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Everything posted by Raltar

  1. No, but battle droids that stand still in rows, shooting straight had no problem murdering jedi by the dozens in the Clone Wars. Force users are good, but they aren't that good(with the exception of few individuals that are good because they are the main character and no one wants to read a book or watch a movie where the main character gets killed by some random no name storm trooper).
  2. Every tank companion has been awful since they took the armor buff away from their tank stance back in beta. In all honesty, you are better off going with a healer as a DPS or a DPS as a healer(I know on my Scoundrel and my Consular, my DPS can keep agro off me as long as I don't go balls deep on the DPS) since a DPS will tank just as well as a tank companion, but they also have the added benefit of doing actual damage as opposed to tank companion's pitiful "damage." Sad but true. At least Bioware said in a QnA that they will possibly be looking at the gimpyness of tank companions in the future.
  3. Any class that has a tanking tree and is specced as a tank is a good class for tanking. As far as I am aware, there is not a single encounter in the game that requires a certain class in order to beat it.
  4. It still is cosmetic because everyone gets a out of combat heal. Certain races just get multiple versions is all. I'm kind of glad they changed the Chiss forced salute because forced emotes are the bane of my MMO existence. Which is a shame because I think the human emote still makes people cheer.
  5. I've never met anyone that was blaster proof.
  6. Smuggler has the most dull story of all time. I've played through the Consular, Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent and now Smuggler and I can honestly say the Smuggler is the worst and the Imperial Agent has the best.
  7. I was using Bowdarr and he would die pretty early(I'm sure Corso's worthless *** wouldn't fare much better). So I just let the Jedi tank both characters as I slowly killed the sith. Wasn't difficult at all, especially if you just stand there for about 5 minutes, the jedi will have pretty solid agro by then(it looked like she could only do so much hp damage before it just stopped, but she had to have been getting agro even as the sith wasn't taking damage from her anymore). I just interrupted the death field and she went down pretty quick. Then switched to the dude and it was over.
  8. The Jedi Consular is more powerful than anyone else in the Force. The shielding technique he learns is incredibly power and most that use it die after only a few times. The consular uses it a bunch of times and is no worse for wear. The fact that he can do this shows how strong he is in the Force. Just because it isn't flashy like force lightning doesn't mean he isn't the strongest in the Force.
  9. I think this would be great. I don't really mind the throw animation, but having Project Storm would be a whole lot better.
  10. For my male consular, it was Iresso, who I had less than 1k affection with. I had Nadia with me at the time, so I think that is why it didn't pick her.
  11. I think that WoW's decline will continue and it is a symptom of all these so called "WoW killers" finally whittling down the numbers. WoW won't die and will still be the dominant MMO for a while to come, but the true glory days are over for them. Like it or hate it, WoW has been a force, but I think them losing subscribers is a good thing because the MMO market is finally maturing. What we will end up with is a lot of quality MMOs to choose from that fill different niches. And if the F2P model continues to grow, you'll be able to easily find the one best suited to your tastes and help that developer out by supporting that game.
  12. I play on a couple of servers, but all of them have it. Except...only Empire side has it. Republic side has Jawa chat, but it's mostly replacing a word in a movie title with Jawa. Nothing vulgar like on Empire side, but still annoying enough to turn off General Chat.
  13. This is the only dark side choice I take on my light side empire characters. Worth it, imo.
  14. We don't even know if HK-51 will be a DPS companion. The stuff leaked back in beta, he was a tank(just like all droid companions that aren't the ship droid). I don't know if he will still be a tank, but that's what he was in beta.
  15. Credits will still be the in game currency. You can't trade Cartel Coins if they are like other F2P MMOs. You'll still need credits to repair gear and buy things from other players. They will serve the same purpose they do now.
  16. There are some world arcs that are very similar, taking you to the exact same places at times(Tatooine comes to mind immediately with the Thing Czerka Found quest line), but they are still rather different and it is worth playing through both sides at least once.
  17. Not short enough to be type 1, but he looks a little on the thin side for type 2. He might have a completely unique model.
  18. I'll hear the initial shot and then there is a pause before I hear the other shot before the GCD is up, so I know it isn't a different ability. But there is certainly two different sounds.
  19. I love this quest line on both factions. I will agree with those that say the Imperial quest line is a little more...mystical(what with the robo zombies and all, dealing with the actual effects of the artifact), while the Republic side I would say is more of a corporate conspiracy as the effects of it are hardly mentioned until the end. It's more about finding it before Czerka does. Both are good, but I have to give it to the Empire side as being the better of the two.
  20. He does it every time he kills an opponent as part of his tank stance. It heals him for a small amount of health. It just looks like a purple wisp comes out of the body and goes into Khem.
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