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Posts posted by Vinjar

  1. It can feel you're playing a role not of your choosing when it comes to some of the dialogue options, but the best advice I can give is just to turn off the dark/light side indicator and go with the choice most appropriate to how you envisage your character. Yes there will be times when neither choice feels right for your character, but you know what? you can refuse the quest. That's the neutral option and really there are so many missions in game, that refusing some will not hold your character back one bit.


    And before anyone points out that some relics are dependant on light/dark side points. If that is more important to you than character development, then go ahead and meta game. I manage fine with my matrix shard relic and the PvP relic, neither of which have a moral requirement attached.


    I totally forgot we could turn off the LS/DS indicator and was unaware (probably because I only look at armor) that there are pvp relics. Thanks.

  2. Probably been brought up before but I wish this had been better implemented. I wish there better options when having to make decisions that effect your standing. It seems most of the Dark side choices have you act like a jerk as opposed to making a more diabolical choice. Sometimes I don't want to make either choice but am only given the two options.


    I propose a neutral option. Possibly a neutral faction--Cartel?

  3. Yeah I on my sniper I used Kaliyo for a long time despite being sub-optimal (basically if you wait until you are hit then have the tank taunt them off you instead of having them go in first you buy some extra time for them) by keeping her better geared then I usually worry about doing with a companion and then just using range to obliterate mobs.


    Even with that I found the down time/effectiveness was a lot better just switching to the healing companion by the time my sniper hit low 40's,


    That said, a scoundrel/Operative with a hybrid spec can do quite well with a tank companion (basically just go 11 points into healing for the HoT then the rest into dps tree of choice).


    That is a great idea. Sticking with Kal and I just went hybrid. Appreciate the advice.

  4. Been kinda let down at how Kal started taking a lot of damage by the time we hit Alderaan but now after using Vector, I sorta miss her. Anyway, I got him now and am looking for suggestions from experienced Operatives. Is there that big of a difference in their DPS? Kal is great for keeping aggro even if she is a bit squishy.


    Posting here because the Agent message boards are kinda dead.



  5. I just know I got that black/yellow outfit with the weird helmet (oh wait, the helmets are all weird in TOR) on several of my characters. Reason being: the boots! Though I wear the full set on my Smuggler, and got one for Risha as well, so we look exactly the same.


    That's my favorite set. I hate all the robes and heavy armor, etc for female toons. Right now my Juggernaut wears the Destroyer and my Shadow has the Outlaw set. I pulled the mods and gave them to Theran. Now my Agent will get the Outlaw set and I don't know which of the other two for Kal.

  6. I have had absolutely Zero problems with Windows 8. Been running SWTOR on it all during Win 8 beta and now on the release.


    The OS is faster than 7 and definately should not be compared to Vista. People just have issues with it because they can't figure out the Start Screen. Pro Tip just type in what you are looking for and itll pop up in the search results.


    I had to Google how to shut down the first time I used Windows 8. I apparently failed to realize power is a setting..

  7. It's running fine for me. I upgraded to a new laptop with and just figured it was the better graphics card and more dedicated video RAM. Anyway, it's like a whole new game to me. Planets load a lot faster. Tatooine in particular seemed like it took 5 minutes to load. I'm not exaggerating. Now, under a minute for any load screen.
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