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Posts posted by Vinjar

  1. Wouldnt Jango Fetts armor be coming many years after this time period? I see armor that looks like a predecessor to his suit but nothing exact. I dont think things from the Episode I-VI line should be drug into this period. I think it would look off.


    The movies take place about 3000 years after the game.

  2. Pazaak, dejarik, sabaac..all would be great as mini game or even against other players in the casino on Nar Shaddaa. What a waste that place is. Even a swoop racing hub and as one other person mentioned, maybe a PvE arena.
  3. Must be a national thingy then, since here soldiers CAN salute without cap. They're not allowed to wear their cap indoors, but they are allowed (we gladly don't have those stupid mandatory salutes except during specific events) to salute indoors -> all salutes indoors are capless.

    There are actually even some specific situations described here where a soldier may salute lefthanded instead of righthanded.




    I once got my *** chewed for not saluting an officer on the other side of the street. Gotta love insecure turds like him.

  4. I don't wanna sound like an ******e here, (ok, maybe a bit), but I agree with the OP. And tbh, I've realized one thing. This started AFTER the game went free to play. Many people that don't understand the roles and/or mechanics are now in, because they don't have to pay monthly. And as much as they don't have access to content as much as we do, they still come in, and I seem to find those people most of the time when I'm in LFG. However, I have to point something out: the biggest mistake of most groups imo - trying to skip as much as a FP as possible. This leads to many complications. I've done my fair share of tanking in MMOs tho, and we do get trashed a lot :/


    To end: :rak_03::rak_03: just because I like how it looks :p


    Negative. There have always been bad players be they DPS, Healers, or Tanks. This has been consistent in any MMO. As a tank I have the most ability to control a situation provided the healer keeps me up. I will ALWAYS keep aggro or pull aggro if they somehow pull it. I can always make up for bad DPS.

  5. I didn't read all of the posts so if this has been said, sorry.


    I imagine Bioware/EA chose this F2P model to allow people to play the entire story for free. Think about it. You can play eight different stories free. Yes, yes, the side quests are all the same but the end result is eight stories free.


    War zones, flash points, epic gear is all fluff. One does not need all that to play the class stories. Hundreds of hour of play or level 20 like other games.

  6. I'm in favor of non combat professions. It's too bad that most if not all current MMOs adhere to the combat and level model.


    You'r right. It would bring life to cantinas. Heck, it'd be a valid reason to go the cantina on the Fleet stations.

  7. We go to Makeb.



    Wow, do you really have that much spare time dude? If yes, well, then there is nothing BW can do about it. Surprisingly(!) most people have lives out there; you know things like school, work, friends, families etc...


    Oh and don't get me wrong; I'm not writing these to start a fight with you. But come on and be realistic: Maxing your char slots and doing everything with those toons should reqiure ZERO real life and 24/7 SWTOR. I'm sure there are people like that (and I'm really sorry for them) but I don't want to believe that they're the majority. If so, BW should release new content every 2 weeks and even that wouldn't be enough for those people.


    Having said those things, I also have to say that the social non-fighting part of the game should be worked on a bit more. I shouldn't log onto the game and say "who do we kill today?" all the time. Some actions that don't involve killing would be nice.


    As I said, I'm not trying to start a fight but there are still people enjoing the new content that came with 1,6 unlike those who "consumed" it in just 2 days after its release.



    Pretty much this.


    I don't understand why the casino on Nar Shadda isn't overflowing with games. Obviously Pazaak but I think this would be a good time to develop a Sabaac mini game as well as Derarik. Maybe swoop or pod racing?


    Have the Fleet serve as the hub and forcing people to interact there is weak and lazy. I think making Nar Shadaa the hub would be much better.

  8. We weren't informed there will be no maintenance. They should post it before Christmas and specify the day the next one is gonna be earlier. Sure it's obvious there won't be one on Christmas but we should be told until when it will be postponed.


    Why should we be informed when they are not going to do something. Maintenance is not done on every Tuesday. Bioware usually doesn't post about what they are not going to do unless we were informed otherwise. I mean, come on, really? There are a million things they are NOT going to do. Is it necessary to post about those?


    I don't want to come off as a jerk but I never understand this type of mentality. If you log in and don't download a patch then that's it. Get on with your adventure.

  9. Did you just call a guy selfish just because he was asking if the patch is happening or not during a regular patch day? :rolleyes: I guess someone here has to grow up and stop saying nonsense.

    Christmas. So what? How did it stop them from dedicating 2 minutes of their time to write a yellow post on the matter? You know, to avoid confusion and to prevent threads like this one from happening.



    It's fairly obvious from the fact there was no patch or notification of server maintenance. Posting about is a waste of time and does make the OP look selfish as most of the world does celebrate Christmas today.


    I don't see where there can be confusion. The fact that there is no maintenance today means there is no maintenance today. Easy.

  10. I don't really have a lot of problems with LFG. Sometimes it takes a while as I queue as DPS but not too bad.


    Worst experience I had last night was in Cadameimu. The sorcerer that queued as heals barely healed, he attacked mobs that the tank hadn't focused on and would often pull groups. Needless to say he sucked. I was on my merc and dropped heals on the tank often. At one point he kept me shielded. The terribad healer dropped before the last boss but we got him down after two attempts with just three of us, me healing. It was actually quite fun.

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