone else waiting...and waiting.



So im curious, this game is YEARS off, not even close to a finished product. the base is there...for this game to be very good, and it just wasnt. Same thing with warhammer (another EA game), it was sent out to make money.



Why cant a game just be FINISHED....why is there all this "JUST WAIT! JUST DUDE! ITS COMING! JUST WAIT"....


I dont have any faith :( people said "just wait on the combat clean up" im EARLY beta,...its been almost a year. and they havent even cleaned that up....



Im sorry bioware... no one bats 1000 :(



This guy played WoW after release most likely. Remember TM and SS battles all day every day? Nope, you didn't.

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This guy played WoW after release most likely. Remember TM and SS battles all day every day? Nope, you didn't.


What does Hillsbrad have anything to do with this? Pretty sure the game launched with "world PvP" (even though hardly anyone uses it, shocker).

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people do that about EVERYTHING! Caving shows how bad of a development company you are. I rather wait 5 more years then play this game.


If they were going to take anymore time then I'd hate to be funding them. At some point a game has to be released or you just have to cut your losses and scrap the whole thing. This game is ready for release. Despite all the doom and gloom/end of world prophecies on this board, there aren't any game breaking issues to resolve. There are plenty of bugs, balancing issues, and a need for more content, but this is typical of any game ever released in this genre. I've played enough mmo's at launch to recognize the same threads popping up in every single one of them. The only time they were ever justified was referring to design decision flaws in FFXIV.

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vanilla wow was filled with class faults everywhere you looked, naked rogues ganking full t1 geared warriors, shamans with legendary maces auto swinging to win, paladins taking 1v4s as prot/holy, hunters being able to aimed shot for 95% of a mages health in 1 hit. also the many bugs that came along with the game was overwhelming. To see such a smooth game like SWTOR, I'm impressed.







Not to mention servers going down and STAYING down for so long that people rerolled on a new server up to 3 times before getting to stay on one and get anywhere.


If Blizzard can get WoW out of the muck its release was. Bioware can do the same for this game as it isnt even close to being as bad.

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I will quote this post when subs start to drop and hope you are around to see it.


See you in 6 months. I hope I'm wrong.


Pro Tip: Every MMO since WoW with a big budget gets showered in praise right before it bursts into flames. Look at the game, not what a couple people are saying about it.


Yup. Warhammer got 4 or 4.5 stars from almost every major review site after its release. It was innovative with PQ's and terrific PvP, they said.


Ultimately, negative reviews are the only things that actually impact an MMO's success. There's no correlation between an MMO getting rave reviews and actually being successful over the long-term. I will say I have never seen an MMO with negative reviews be successful at all, though, so it's better getting rave reviews than negative ones.

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Not to mention servers going down and STAYING down for so long that people rerolled on a new server up to 3 times before getting to stay on one and get anywhere.


If Blizzard can get WoW out of the muck its release was. Bioware can do the same for this game as it isnt even close to being as bad.


U forget that aside server crashes and few bugs it was much better coded game with fluid gameplay and alive world, thats why people stayed. Played sicne 20th and havent seen a single opponent player in the zones so far and if i do, i hope my character does the abilities im pushing it to do.

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You don't know much about MMOs do you.


I played Ultima Online, EverQuest, Anarchy Online, DAoC, Asheron's call etc. Followed almost every MMO ever, and the problem with having a rough launch and still trying to be successful is that your MMO has to be so far ahead of the previous generation that playing with the flaws and bugs makes it worth it. For instance, when World of Warcraft was released it was light years ahead of it's predecessor (EverQuest), so while buggy, World of Warcraft was still a much richer gaming experience than anything else on the market.


In this case, SW:ToR is actually a generation behind World of Warcraft, therefore the game breaking bugs it presents are not going to be enough to satisfy the current player base who are looking for something new and exciting, not the exact same game they have been playing for seven years + with game breaking issues.

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I have enjoyed SWTOR immensly and glad I bought it ... and would do it again. I have had very few problems and all were minor and accepatable for a new online game. ALL my friends that play SWTOR agree with me, NO exceptions!


I have a suggestion for all you whinners, stop playing SWTOR for a few months and NEVER again buy computer software on it's release date.


The rest of you enjoy the game and "May the force be with you"! :)

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if your saying that a company that had a 150 + million budget and they had to force the game out because of MONEY?


Actually it is very possible and entirely within reason. It doesnt matter how much has already been spent, sooner or later investors reach a point where they want to start seeing a return on their money before they put more into the project.


That is how pretty much any project that uses other peoples money is run. They are often very accommodating with time and with requests for additional money, but at some point they have to say "Enough is enough, we need to see a return for the money we have already spent"

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U forget that aside server crashes and few bugs it was much better coded game with fluid gameplay and alive world, thats why people stayed. Played sicne 20th and havent seen a single opponent player in the zones so far and if i do, i hope my character does the abilities im pushing it to do.


No it wasn't. Combat in the beginning was considered clunky (largly because people were not used to having a Global Cooldown), the world had huge, gaping holes in quest coverage and there were entire zones open with very little or nothing to do in them (eg Silithus, Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands).


There is alot of rose tinted glasses being worn by people in here talking about how WoW was at launch.

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I have enjoyed SWTOR immensly and glad I bought it ... and would do it again. I have had very few problems and all were minor and accepatable for a new online game. ALL my friends that play SWTOR agree with me, NO exceptions!


I have a suggestion for all you whinners, stop playing SWTOR for a few months and NEVER again buy computer software on it's release date.


The rest of you enjoy the game and "May the force be with you"! :)


It's great that you enjoy the game, but instead of name-calling people who are raising legitimate concerns perhaps take a moment to think that few people spend £50, 60 euro or whatever on a game just so they can moan about it. The truth is, this game has disappointed a lot of people. If it didn't have considerable issues, people would be playing it, rather than posting on the forums.


As for people saying the release was rushed to get money it's worth considering that ultimately the financial success of MMOs is about the size of the subscriber base. The initial sales, while not to be sniffed at, are a drop in the ocean compared to the potential ongoing income.


My own position is that I was just about tempted enough by playing a couple of beta weekends to try the game. The single-player story is engaging, although I'm not sure about the replay value (I'm already skipping all the non-class dialogue scenes on my alt). Right now though I'm undecided about whether I'll be subscribing beyond the initial 30-days (they are NOT free days BTW - just part of the game purchase price). I need to see what the game offers at level 50 (not there yet). My feeling at the moment is that it's probably 70-30 that I won't continue to play for the time being.

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It's great that you enjoy the game, but instead of name-calling people who are raising legitimate concerns perhaps take a moment to think that few people spend £50, 60 euro or whatever on a game just so they can moan about it. The truth is, this game has disappointed a lot of people. If it didn't have considerable issues, people would be playing it, rather than posting on the forums.


Take my advice and NEVER AGAIN buy software on it's release date, it will prevent disappointment and you'll have more cash to spend elsewhere.


Don't blame the manufacturer, blame yourself for buying the game before you "kicked the tires". How do you kick the tires you ask ... wait for a demo to come out, ask your friends, read reviews, etc. If you buy something sight unseen, blame yourself for being disappointed.


So buck-up and stop complaining.

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NO i just remembered the posers who heard that those happened on like 10 servers and tried to act like it happened commonly.


You want and beg for a finished game but WoW definitely wasn't finished when it was released. TM and SS battles are the result of that at the beginning when the game was first released. Sorry you thought it was localized to 10 servers, but you are delusional because there are STILL forum posts everywhere about it on the old PVP forums and how big of a problem it was on every single server. Can't tell if trolling or not at this point....

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Ive been following this game since winter 2008, so ive been here as long if not longer then everyone else waiting...and waiting.



So im curious, this game is YEARS off, not even close to a finished product. the base is there...for this game to be very good, and it just wasnt. Same thing with warhammer (another EA game), it was sent out to make money.



Why cant a game just be FINISHED....why is there all this "JUST WAIT! JUST DUDE! ITS COMING! JUST WAIT"....


I dont have any faith :( people said "just wait on the combat clean up" im EARLY beta,...its been almost a year. and they havent even cleaned that up....



Im sorry bioware... no one bats 1000 :(


Im sorry OP I cant hear you over the cheers of the 1.5 million players or through all the static being created by the awards and high reviews the game is winning.


What angers you most: The fact you dislike SWTOR, or the fact the cheers of 1.5 million players are starting to drown out your complaint

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