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Everything posted by rymah

  1. Strictly speaking about PVE, but what is the ideal range to be in for defensive stats as a PT tank? I've looked around but not well enough to find what I'm looking for.
  2. rymah

    Ganking lowbies

    The opposite side of that question to me is this: Why do level 50's feel the need to flag themselves for PVP and stand near lowbies to try and get them to accidently flag themselves while on a PVE server? If this was a PVP server it's the cost of doing business, but when you're not on one and you're doing this, it's just cowardly and pathetic.
  3. Good players adapt and overcome, bad players take their ball and go home.
  4. I agree that hacking is a serious issue that Bioware needs to take a tough stance against, but if you have to move on to another game, just don't go to WoW...the hacking there is so much more prevalent and Blizzard's security is a joke that only hackers get.
  5. If you want to build a community, you start with the server you're on, if you still can't get to know people then it's not BW's fault.
  6. It's a bug, there's a big thread in General about it already.
  7. Mainhand/Offhand too? And what about the set bonuses that come with the campaign armor only? Statistically the Black Hole gear is identical to Campaign, but you still aren't getting exactly the same gear.
  8. You should amend your post title to include "for me", otherwise you're only speaking for people like yourself who have already obtained full campaign gear sets. Which given the amount of guilds across all of the servers who have beaten HM Denova, is a minority of the populace. Also, not sure if this has occurred to you, but just because they are making it easier to obtain black hole gear, it doesn't mean that everyone's going to be clearing HM Denova overnight, still too much coordination and aptitude required for players to be able to coast through it.
  9. /sarcasm to maximum Those abilities should be usable on demand, but instead of losing 50% health, they lose 99% damage output and all stored rage/focus instead. And while we're at it, take stealth away too, they don't need it.
  10. They are complaining on supply vs demand, which considering the game's been back a couple hours now is going to be wonky for a bit. And the price gougers are going to take full advantage.
  11. And the other to be Dawnguard? I say it in jest, I'm looking forward to seeing how they explain their way out of that mess tomorrow as well.
  12. What they should do is enable the graphics engine to have an option to not render the mount but still gain the benefit of using one in terms of enhanced movement speed. Since this would be controlled client side, it wouldn't matter if everyone on the fleet was using the oversized mounts, because when the player turns off the rendering they will only see the people.
  13. When you complete the class stories for the Empire: The warrior isn't recognized as a Darth like with the Inquisitor because of the last minute changes to the story before launch, you get the title because you basically did the same thing, but the warrior story wasn't about ascending to power as much as the inquisitor story was.
  14. Let's say they allow this, sure you will have former customers posting why they left and what they would like to see changed before they return, but you will also encourage a never ending stream of idiot posts by people who are "in it for the lulz" that flood the forums with trash to the point that the mods just can't swing the banhammer fast enough. (You can't say that won't happen because there are already far to many idiot threads that are deleted/locked daily by the paying customers) As a paying customer, I would rather see Bioware continue it's practice of not allowing non-paying customers to post on their forums. You're entitled to your opinion even though we disagree on it, but until you own the forums Bioware is the one who has the final right to say if we can post it.
  15. Google'd customer intimacy because I was not immediately familiar with the concept: Customer intimacy is a concept from marketing, which describes the ability of a supplier to become accepted and known as the regular partner with its customer. Customer intimacy creates a virtuous circle: the better the supplier knows the customer company with its objectives and difficulties, the better able he is to provide an optimal solution. The more adapted the supplier's product or service is, the happier the customer will be, and the stronger the "intimacy" between the two parties. The above makes sense, when a company is willing to work with its customers to improve the product they will improve relations with those customers. Taken from merriam-webster.com: Definition of CUSTOMER 1: one that purchases a commodity or service Otherwise known as: People who pay for services like, say...a game subscription, this would give them the qualifying factor needed for the company to be willing to listen feedback or complaints: An active sub. If you don't have one of those, don't expect a business whether it's Bioware, Blizzard, Trion, or SOE to feel obligated to listen to people who aren't part of their active playerbase.
  16. You do need to be an appropriate level, but you also need to know how to utilize the mechanics of your class to beat an encounter like this. Yes, I'm telling you to "Learn to Play"...operatives have 3 methods of disruption available to them in a normal fight: interrupt, flashbang grenade, and debilitate. If you don't know when to use these abilities or worse, don't use them at all, you don't deserve to beat the encounter. Stop trying to EZmode the game because you can't make the effort required to win a fight.
  17. This is a very good idea, I hope they will implement it.
  18. I think he means the quest you get after exiting the spaceport on the Republic side, you have to defuse some baradium bombs that the empire are trying to set off. That's a standard planetary arc quest, non-heroic.
  19. If they were to do something like this without tying your LS/DS rating to it I think it would be very interesting to see.
  20. I seriously hope this person is trolling...
  21. Can you be specific about what mobs in particular you are having difficulties with? What class you are? Your companions gear is up to date? I've taken 5 characters through Alderaan and with 1 or 2 exceptions I've had no difficulties to speak of.
  22. Did some research instead of just pulling the answer out of thin air, for the republic you want to pick up the quest Journey to the Belsavis Depths, not sure where Master Bestros is located on the fleet but that's the guy you have to speak with. Other than that, being level 50 is the only requirement for obtaining it.
  23. Or bad discipline, not every defeat is the games fault. On HM our guild has had issues during the berserk phase of over burning the mob so that the swap happens before the rock is thrown. After we realized what was happening we adjusted our strategy and now it's much easier.
  24. There's an npc outside the EV portal that offers the quest.
  25. Obelisk...but never had that issue with being unable to see them, just having them land away from the tank and still kill them.
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